

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj







1:1 犹大王约堂、阿哈次和希则克雅年间,上主的话传给摩勒舍特人米该亚;以下是他关于撒马黎雅和耶路撒冷所见的圣视:

1:3 看,上主已离开自己的居所下降,踏着大地高处前行。
1:4 在他脚下,诸山销镕,诸谷分裂,有如蜡在火前,有如冰泻斜坡。
1:5 这一切都是因为雅各伯的邪恶,犹大家的罪过。雅各伯的邪恶是什么﹖不就是撒马黎雅﹖犹大的罪过是什么﹖不就是耶路撒冷﹖

1:7 她的一切雕像必被打碎;她的一切淫资必被火烧尽;她的一切偶像,我必使之变为废物,因为偶像是聚合娼妓淫资做成的,将再转为娼妓的淫资。

1:8 为此,我要哀号悲鸣,我要赤足裸体而行;哀号若豺狼,悲鸣如驼鸟;
1:9 因为撒马黎雅的创伤无法医治,且已廷及犹大,逼近我百姓的门口,直达耶路撒冷。
1:10 你们在加特不要欢乐,在阿苛要恸哭,在贝特敖斐辣,要辗转于灰尘之中。
1:11 沙非尔的居民!人已向你吹起了号角;匝南的居民,不要走出自己的城!在贝特厄责耳有了哭诉,因为人从你们手中夺去了立足之地。
1:12 灾祸已由上主降于耶路撒冷门前,玛洛特的居民还怎能希望幸?t
1:13 拉基士的居民,你们要以快马驾车!你们是熙雍子女犯罪的开端,因为在你们中间找出以色列罪恶的根源。
1:14 摩勒舍特加特!人要给你送来临别的赠品;阿革齐布家为以色列君王,是一条变幻无常的溪流。
1:15 玛勒沙的居民,征服者还要来你们这里;的确,以色列的光荣阿杜兰将要消逝!
1:16 熙雍女子!你应为了你所爱的子女剃头削发,并要彻底使你的头光秃,有如一只兀鹰,因为你们已由你面前被掳去充军。




2:2 他们想要田地,便去霸占;想要房屋,便去夺取:以暴力对付业主和他的家族,物主和他的产业。
2:3 为此上主这样说:「看,我正在为这一家筹划灾祸,致令你们不能缩回你们的颈项,也不能挺身前行,因为那是一个灾祸的时刻。」
2:4 在那一日,人要作诗讽刺你们,唱这悲惨的哀歌说:「我们完全被抢掠了,我人民的基业已被人瓜分了,再无人归还;我们的土地已分配给抢掠我们的人!
2:5 因此,你们在上主的集会中,再没有拉绳测量和抽签的人。

2:7 雅各伯的家岂是可诅咒的﹖上主的气量岂能变为狭小﹖难道这是他的作风﹖他的话岂不是有益于以色列子民﹖」
2:8 「但是你们正像敌人一样,起来攻击我的人民,因为你们向没有短衣的人索求长袍,向平安走路的人索取战利品。
2:9 你们驱逐我人民的妇女离开她们的快乐家庭,从她们的婴儿身上,永远夺去我的光荣。
2:10 你们起来走吧!因为这不是你们安息之所。为了不洁,这地必要遭受不可挽救的毁灭。」
2:11 假若有人随从虚妄而撒谎说:「我要对你预言清酒和醇酒。」这人必可作这民族的先知。

2:12 我必要聚集雅各伯全民众,我必要集合以色列的遗民,使他们合并在一处,有如羊栏里的绵羊,有如牧场上的羊群,不再怕任何人。
2:13 开路者走在他们前面开道;他走在前面,众人随他穿门而过;他们的君王走在他们们前面,上主亲作他们的响导。




