


[ Introduction ].[ Section 1 ].[ Section 2 ].[ Section 3 ].[ Appendix ]



Section 3:





*310. What does God call

his sons and daughters to do?

God calls his sons and daughters

to grow in holiness+

by imitating++ Jesus Christ,

our Lord, Saviour and Friend.+++

+”Be holy in all that you do, just as God who

called you is holy, as Scripture says: ‘Be holy

because I am holy.’ “ 1 Peter 1:15-16 (see

Leviticus 11:44-45).

“Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is

perfect,” Matthew 5:48. Holiness is the perfection

of grace and charity – see 173-191. Charity must

include justice, hence the Ten Commandments.

++”Be imitators of God, as his beloved children,”

Ephesians 5:1, and see 316.

“I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life. No

one can come to the Father except by me,” John


+++Note that this answer expresses our personal

response to God’s new and everlasting covenant:

see 59, 61, 132, 232-236, 266, 317, 357(4) and

especially 404.




Page 147




*311. Say the Ten Commandments.+

I am the Lord your God.

 (1)   You shall have no other gods

        besides Me.

 (2)   You shall not take

        God’s name in vain.++

 (3)   Remember to keep holy

        the Sabbath Day.+++

 (4)   Honour your father and mother.+++

 (5)   You shall not murder.

 (6)   You shall not commit adultery.

 (7)   You shall not steal.

 (8)   You shall not bear false witness

        against your neighbour.

 (9)   You shall not covet++++

        your neighbour’s wife.

(10) You shall not covet

        your neighbour’s goods.

+See Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 for

the full text. See 62.

++Take in vain: misuse in speech for some evil


+++Only the 3rd and 4th Commandments tell us

directly what to do. All the others tell us what

NOT to do. There are two good reasons for this:

it makes much more clear what is forbidden, and

it emphasises our freedom to do everything else.

Compare the forbidden fruit in the Garden of

Eden, see 48.

++++Covet: have an evil desire for.


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PAGE 149……






















 Another version of the Ten Commandments, in

positive form and with music available on request,

is this:

First, I must honour God

Second, honour his name.

Third, honour his day, keep holy, this will be my


Fourth, I must be obedient.

Fifth, be kind and true.

Sixth, be pure in all I say and see and hear and do.

Seventh, I must be honest.

Eighth, be truthful in all things I say.

Ninth, be pure in mind and heart, in all I think

and desire each day.

Tenth, I must be satisfied, not be jealous, come

what may.

These are God’s Ten Commandments.

These I must obey.




*312. Why should all mankind

keep the Ten Commandments?

All mankind should

keep the Ten Commandments

because they are

“the Maker’s instructions”

for his creature, man.+

+Man is a moral creature, who knows that good

should be done and evil avoided. But he has free

will, to follow the moral law of his human nature

or not. See 37 and 49. Like the natural laws

discovered by science, by which material things

operate, the natural moral law also comes from


Page 150


God the Creator. But the natural laws for bodies

cannot be disobeyed (except by a miracle), whereas

the natural moral laws can be disobeyed, but not

without eternal consequences. See Roman 2:15.



*313. What does God teach us

in the Ten Commandments?

In the Ten Commandments,

God teaches us

our duty+ to himself,

to ourselves and to others.++

+Duty: “what is owing”, “what is fair”, “what is

just”, “being responsible”. The child’s expression,

“It’s not fair!”, means that someone is not doing

their duty. This natural sense of justice is

expressed in the Ten Commandments.

++Note the order of duty: our duty to ourselves is

to save our souls. See footnote on 315A.





*314. Why should Christians

keep the Ten Commandments?

Christians should

keep the Ten Commandments

because God revealed+ them to Moses

and completed them through Jesus Christ.++

+Revealed: made them known. See Revelation in

index. 20th Century scholarship, Biblical,

historical and archeological, has successfully

authenticated the teaching of natural moral law



Page 151

and revealed morality in the books of Moses and

the New Testament. This is a rebuttal of the

liberal Protestant scholarship of the 19th century.

++See Matthew 5:17, Jesus Christ also said: “If

you love me, keep my commandments”, John

14:15; and “If you would enter into eternal life,

keep the commandments”, Matthew 19:17.




*315. How did Jesus Christ

complete the Ten Commandments?

Jesus Christ completed

the Ten Commandments

by the Law of Love.+

+See the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5, 6 and

7. Our Lord demands not only legal justice, but

sensitivity for the feelings of others in words and

actions, and the importance of motives and



*315. + Say the Law of Love.

“You shall love the Lord your God

with all your heart, soul,

mind and strength,

and your neighbour as yourself.”++

+Repeating 100, and see its footnote.

++Luke 10:27-28. Compare Matthew 22:37-40, and

the Old Testament basis: Deuteronomy 6:5 and

Leviticus 19:18. Note the triple love: love God.

love yourself, love your neighbour as yourself (see

313): “love yourself” is only stated implicitly in

“love your neighbour as yourself”, perhaps lest it

make us forget God and neighbour.



