>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE     .... Diary   >>> DMA FaceBook

Divine Mercy in my Soul PDF File     A. Diary       BM. Diary (part)

FOOTNOTES .... Diary

FOOTNOTE 148 On one occasion, I saw the convent of the new congregation. [148]   (Diary 765)       751-800  

[148] Probably a vision of the house of the Congregation of the Most Merciful Redeemer at Mysliborz. The community was founded by Father Sopocko after Sister Faustina's death. The Mysliborz sisters conduct the catechesis of children.




>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE  .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) .  footnotes

>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament >Saints >St Peter’s Church


MHII 13/7/13