3:2 然而他们恶善好恶,从平民身上剥下他们的皮,从骨头上剔下他们的肉。
3:3 他们吞食我百姓的肉,剥去他们的皮,折断他们的骨头,将他们切成碎块,如釜中的肉,如鼎中的肉。
3:4 当他们呼求上主时,上主决不俯听他们;反要掩面不理他们,因为他们行了穷凶极恶的事。

3:6 因此,为你们只有黑暗而没有神视,只有黑暗而没有神谕;太阳必为先知而没落,白昼必为他们而变为黑暗。
3:7 先知必将抱愧,巫士必将蒙羞,他们都要掩住自己的胡须,因为没有天主的答复。
3:8 至于我,我因上主的神而充满力量、正义和勇气,向雅各伯指出她的邪恶,向以色列说明她的罪过。

3:10 你们以血债建住熙雍,用邪恶建设耶路撒冷。
3:11 她的首领为贿赂而审判,司祭为薪俸而设教,先知为银钱而占卜,尚依赖上主说:「上主不是在我们中间吗﹖灾祸决不会临于我们身上!
3:12 因此,为了你们的缘故,熙雍必被耕耘有如一块田地.耶路撒冷必成为一堆废墟,圣殿山必成为丛林中的一个丘陵。




4:2 将有许多民族前来说:「来,我们攀登上主的圣山,往雅各伯天主的殿里去!他必指示我们他的道路,教给我们循行他的途径,因为法律将出自熙雍,上主的话将出自耶路撒冷。」
4:3 他将统治万民,为远处的强国宣布定案;他们必要把自己的刀剑铸成锄头,将自己的枪矛制成镰刀;民族与民族不再持刀相向,人也不再学习武斗;
4:4 各人只坐在自家葡萄树和无花果树下,无人来惊扰,因为万军的上主亲口说了。
4:5 虽然万民各奉自己神祗之名而生活,但是我们却永远奉上主我们天主之名而生活。

4:7 我必使跛行的人成为遗民,使离散的人成为强大的民族。从今以后,我,上主要在熙雍山上作他们的君王,以至永远。

4:9 现在你为什么高呼﹖难道你中间没有了君王,或者你的参议已丧亡,令你痛苦,像临产的妇女﹖
4:10 熙雍女子,你应辗转呻吟,像个临产的妇女,因为现在你应出城,住在田野,并且要到巴比伦去,在那里你将获救;在那里,上主你的的天主,要从你仇敌手中把你赎回。

4:12 但是他们不知道上主的心意,不明白他的策略,原来是上主集合了他们,如把禾捆收集在禾场上一样。
4:13 熙雍女子,起来打场吧!因为我要使你们的角变成铁角,使你的蹄变成铜蹄,使你踏碎许多民族;你将把他们的战利品奉献给上主,将他们的财宝奉献给全地的主宰。





5:2 因此,上主必将遗弃他们,直到孕妇生产之时,那时他弟兄中的遗民必将归来,与以色列子民团聚。
5:3 他必卓然屹立,以上主的能力及上主他的天主之名的威权,牧放自己的羊群。他们将获得安居,因为他必大有权势,直达地极。
5:4 他本人将是和平!当亚述侵入我们地域,蹂躏我们领土时,必有七个牧者,八个人民首领奋起对抗。
5:5 他们必用刀统治亚述地,用剑管辖尼默洛得地。当亚述侵入我们地域,蹂躏我们的境域时,他必救援我们。

5:7 那时,雅各伯的遗民,在异民中,在许多民族中,必如狮子在森林百兽中,必如幼狮在羊群中,所经之处,必加以蹂躏摧残,无人能够抢救。
5:8 你的手将高举在你敌人之上,你的一切仇敌必要灭绝。

5:10 毁坏你境内的城市,倾覆你的一切堡垒,
5:11 灭绝你手中的巫术,使你不再有人占卜;
5:12 我必由你中间消灭你的雕像和石柱,使你不再膜拜你手制的作品;
5:13 我必由你中间根除你的神柱,毁坏你的神像;
5:14 对那不顺服的异民,我必在盛怒激愤之下施以报复。