Page 152


















What is love?

Love is a free act

of willing what is good

for the one we love. See footnote on 189.


Who is our neighbour?

Our neighbour is all mankind,

especially those in need near us.

See the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke

10:27-37; also Matthew 25:31-46.


*316. What else did Jesus Christ say

about loving one another?

Jesus Christ said+:

“Love one another,

as I have loved you.”

            +John 13:34, 15:12 and 17; also 1 John 2:3-6 and

            all chapter 4.



Page 153





*317. Why do the Ten Commandments

begin: “I am the Lord your God?

The Ten Commandments begin

“I am the Lord your God”

to show God’s right to command us

and our duty to obey him,

the God of the covenant.+

+See Exodus 24:8 and compare the New

Testament: Matthew 26:28 and the Last Supper

Discourse, John 13-17. See 59, 61, 132, 232-236.

266, 310, 357(4) and 404.





















Page 154






*318. What are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Commandments about/

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Commandments

are about our duty to God

in thoughts+, words and actions.

            +Thoughts: beliefs, attitudes, intentions about

            God, summed up in worship.




*319. What is the 1st Commandment?

The 1st Commandment is:-

“You shall have no other gods

besides Me.”



*320. What does God command us

in the 1st Commandment?

In the 1st Commandment,

God commands us

to worship him alone.



Page 155



*321. What did Jesus Christ say

about the worship of God?

Jesus Christ said:-

“You shall worship the Lord your God

and serve him alone.’+

            +See the context, his temptation, Matthew 4:10.

            Also Matthew 22:37-40.



*321A. + What is worship?

Worship is the adoration of God

that comes from the creature’s

awe and wonder before the Holy One.

            +Repeating 12, and see its very important



*321B. + How do we worship God?

We worship God

by prayer, sacrifice and a holy life.

            +Repeating 13, see its footnote.



*321C. + What is prayer?

Prayer is the raising

of our minds and hearts to God.

            +repeating 89. revise 88-97.


*321D. + Why should we pray to God?

We should pray to God

to adore and thank him,



Page 156


to ask for all our needs

and to be sorry for our sins.

+Repeating 92.




*322. Should we also pray

to angels and saints?

We should also pray

to angels and saints

as holy friends,+

asking them to pray for us to God.

+Just as we ask our friends on earth to pray for

us. We do not give the angels and saints that

worship or adoration which is due to God alone.

Rather, we give them veneration. Some hymns use

the word “worship” somewhat loosely, just as

Your Worship and My Lord are used for judges

and bishops, and not meant to take from the

status of God.


*323. For which angels and saints

should we have special devotion?

We should have special devotion+

For our Lady, our Guardian Angel

And our patron saints.++

+Praying to them, and so through them to God,

and imitating their example through a knowledge

of their activities – in the case of the saints, what

they did on earth, in the case of the angels, what

they do in Heaven and how it affects us on earth.

++Patron saints are one we are named after, or on

whose feast day we were born, or ones we have

adopted as our patrons.


Page 157


*324. Why do we show respect

to the crucifix and statues?

We show respect

to the crucifix and statues+

to remind us of Jesus Christ

and his angels and saints

and to help us to pray.

            +Such images are not idols: compare Exodus 20:4

            with 15:18.



*324A.+ What is a sacrifice?

A sacrifice is an offering

of a gift to God by a priest

on behalf of worshippers.

            +Repeating 126-136.


*324B. + Why does Jesus Christ

give us a sacrifice to offer?

Jesus Christ gives us a Sacrifice to offer

because our human nature

needs a visible sacrifice

for our worship of God.

            +Repeating 259. Jesus Christ’s perfect sacrifice is

            the Mass revise 247-269.



*325. What is a holy life?

A holy life is living in sanctifying grace,

Faith, Hope and Charity,

obedience to God’s Will,

and accepting suffering and self-denial.+

Page 158

+See 175, 179 and 191. Grace produces good

works, and good works in their turn gain us

further grace. See 13 and footnote.


*326. Why does Jesus Christ ask us

to accept suffering and practise self-denial?

Jesus Christ asks us

to accept suffering and practise self-denial

to make up for sins

and to take part in our own

and the world’s salvation.+

+”If anyone would come after me, let him take up

his cross and follow me”. Matthew 16:24-27 (also

11:28-30). “I rejoice in my sufferings for your

sake, and in my flesh I make up what is lacking in

the sufferings of Christ, for the sake of his body,

which is the Church”, Colossians 1:24. See also 2

Timothy 3:12; Galatians 5:24; 1 Peter 4:13-19. See

213, 260, 282 and 283 and footnote. The

teenagers’ suffering of being misunderstood is

something our Lord understands completely. He

never gave in to self-pity, which often spoils our

own offering of suffering. See 118.



