Part II



In India, Confirmation is usually given 5-6 years after the child has made his/her first Holy Communion. Devout and lay people from the parish should be chosen to prepare the children. The children should be divided into small groups of eight to ten, preferably girls and boys separately. Each group should have its own teacher. These lay teachers should be trained beforehand by the priest in charge. The lessons that follow should be explained in detail. The priest, using his creativity, could show teachers different ways of presenting the lesson. Stories, songs, film-strips, discussions, charts, scrap books could be used as aids to getting the lesson across. What I here give are just the main points. If three classes are taken  a week, the preparation will entail a full month, to include a prayer service and a rehearsal of the main day.


It would be good to check whether the children know the Ten Commandments, the Commandments of the Church, and their usual prayers like Our Father, Hail Mary, I Believe, the Act of Faith, Hope, Charity and above all, the Act of Contrition, which might go something like this…. “O God, my Father, You are goodness and love. I have done wrong to You and my neighbour. I am sorry. Please forgive me, Help me, with your grace, never to turn away from You. May Your Spirit make me live as Your loving child.” This too could be simplified for smaller children.


Two or three days before the celebration of the Sacrament, there should be a rehearsal of the entire service. The order and the places should be fixed and not changed after this. All the actions of bowing, standing, sitting, answering the prayers, singing, etc., should be gone through on that day. The teachers who have helped prepare the children should also be present for the rehearsal. The slips with the names of the children should be arranged on this day in accordance with the seating arrangement of the children, to avoid confusion. The ceremony, starting with a procession, with the Bishop and the servers behind, is recommended.


The parents need to be actively involved in the confirmation of their children. They need to know their responsibilities and duties. Hence it would be good to have at least two or three sessions with the parents, taken by the priest in charge. The same lessons grouped together could be given to them in an adult way. They should be reminded that their responsibilities to bring up their child in Christian maturity continues and does not end with Baptism.


The preparation of the children could end by making each child write out his/her intention and desire to be confirmed. This should be in his/her own way and in their own words. This will enable the child to appreciate more deeply the gift which God is about to give him/her.




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