6:2 诸山,请听上主的申诉;大地的基础,侧耳聆听吧!因为上主与他的人民有所争讼,与以色列有所争辩:
6:3 「我的人民!我对你做了什么﹖我在什么事上叫你讨厌﹖请你答复我!
6:4 难道是因为我由埃及地领了你上来,从奴隶之家赎了你回来,在你面前委派了梅瑟、亚郎和米黎盎﹖
6:5 我的人民,请你记忆摩阿布王巴拉克图谋过什么事,贝敖尔的儿子巴郎答应了他什么;再记忆从史廷到基耳加耳发生过什么事,好使你明了上主的仁慈作为。」

6:7 上主岂喜悦万千的公羊,或万道河流的油﹖为了我的过犯,我应否献上我的长子﹖为了我灵魂的罪恶,我应否献上我亲生的儿子﹖」
6:8 人啊!已通知了你,什么是善,上主要求于你的是什么:无非就是履行正义,爱好慈善,虚心与你的天主来往。

6:10 我岂能忘掉恶人家中的不义之财,和那可诅咒的小「厄法?」
6:11 我岂能把用欺骗的天秤和囊中有假法码的人视为清廉﹖
6:12 城中的富人充满了强暴,其中的居民好说谎话,满口欺诈;
6:13 因此,我才开始打击你,为了你的罪恶使你荒凉。
6:14 你要吃,却吃不饱,腹中常感到空虚;你纵然能把宝藏搬走,却不能保全;既使你能保全,我也必要付之刀剑。
6:15 你要播种,却得不到收获;你要榨橄榄油,却得不到油抹身;你要榨葡萄酒,却得不到酒喝。
6:16 因为你遵守了敖默黎的法令,保存了阿哈布家的一切作风,遵循行了他们的主张;因此,我必要使你荒凉,使你的居民成为笑柄;你必要承担异民的侮辱。




7:2 虔敬人从地上消逝了,人间竟没有一个正直人;人人都潜伏着要流人血,各以罗网猎取自己的弟兄。
7:3 他们的手善于作恶,官员贪求贿赂,法官勒索酬金,权贵只随自己的心愿发言,他们颠倒了一切。
7:4 他们中最好的人也不过相似荆棘,最正直的人也不过相似有刺的篱笆。你的守望者所宣布的惩罚之日已经到了;现在他们必要惊惶。
7:5 你们不要信赖邻里;不要依靠朋友,连对躺在你怀中的妻子,你也要坚守口舌,
7:6 因为儿子要侮辱自己的父亲,女儿要反抗自己的母亲,儿媳要违抗自己的婆母:人的仇敌就是自己的家人。

7:8 我的仇敌!你不要因我遭难而高兴;我虽然跌倒,必再起来;我虽坐在黑暗中,但上主是我的光明。
7:9 因为我得罪了上主,我必须承担上主的义怒,直到他审判我的案件,为我主持公道,他必领我进入光明,我必能目睹他的正义。
7:10 我的仇敌见了,必要蒙受羞辱,因为他曾对我说:「上主你的天主在哪里﹖」我的眼必要看见他,有如街上的污泥被人践踏。

7:12 那一天,从亚述到埃及,从提洛到幼发拉的河,从这海到那海,从这山到那山的人民,都要向你归来;
7:13 但其余的地域,必因其中居民行为的恶果,变为一片荒凉。

7:15 上主让我们一如在你出离埃及的时日内,见到奇迹;
7:16 让异民见了,感到自己一筹莫展,深自惭愧,用手掩口,双耳变聋。
7:17 他们将舔土如蛇,像上爬行的爬虫,战战兢兢地从他们的洞穴里爬出来,向你,上主我们的天主,表示尊敬敬畏。

7:19 你必再怜悯我们,将我们的邪恶踏于足下,将我们的一切罪过投入海底。
7:20 你必按照你昔日向我们祖先所发了的誓,对雅各伯表示忠信,对亚巴郎施行仁慈。


BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB MICAH Chapter 1


1:1 The word of Yahweh that was addressed to Micah of Moresheth in the time of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. His visions of Samaria and Jerusalem.