*327. What does God forbid

in the 1st Commandment?

In the 1st Commandment,

God forbids idolatry, superstition,

sacrilege, simony++,

and sins against

and sins against

Faith, Hope and Charity.+++

+Superstition is a corruption of religion by trusting

to charms, omens, chain letters, dreams; believing

Page 159

in fortune tellers, astrology, tarot cards, writing

curses; or dealing with the spirits of the dead by

ouija boards, séances, and worst of all, witchcraft

and dealing with the Devil.

++Simony is buying or selling holy things for

money -  named after Simon Magus, in Acts 8;9-24.

+++Revise 181-190.


*328. What is idolatry?

Idolatry is the worship+ of creatures

instead of the Creator.

Such false gods are:-

idols, money, pleasure, power,

myself++ or Satan.

+Worship: by setting our hearts on them, putting

our trust in them and loving them above all things.

++By sins of pride, like that of Lucifer (see 35) or

Adam and eve (see 52).


*329. What is sacrilege?

Sacrilege is the serious abuse+

Of holy persons, places or things.++

+That is, grave misuse.

++Such as murdering a priest, vandalism of a

Church, or receiving the Sacraments of the

Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage or Holy Orders

while in a state of mortal sin (see 267 and Footnote).



*330. What are sins against Faith?

Sin against Faith are

doubt, ignorance and false belief.+




Page 160

+If doubt, ignorance and false belief are not

deliberate and blameworthy, then they are not sins

(see 2020. “A thousand difficulties do not make

one doubt.” Said Cardinal Newman. But not

trying to learn what god has taught, not accepting

that there are mysteries beyond our understanding,

or proudly believing false doctrines, are sins

against Faith. See the Appendix, page 206, for

False Beliefs. Revise faith, 181-187.


*331. When must we openly declare

our Catholic Faith?

We must openly declare our Catholic Faith

when God’s honour

or the spiritual good of ourselves

or others requires it.+

            +See Matthew 5:10-11; 10:32-33.



*332. What are sins against Hope?

Sins against Hope+ are

Presumption and despair.

            +Revise 188.


*333. What is presumption?

Presumption is to expect salvation+

without using the means++ of grace.

+It is presumption to believe in salvation by faith

alone without charity and good works.

++See 175.


*334. What is despair?

Despair is loss of hope

in God and his grace.


Page 161


*335. What sins are against Charity?

All sins are against Charity,

especially sins of hatred+ against God,

against ourselves or others++,

and failure to practise Charity.

+Hatred comes from pride, anger and envy in the

Seven Deadly Sins. Revise Charity, 189.

++See 313 and 315 and footnote.






*336. What is the 2nd Commandment?

The 2nd Commandment is:-

“You shall not take+

God’s name in vain.”

            +”Take in vain” means to misuse in speech for

            some evil purpose.



*337. What does God command us

in the 2nd Commandment?

In the 2nd Commandment,

God commands us

to speak of him and a holy things

with respect,+

and to keep oaths and vows.

+See ‘Heart Speak to Heart”, the Divine Praises,

No. 166. Remember to bow the head at the Holy

Name of Jesus, see 66.



Page 162


*338. What did Jesus Christ say

about God’s name?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“Hallowed be thy name.”

+Matthew 6:9. God’s name stands for the personal

God. “Hallowed” means blessed, glorified and

Recognized as holy (see 10 and footnote) by worship.



*339. What is an oath?

An oath is the calling on God

to witness that what we say is true

or that we will do what we promise.+

+As in a court of law: “Do you promise to tell the

truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,

so help you God?” “I do.”



*340. What is a vow?

A vow is a promise to God

binding under sin,

to do something

especially+ pleasing to him.

+Such as the Religious Vows of chastity, obedience

and poverty. See 164.



*341. What does God forbid

in the 2nd Commandment?

In the 2nd Commandment,

God forbids blasphemy,

Perjury and profanity.+


Page 163

+Profanity is the irreverent use of God’s name or

the Holy Name of Jesus. Bad habits in this regard

need to be resisted strenuously. See “Heart Speaks

to Heart”. No. 168, for the Holy Name Pledge.


*342. What is blasphemy?

Blasphemy is cursing God+

or holy things.

+Our Lord Jesus Christ was accused of blasphemy

for claiming equality with God, see Mark

14:61-64. Cursing also means calling on God to

harm some person, place or thing – a serious

matter, see James 3:8-9.


*343. What is perjury?

Perjury is the taking of a false oath

or the breaking of a true one.





*344. What is the 3rd Commandment?

The 3rd Commandment is:-

“Remember to keep holy

the Sabbath Day.”+

Sabbath means “rest”, not “seventh”. The rest

Day was kept by the Jews on the seventh day of

The week, Saturday, to remember how the Creator

“rested” after the six days of creation (Genesis

2:2-3), and to imitate his rest by not working and

to keep the day sacred by worship. Compare

Exodus 20:11 with Deuteronomy 5:15, where the

Latter links the Sabbath to the Exodus from Egypt.,



Page 164


*345. What does God command us

in the 3rd Commandment?

