>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE     .... Diary   >>> DMA FaceBook

Divine Mercy in my Soul PDF File     A. Diary       BM. Diary (part)

FOOTNOTES .... Diary

FOOTNOTE 20 When I entered the chapel, the superiors, the sisters, the students, [20] and even my parents started to hit me with whatever they could (Diary 31)   1-50

[20]  The Community was running homes for morally neglected and "difficult" girls. These were commonly referred to as "students," "wards," or "children." They were sent to the sisters by the Social Service or by parents, and some came of their own accord to do "penance." There were up to 230 girls at the Zytnia house. They were divided into three groups called "classes." The sister in charge of a group was called the "Mother of the Class." The entire description of the vision seems to be a prediction of the difficulties which the Servant of God will face in her work as apostle of The Divine Mercy. It also predicts the final triumph of this work, and herself in it.



>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE  .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) .  footnotes

>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament >Saints >St Peter’s Church


MHII 180613