The judgement of Samaria[*a]

1:2 Listen, you peoples, all of you. Attend, earth, and everything in it. Yahweh is going to give evidence against you, the Lord, as he sets out from his sacred palace.

1:3 For look, Yahweh sets out from his holy place, he comes down, he treads the heights of earth.

1:4 The mountains melt as he goes, the valleys are torn apart, like wax before the fire, like water poured out on a steep place.

1:5 All this is because of the crime of Jacob, the sin of the House of Israel. What is the crime of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? What is the sin of the House of Judah? Is it not Jerusalem?

1:6 I mean to make Samaria a ruin in the open country, a place where vines will be planted.

I will set her stones rolling into the valley, I will lay her foundations bare.

1:7 All her images are going to be shattered, all her earnings consumed by fire, all her idols broken in pieces, for they have been collected with prostitutes' earnings and prostitutes' earnings they will be again.


Lament for the lowland Cities[*b]

1:8 This why is why I am going to mourn and lament, go barefoot and naked, howl like the jackals, wail like the ostriches.

1:9 For there is no healing for the blow Yahweh strikes; it reaches into Judah, it knocks at the very door of my people, reaches even into Jerusalem.

1:10 Do not announce it in Gath,[*c] in... shed no tears. In Beth-leaphrah roll in the dust.

1:11 Sound the horn, you who live in Shaphir. She has not left her city, she who lives in Zaanan. Beth-ezel is torn from its foundations, from its strong supports.

1:12 What hope has she of happiness, she who lives in Maroth? For doom has come down from Yahweh to the very gate of Jerusalem.

1:13 Harness the horse to the chariot, you who live in Lachish. (This was the beginning of sin for the daughter of Zion, for Israel's crimes were to be found in you.)

1:14 So you must provide a dowry for Moresheth-gath. Beth-achzib will prove a snare for the kings of Israel.

1:15 The plunderer will come to you again, you who live in Mareshah . . . to Adullam will go the glory of Israel.

1:16 Off with your hair, shave your head, for the sons that were your joy. Make yourselves bald like the vulture, for they have gone from you into exile.

JB MICAH Chapter 2


Against the tyranny of the rich

2:1 Woe to those who plot evil, who lie in bed planning mischief! No sooner is it dawn than they do it - their hands have the strength for it.

2:2 Seizing the fields that they covet, they take over houses as well, owner and house they confiscate together, taking both man and inheritance.

2:3 So Yahweh says this: Now it is I who plot such mischief against this breed as your necks will not escape; nor will you be able to walk proudly, so evil will the time be.

2:4 On that day they will make a satire on you, sing a dirge and say, 'We are stripped of everything; my people's portion is measured out and shared, no one will give it back to them, our fields are awarded to our despoiler'.

2:5 Therefore you will have no one to measure out a share in the community of Yahweh.


The prophet of misfortune

2:6 'Do not rave,' they rave 'do not rave like this. No shame is going to overtake us.

2:7 Can the House of Jacob be accursed? Has Yahweh lost patience? Is that his way of going to work? Surely his words are words of kindness for his people Israel?'

2:8 It is you who play the enemy to my people. From the innocent man you snatch his cloak on the man who thinks himself safe you inflict the damage of war.

2:9 The women of my people you drive out from the homes they loved; their children you rob for ever of the honour I gave them,

2:10 'Get up! Be off! There is no resting here.' For a worthless thing, you exact an extortionate pledge.

2:11 Were there a man of inspiration who would invent this lie, 'I prophesy you wine and strong drink', he would be the prophet for a people like this.


Promises of restoration

2:12 Yes, I am going to gather all Jacob together, I will gather the remnant of Israel, bring them together like sheep in the fold; like a flock in its pasture they will fear no man.