In the 3rd Commandment,

God+ commands us

to give him public worship

each week on the Lord’s Day.

+Only in the 3rd Commandment does God give

details over and above the natural moral law (see

311 and 312 and footnotes), and only in this detail

has the Church made a change, by Christ’s

authority. See 347.



*346. What did Jesus Christ say

about the Lord’s Day?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“The Sabbath was made for man,

not man for the Sabbath,

and the Son of Man is Lord

even of the Sabbath.”

            +Mark 2:27-28.



*347. Why has the Church

made Sunday our weekly holy day?

The Church has made Sunday

our weekly holy day

because Jesus Christ rose from the dead

on Easter Sunday.+

+See Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2. Sunday is the

first day of the week, the day on which the light

was created (Genesis 1:3-5) and also the day on

which the Holy Spirit came in power. See “Heart

Speaks to Heart”, No. 50.                                           Page 165

*348. What should Catholics

do on Sundays?

On Sundays, Catholic should

worship God by the Sacrifice of the Mass+

and enjoy recreation from work.++

+Worship should be the first priority, not to be

got out of the way as quickly as possible or just

squeezed in as a left-over activity. The Vigil Mass

on Saturday night lets us put the Mass first in

time; the early morning Mass makes it the first

activity on rising from sleep; the late morning

Mass makes it the central act of the day; the

Sunday evening Mass makes it a climax of Sunday

and a remembrance of John 20:19 and Luke

24:28-30. For the Sunday obligation, see 357(1).

++Recreation means re-creating our lives. God

meant Sunday to be enjoyed and workers to be

protected from exploitation, whether from others

or themselves. Our word “holiday” comes from

“holyday”, showing the recreational aspect.

Works of mercy are especially appropriate on

Sundays: see Matthew 12:10-12 and “Heart Speaks

to Heart”, Nos. 94-95.



*349. What does God forbid

in the 3rd Commandment?

In 3rd Commandment,

God forbids

the missing of weekly worship+

and continuing weekday work

without necessity.

            +See 357(1).



Page 166






*350. What does the 4th Commandment


The 4th Commandment introduces

The last seven Commandments.

By keeping it, we learn out duty

Towards human life, marriage and property.





*351.What is the 4th Commandment?

The 4th Commandment is:-

Honour your father and mother.’



*352. What does God command us

in the 4th Commandment?

In the 4th Commandment,

God commands us

to love, respect, obey+ and care for

our parents and to do our duty.++



Page 167


+To obey in all that is not sinful. When we are

grown up, it is a matter of caring for parents in

their old age, not of obeying them as we did when

children, See Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:18-21.

++Under this commandment are grouped parents’

duties to their children, children’s duties to

teachers at school, the duties of Catholics to the

Church, of citizens to their country and of each

Person to the duties of his or her vocation in life.



*353. What did Jesus Christ say

about our duties to others?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“Do to others

what you would like them

to do to you.”

+Matthew 7:12. This is called the GOLDEN RULE

and is accepted by all religions. Note that Jesus

Christ repeated the exact wording of the 4th

Commandment in Matthew 19:19.



*354. What are parents’ duties

to their children?

Parents’ duties to their children

are to live them by providing

food and clothing, home++ and discipline,

religion and education.

+For the Laws of the Church on Marriage and

Family, see 357(6).

++A home is a community of love, where the first

duty of parents to their children is that parents

love each other, teaching by example.

Page 168



*355. Whose love do Christian parents

imitate in their family life?

In their family life, Christian parents

imitate the love

between the Three Divine Persons,+

between Christ and his Church++

and of Mary and Joseph for Jesus.+++

+See 146.

++See 152, 298-199/

+++See 77.









*356. To whom else

do we have a family duty?

We have a family duty

to the Catholic Church+

and our country.++

to love, respect,

obey and care for them.+++

+”Mother Church” and her authority: see

Hebrews 13:17.

++”Fatherland”, “Motherland”, and its authority:

1 Peter 2:13-17. Patriotism is part of the 4th


+++See “Heart Speaks to Heart”, Nos.168: “I

pledge my support to all lawful authority, both

civil and religious…”


Page 169


*357. What are the chief Laws

of the Church?

The chief Laws of the Church

are about Sunday Mass,

Friday self-denial,

Easter Confession and Communion,


and the support of the priests.





(1) Catholics must take part (see 264 and footnote) in the

offering of Mass every Sunday and on the four holidays of’

obligation    (in   Malaysia)    :    Christmas,     Ascension,

Assumption, All Saints’ Day.     They are

excused by sickness, care of the sick, distance and

unavoidable work. They are encouraged to take part in

weekday Mass, especially on days of special devotion:

Ash Wednesday, all of Lent, Holy Thursday, the Good

Friday ceremony, All Souls’ Day, and in Advent.

