89.  Two disciples encounter the risen Lord


That same day two disciples were on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus. As they walked they spoke about everything they had just lived through in Jerusalem. Then Jesus came and joined them. But the two disciples did not recognised him. He asked them: What are you talking about? Full of sadness, the two disciples halted. One of them, Cleopas, asked: Are you really unaware of what has happened in Jerusalem? The stranger replied: What do you mean?


The two disciples gave their account: We are talking about Jesus of Nazareth. He was a prophet. He preached and worked in a mighty way before God and men. He was condemned to death and executed. We had hoped that he was the Redeemer. And now it is the third day since all this happened. Early this morning, a few women from the circle of his disciples went to the tomb. They did not find his body. They claim they saw an angel and that this messenger of God told them that Jesus was alive. After this a few disciples went to the tomb. They found everything just as the women had said. But they did not see Jesus himself.


At this the stranger said to the two disciples: Do you not understand what is happening? Do you not have any trust in the words of the prophets? The Messiah had to suffer all this so that God might give him honour, power and life? And he explained to them what was written in Holy Scripture about the Messiah. Finally the three wanderers arrived at the village of Emmaus. Jesus turned around as if he wanted to go on. But the two disciples insisted: Stay with us! It will soon be evening. The day is coming to an end.


Jesus accompanied them into the house and remained with them. Later, as he was sitting with them at the table, he took the bread. He said the prayer of praise, broke the bread and gave it to them. At that moment their eyes were opened and they recognised the Lord. But then they saw him no more. The two disciples said to one another: Were not our hearts burning within us as he explained to us the meaning of God’s Word?


That same night the two disciples set out and returned to Jerusalem. There the eleven apostles were gathered with many disciples. They said to the two disciples: It is true! The Lord is risen! He has appeared to Peter. Thereupon the two disciples described what they had experienced along the road to Emmaus and how they had recognised Jesus when he broke the bread for them.


(Lk 24, 13-35)