2:13 He who walks at their head will lead the way in front of them; he will walk at their head, they will pass through the gate and go out by it; their king will go on in front of them, Yahweh at their head.

JB MICAH Chapter 3


Against the rulers who oppress the people

3:1 Then I said: Listen now, you princes of the House of Jacob, rulers of the House of Israel. Are you not the ones who should know what is right,

3:2 you, enemies of good and friends of evil?

3:3 When they have devoured the flesh of my people and torn off their skin and crushed their bones; when they have shredded them like flesh in a pot and like meat in a cauldron,

3:4 then they will cry out to Yahweh. But he will not answer them. He will hide his face at that time because of all the crimes they have committed.


Against venal prophets

3:5 Yahweh says this against the prophets who lead my people astray: So long as they have something to eat they cry 'Peace'. But on anyone who puts nothing into their mouths they declare war.

3:6 And so the night will come to you: an end of vision; darkness for you: an end of divination. The sun will set for the prophets, the day will go black for them.

3:7 Then the seers will be covered with shame, the diviners with confusion; they will all cover their lips, because no answer comes from God.

3:8 Not so with me, I am full of strength (of the breath of Yahweh), of justice and courage to declare Jacob's crime to his face and Israel's to his.


To the guilty ones: prophecy of the ruin of Zion

3:9 Now listen to this, you princes of the House of Jacob, rulers of the House of Israel, you who loathe justice and pervert all that is right,

3:10 you who build Zion with blood, Jerusalem with crime.

3:11 Her princes pronounce their verdict for bribes, her priests take a fee for their rulings, her prophets make divinations for money. And yet they rely on Yahweh. They say, 'Is not Yahweh in our midst? No evil is going to overtake us.'

3:12 Because of this, since the fault is yours, Zion will become ploughland, Jerusalem a heap of rubble, and the mountain of the Temple a wooded height.

JB MICAH Chapter 4




The future reign of Yahweh in Zion[*a]

4:1 The mountain of the Temple of Yahweh will be put on top of the mountains and be lifted higher than the hills. The peoples will stream to it,

4:2 nations without number will come to it; and they will say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of Yahweh, to the Temple of the God of Jacob so that he may teach us his ways and we may walk in his paths; since from Zion the Law will go out, and the oracle of Yahweh from Jerusalem.'

4:3 He will wield authority over many peoples and arbitrate for mighty nations; they will hammer their swords into ploughshares, their spears into sickles. Nation will not lift sword against nation, there will be no more training for war.

4:4 Each man will sit under his vine and his fig tree, with no one to trouble him. The mouth of Yahweh Sabaoth has spoken it.

4:5 For all the peoples go forward, each in the name of its god; but we, we go forward in the name of Yahweh, our God, for ever and evermore.


The gathering of the scattered flock in Zion

4:6 That day - it is Yahweh who speaks - I will finally gather in the lame, and bring together those that have been led astray and those that have suffered at my hand.

4:7 Out of the lame I will make a remnant, and out of the weary a mighty nation. Then will Yahweh reign over them on the mountain of Zion from now and for ever.

4:8 And you, Tower of the Flock, Ophel of the daughter of Zion,[*b] to you shall be given back your former sovereignty, and royal power over the House of Israel.


The siege, exile, and liberation of Zion

4:9 Why are you crying aloud? Is there no king within you? Are your counsellors lost that pains should grip you like a woman in labour?

4:10 Writhe, cry out, daughter of Zion, like a woman in labour, for now you have to leave the city and live in the open country. To Babylon you must go and there you will be rescued; there Yahweh will ransom you out of the power of your enemies.


The pagans crushed on the threshing-floor in Zion

4:11 Now many nations are mustered against you. 'Let her be desecrated,' they say 'let our eyes feast on the ruins of Zion.'

4:12 But they do not know Yahweh's thoughts, they have failed to understand his purpose, he has collected them like sheaves on the threshing floor.