(2) Catholics must practise self-denial on Fridays, either

by abstinence from flesh meat or some other penance of

their own choosing. This binds those aged 14 years and

over. Other self-imposed penances are encouraged.

perhaps after guidance from a confessor, (see 282 and

326). Special rules apply in Lent: fasting from food on

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday for those aged 21 years

and not yet 59 years, and compulsory abstinence from

meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday for those 14

years and over. In Lent, all are exhorted to perform

voluntary penances. For the Law of Fasting before Holy

Communion, see 267(3)



Page 170

(3) Catholics must confess their sins at least once a year,

if in mortal sin. They are encouraged to receive the

Sacrament of Penance frequently, so as to avoid mortal

sin, to grow in grace and virtue, and to be properly

prepared for frequent Holy Communion.

(4) Catholic must receive Holy Communion for Easter,

at least between Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday, and

when in danger of death (see 290). They are encouraged

to receive frequently after careful preparation, and to

make Holy Week and the Easter Vigil the climax of their

Christian life, a time of new commitment in their

Personal covenant with God (see 404).

(5) Catholics must contribute to the support of their

pastors – at least, those earning regular wages should

contribute to the first collection on Sundays, and to the

Christmas and Easter Dues, and make a donation (called

a stole fee) at Baptisms and Marriages. They are exhorted

to give to their Parish, to Catholic Schools, Missions and

other Charitable works in direct giving envelopes and

other special collections.

(6) Catholics must marry before the priest and two

witnesses, have their children baptized in the Catholic

Church and give them a Catholic upbringing. They are

Strongly encouraged to marry a Catholic, to have a

Nuptial Mass, to send their children to Catholic Schools,

to have family prayers, especially the Rosary, and Bible

Reading. All are exhorted to receive Confirmation, to

practise the lay apostolate (see 157), to promote the

ecumenical movement and the conversion of others to


NOTE: These Laws of the Church are determined for

each country by its National Conference of Bishops.

They are an application of the Church’s Code of Canon

Law, hence there will be some variation from one

Country to another. They bind both laity and priests to

The same or related obligations.


A SERIOUS OBLIGATION – see 203 and footnote.

Page 171


*358. What is our duty

to our country?

Our duty to our country

is to obey lawful authority+

and to work for a society

based on truth, justice++ and love.

+”Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s,

and to God the things that are God’s”, Matthew

22:21. Authority becomes unlawful if it conflicts

with God’s Laws. Civil duties include paying

taxes, defending the country in a just war, voting

in elections, etc., See Titus 3:1.

++Justice includes all basic human rights: the right

to life (hence adoption, not abortion),the right to

marry and have a family, the right to own private

property, the right to work and to a living wage,

the right to found and join unions and political

parties and to take corporate action consistent

with the rights of others, the right to education

chosen by parents.

Christians should join with others of goodwill in

The building of a better world: for the recognition

of duty to God, to the underprivileged in God’s

human family, the starving, sick and homeless,

including those in needier countries. Love means

the brotherhood of mankind under the Fatherhood

of God. See the Appendix on Lay Apostolate. Page 200.



*359. What does God forbid

in the 4th Commandment?

In the 4th Commandment,

God forbids disobedience

and any neglect of duty to others

or of our vocation in life.                                        Page 172










*360. What are the 5th, 6th and 7th

Commandments about?

The 5th, 6th and 7th Commandments

are about our duties

to ourselves and others

in actions concerning

human life, marriage and property.






*361. What is the 5th Commandments?

The 5th Commandment is:-

“You shall not murder”.+

            +Murder is the unjust killing of a human being.



Page 173



*362. What does God command us

in the 5th Commandment?

In the 5th Commandment,

God commands us

to respect human life and health

by care and kindness.+

            +See the Appendix, page 200.



*363. What did Jesus Christ say

about our enemies?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“Love your enemies and pray for those

who persecute you.”

+Matthew 5:44 (also verses 23-24). Jesus Christ

repeated the exact wording of the 5th

Commandment in Matthew 19:18.



*364. What does God forbid

in the 5th Commandment?

In the 5th Commandment,

God forbids murder+ and injury,

hatred++ and anger,

getting drunk or drugged,+++

and leading others into sin.++++

+Murder includes abortion, euthanasia, suicide and

war crimes.

++Hatred, see 1 John 3:15, and anger, see Matthew

5:22. These include revenge, religious bigotry,

racism, class warfare. Hatred and anger can also

be sins of thought, without words or deeds. Anger

includes resentment and harbouring bitterness.

+++Drunkenness and drugs are wrong because(1)     Page 174

they destroy our self-control over our thoughts,

words and actions, and are thus an escape from

the responsibility of free will: (2) they risk injury

to others, as when driving under the influence of

alcohol or marihuana; and (3) they injure bodily

health. Reason (1) is an important moral reason

almost completely neglected in the discussion on

this subject.

++++Leading others into sin is called scandal (see

Matthew 18:7). It is “spiritual murder” of the life

of grace in the soul, hence our Lord called Satan a

murderer, John 8:44. In a lesser degree it includes

all bad example.



*365. What is restitution

for sins against the 5th Commandment?

Restitution is our duty++

of repairing the damage done

to those we have injured.

+Restitution: making up for the damage done.

++Sins against the 5th Commandment can only be

forgiven if there is a sincere intention of making

whatever restitution is possible, e.g., kindness for

anger, hospital bills for grievous bodily harm, etc.

Restitution may also be owing to dependents. See 385.



*366. When is it right to kill?

It is right to kill+ an aggressor

in self-defence,

to protect the life of the innocent

and in defence of one’s country.

+This killing is not murder, but love for one’s

innocent neighbour or legitimate self-love. See 358

for just war.

Page 175


*367. What did Jesus Christ say

about giving our lives for others?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“No one can have grater love

than to lay down his life

for his friends.”

+John 15:13. He said this about himself. Also

soldiers in a just war are said to have paid the

supreme sacrifice. It would not be worth living if

there were not things worth dying for: “Better Red

than dead” said Bertrand Russell about

surrendering to Communism; “Better dead than a

scoundrel”, was Solzhenitzyn’s reply.



*368. Do we have a duty about animals?

We have a duty to ourselves

to avoid cruelty to animals

because God has made us their masters.+

+Animals do not have a “right to life” because

they are not persons with spiritual souls. If they

were, we could not kill them in order to eat them.

See 40.



Revise the Sacrament of Marriage, 296-304, before

Beginning this section.



*369. What is the 6th Commandment?

The 6th Commandment is:-

“You shall cot commit adultery.”


Page 176


*370. What does God command us

in the 6th Commandment?

In the 6th Commandment,

God commands us

to respect marriage

by being pure+

in looks, words and actions.

+Being pure, or purity, is also called chastity.

Don’t confuse with charity. See “Heart Speaks to

Heart’, No. 143.



*371. What did Jesus Christ say

about marriage?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“What God has joined,

men must not divide.”

+Mark 10:9. Not only are adultery and divorce

forbidden, but so also is fornication, because they

should have been “joined by God”. Jesus Christ

repeated the exact wording of the 6th

Commandment in Matthew 19:18.


The 6th Commandment can be explained to younger

children without details on human sexuality. Adultery is

being a traitor to one’s true wife or husband by going off

with another partner and acting as if one were married to

that other person. In this sense, purity means the control

of thoughts, looks, words and actions so that husband

and wife will be loyal and loving to each other. This will

suffice for the essential (*) questions, 369, 370 and 377.


372-376 and 378, PARENTS SHOULD READ THE


Page 177


*372. What is purity for married people?

Purity for married people

is using their sexual powers

to show their special love for each other

and, if God so wills, to have children.+

+See Genesis 1:27-28; 2:18, 24; Hebrews 13:4

Both purposes of marriage are given their proper

Recognition. The primary purpose of marriage,

Namely children, will not always be the first purpose

In the minds of a married couple.


*373. What is purity for single people?

Purity for single people

is spiritual growth

in manhood or womanhood

by self-control+

and not using one’s sexual powers.

+Self-control requires self-restraint and self-denial.

It brings a wholeness (and wholesomeness) to their

characters and develops the dignity of their

masculinity and femininity. This is called integrity,

or “purity of heart”,. See Matthew 5:8. Self-

control and purity of heart are, of course, also

required for married people.


*374. Why is purity

a preparation for marriage?

Purity is a preparation for marriage

because people trying to practise purity

have a special love+

to offer to each other.   

            +See “Heart Speaks to Heart”. No. 144.


Page 178


*375. How do we preserve our purity,

whether married or single?

We preserve our purity by modesty+,

prayer++ and self-denial,

sensible recreations

and belief in God’s plan

of human sexuality.

+See 396. This includes the avoiding of all

occasions of sin.

++Prayer in the general sense including devotion to

Jesus and Mary, regular and well-prepared

Confessions and Communions.

*376. Why is consecrated virginity+

even more noble than marriage?

Consecrated virginity

is even more noble than marriage

because it is a spiritual marriage

with God.++

+Virginity means not using the sexual powers.

++All should humbly accept that God calls people

to various vocations in life, because all are needed

and they depend on each other. In particular

individuals, of course, it is quite possible for

holiness had charity to be nobler in married

people. See Matthew 19:10-12; 1 Corinthians 7:7;

and “Heart Speaks to Heart”, No. 147. See 164

and footnote for virginity as a consecration to

God, and 294 footnote.


*377. What does God forbid

in the 6th Commandment?

In the 6th Commandment,

God forbids adultery+ and fornication++,

and all impure+++ looks, words and actions

Page 179

+Adultery is sexual intercourse between man and

woman when one or both are already married to

someone else. It is an injustice to their true

partner(s) and a direct breaking of their marriage vows.

++Fornication is sexual intercourse between an

unmarried man and woman. See Matthew 15:19. It

is still fornication if they intend to get married or

are engaged (pre-marital sex), or if they are living

together in a so-called trial marriage.

+++Impurity is also called lust, one of the Seven

Deadly Sins. Impurity means letting the sexual

powers of the body control our conduct, or using

them in some way against God’s plan. Impure

actions which misuse the sexual powers are

contraception, self-abuse (masturbation) and



*378. Why does Jesus Christ

forbid divorce and re-marriage?

Jesus Christ forbids

divorce and re-marriage

because it is adultery+

and damaging to family life.

+See Mark 10:1-12. In special circumstances, the

Church permits a civil divorce for the sake of

Legally settling the custody of children and

Property, regarding it as a separation, but without

Any right to re-marry. “Till death do us part”, see

296 and 298 and footnotes. The Church’s

Marriage Court (each Diocese has one) investigates

marriages that have broken down, and sometimes

discovers that no real marriage existed because of

defects at the time of the ceremony. It then grants

an annulment. There are also dissolutions: the

Pauline and Petrine privileges concerning non-


Page 180


sacramental marriages (see 1 Corinthians 7:15 and

Matthew 16:19) and for non-consummation. It is

very important that Christians do not make rash

judgements about their neighbour’s state of soul in

these matters, but leave judgement to God.





*379. What is the 7th Commandment?

In the 7th Commandment is

“You shall not steal.



*380. What does God Command us

in the 7th Commandment?

In the 7th Commandment,

God commands us

to respect the property of others

by being honest.



*381. What did Jesus Christ say

about being generous

with our property?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“It is more blessed to give

than to receive.

+Acts 20:35, quoting a saying of our Lord not

recorded in the written Gospels. Jesus Christ

repeated the exact wording of the 7th

Commandment in Matthew 19:18.



Page 181

















*382. How should

the earth’s resources+

and public property be used?

The earth’s resources

and public property

should be used and preserved

as a loan held in trust

from God and society.

+The natural resources of the earth, including air,

water, animals, trees, etc. See 16 and 368.


*383. What are the duties

of employers and employees?

The duties of employers

are to provide proper wages and conditions,

and of employees

to do honest work.



Page 182


*384. What does God forbid

in the 7th Commandment?

In the 7th Commandment,

God forbids stealing,+

vandalism, cheating,

not paying debts,

loafing at work++

and not paying proper wages.+++

+Stealing: from individuals, shops, business, the

government. However, if someone is starving, it is

not stealing to take food to support life, because

its owner is bound in justice to give it to save life.

++Work: for children, means school and


+++See James 5:4.








*385. What is restitution

for sins against the 7th Commandment?

Restitution+ is our duty

of returning to others

what has been stolen

or unjustly++ kept.

+Restitution: giving back what was taken. As for

365, sins against the 7th Commandment can only

be forgiven if there is a sincere intention of

making whatever restitution is possible.



Page 183










*386. What are the 8th, 9th and 10th

Commandment about?

The 8th, 9th and 10th Commandments

are about our duties

to ourselves and others

in words,

in thoughts+ about marriage

and in thoughts+ about property.

            +Thoughts: particularly intentions and desires.




*387. What is the 8th Commandment?

The 8th Commandment is:-

“You shall not bear false witness

against your neighbour.”



Page 184


*388. What does God command us

in the 8th Commandment?

In the 8th Commandment,

God commands us

to respect the reputation of others

by being truthful and kind+ in speech.

+Kind: to interpret our neighbour’s conduct in the

best possible way, and to be silent if nothing kind

can be said.


*389. What did Jesus Christ say

about being a witness to the truth?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“I have come into this world

to bear witness to the truth.”

+John 18:37; also 8:32. This reminds the lay

apostle that is truthfulness in ordinary matters is

a powerful support for his witness to religious

truth. Jesus Christ repeated the exact wording of

the 8th Commandment in Matthew 19:18.


*390. What does God forbid

in the 8th Commandment?

In the 8th Commandment,

God forbids lies+ and rash judgements,++

Calumny and detraction.

+Lies made in the name of God are perjury, see

341 and 343. Breaking promises and telling secrets

are also lies in retrospect.

++Rash judgements can be in words or thoughts,

and includes insults. See Matthew 7:1; 12:36-37;

James 3:1-12.


Page 185

*391. What is calumny?

Calumny is a lie

which injures or destroys

another’s reputation.

            +Calumny is also called slander.

 *392. What is detraction?

Detraction is telling the truth

about another’s faults

without necessity.



*392A.+ What is restitution

for sins against the 8th Commandment?

Restitution++ is our duty

of repairing the damage done

to those we have injured.

+Repeating 365. see also 385.

++Sins against the 8th Commandment can only be

forgiven if there is a sincere intention of making

whatever restitution is possible, e.g., admitting the

truth and apologizing for lies of calumny, or

perhaps leveling up detraction with praise for

whatever has been good.




*393. What is the 9th Commandment?

The 9th Commandment is:-

“You shall not cover+

your neighbour’s wife.”++

+Covet: have an evil desire for, out of lust.

++”You shall not covet your neighbour’s

husband” is understood.

Page 186



*394. What does God command us

in the 9th Commandment?

In the 9th Commandment,

God command us

to respect marriage

by being pure in thoughts

and by modesty.



*395. What did Jesus Christ say

about impure thoughts?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“Everyone who looks at a woman lustfully

has already committed adultery with her

in his heart.”

            +Matthew 5:28.



*396. What is modesty?

Modesty+ is having proper respect

for ourselves and for others,

for our bodies,

and for our own and the opposite sex.

+Modesty is the foundation for both purity and

humility: see “Heart Speaks to Heart”, No. 142.

It is an attitude of mind expressed in dress,

posture, conversation, looks, touches, and

particularly as these things affect others. Because

of original sin, modesty normally requires us to

wear clothes, out of consideration for the feelings

of others and respect for ourselves. Modesty sets



Page 187

up outer defences for purity in thought, look,

word and action, and so avoids all occasions of sin

against purity. The outward expressions of

modesty are relative to culture and circumstances,

but the inner attitudes are absolute: we must

always have respect for ourself and our body, for

others, and for our own and the opposite sex.



*397. What does God forbid

in the 9th Commandment?

In the 9th Commandment,

God forbids

deliberate+ impure thoughts

and immodest TV-viewing,

books, pictures, amusements,

dress and behaviour.

+Some impure thoughts are not deliberate. These

are due to our fallen nature: the special privilege

of self-control granted to Adam and Eve (see 46,

53 and 54) was not restored with grace. As long as

impure thoughts are resisted and no pleasure is

taken in them there is no sin. They are best

combated by decent reading, restricted TV,

viewing and wholesome recreations.




*398. What is the 10th Commandment?

The 10th Commandment is:-

“You shall not covet+

your neighbour’s goods.”

            +Covet: have an evil desire for, our of envy, greed

            and discontent.

Page 188



*399. What does God command us

in the 10th Commandment?

In the 10th Commandment,

God commands as

to be at peace within ourselves

about our own and other’s property.+

            +See Matthew 6:25-34; Hebrews 13:5.





*400. What did Jesus Christ say

about not being greedy?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“Beware of being greedy,

for a man’s life does not consist

in his riches and possessions.”

            +Luke 12:15.




*401. What does God forbid

in the 10th Commandment?

In the 10th Commandment,

God forbids envy,+

greed++ and discontent.

+See 51.

++Greed is also called covetousness and avarice.

See Colossians 3:5; James 4:2. Read the history of

Naboth’s Vineyard, I Kings 21:1-29, for one sin

Leading to another, starting with greed and envy.



Page 189


*402. What did Jesus Christ say

about the sins of the heart?

Jesus Christ said+:-

“Out of the heart come evil thoughts:

murder, adultery, fornication,

theft, false-witness, slander.”

            +Matthew 15:19. Also Colossians 3:5.



*403. What is moral cowardice?

Moral cowardice+ is being afraid

to do what is right

because of what others say or think.

+Moral cowardice is also known as peer group

pressure, and afflicts most of us in some shape or

form from childhood onwards. It is also known as

“human respect”, not the respect of modesty (see

396), but that false respect for other when they are

evil, see 267(2) footnote. Note how St. Paul

accused St. Peter of it, see Galatians 2:11-14,

though possible St. Peter was only being prudent

and St, Paul was making rash judgements!













Page 190




*404. On your honour,

what do you promise God?

On my honour,

I promise that I will do my best

to be God’s glory-giver:-

a son/daughter of the Father,

a cross-bearer with Jesus Christ,

my Saviour and Friend,

with the Holy Spirit

as my Helper and Guide.

I reject Satan, sin and selfishness.

I will be a child of Mary and the Church,

a Good Samaritan to my neighbour

and (faithful to the duties

of my vocation in life

to which it has pleased God to call me.

+”What does God require of us?

That we act justly, love as he does

and walk humbly with our God!”, Micah 6:8

“Fill your lives with whatever is true,

honourable, right and just,

good, pure, beautiful, noble,

whatever is excellent and worthy of praise”,

Philippians 4:8-9 (see also Galatians 5:22-23).

“We are God’s workmanship.

God’s work of art,

created in Christ Jesus for good works”.

Ephesians 2:10. See Covenant in the index. On

Knowing our vocation in  life, see “Heart Speaks to

Heart”, No. 130, and the Appendix, page 203.


Page 191








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