4:13 Up, daughter of Zion, and thresh; for I will give you horns of iron, hoofs of bronze, for you to trample down many peoples. You will dedicate their plunder to Yahweh, their treasures to the Lord of the whole earth.


The distress and glory of the Davidic dynasty

4:14 Now look to your fortifications, Fortress. They have laid siege against us; with a rod they strike on the cheek the judge of Israel.

JB MICAH Chapter 5


5:1 But you, (Bethlehem) Ephrathah, the least of the clans of Judah, out of you will be born for me the one who is to rule over Israel; his origin goes back to the distant past, to the days of old.

5:2 Yahweh is therefore going to abandon them till the time when she who is to give birth[*a] gives birth. Then the remnant of his brothers will come back to the sons of Israel.

5:3 He will stand and feed his flock with the power of Yahweh, with the majesty of the name of his God. They will live secure, for from then on he will extend his power to the ends of the land.

5:4a He himself will be peace.

5:5b He will deliver us from Assyria should it invade our country, should it set foot inside our frontiers.


The confidence of the people of Judah

5:4b As for Assyria, should it invade our country, should it set foot on our soil, we will raise seven shepherds against it, eight leaders of men;

5:5a they will shepherd Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod with the sword blade.


The future role of the remnant among the nations

5:6 Then among the many peoples, the remnant of Jacob will be like a dew from Yahweh, like raindrops on the grass, putting no hope in men, expecting nothing from mankind.

5:7 Then among the many peoples, the remnant of Jacob will be like a lion among beasts of the forest, like a young lion among flocks of sheep trampling as he goes, mangling his prey which no one takes from him.


Yahweh will withdraw the temptation to rely on men

5:8 Let your hand be raised against your foes and all your enemies shall be cut off.

5:9 This is how it will be, that day - it is Yahweh who speaks - I will tear away your horses from you, and destroy your chariots;

5:10 tear the towns of your country from you, bring down all your strongholds;

5:11 tear the charms from your hands, and you will have no more soothsayers;

5:12a tear from you your images and your pillars;

5:13 tear from you your sacred poles, and demolish your idols;

5:12b and no longer will you bow down before the work of your hands.

5:14 I will take revenge in anger and fury on the nations that would not obey.

JB MICAH Chapter 6






Yahweh puts his people on trial

6:1 Now listen to what Yahweh is saying: Stand up and let the case begin in the hearing of the mountains and let the hills hear what you say.

6:2 Listen, you mountains, to Yahweh's accusation, give ear, you foundations of the earth, for Yahweh is accusing his people, pleading against Israel:

6:3 My people, what have I done to you, how have I been a burden to you? Answer me.

6:4 I brought you out of the land of Egypt, I rescued you from the house of slavery; I sent Moses to lead you, with Aaron and Miriam.

6:5 My people, remember: what did Balak plot, that king of Moab? What did Balaam answer, that son of Beor? ....................................................................... from Shittim to Gilgal, for you to know the rightness of the ways of Yahweh.

6:6 - 'With what gift shall I come into Yahweh's presence and bow down before God on high? Shall I come with holocausts, with calves one year old?

6:7 Will he be pleased with rams by the thousand, with libations of oil in torrents? Must I give my first-born for what I have done wrong, the fruit of my body for my own sin?'

6:8 - What is good has been explained to you, man; this is what Yahweh asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.


Against tricksters in the city

6:9 The voice of Yahweh. He is calling to the city: Listen, tribe, and assembly of the city

6:12 whose rich men are crammed with violence, whose citizens are liars.

6:10 Must I put up with fraudulent measure, or that abomination the short-weight bushel?

6:11 Must I hold the man honest who measures with false scales and a bag of faked weights?

6:13 I have therefore begun to strike you down, to bring you to ruin for your sins.

6:15 You will sow but never reap, press the olive but never rub yourself with oil, press the grape but never drink wine from it;

6:14 you will eat but never be satisfied, store away but never preserve - and what is preserved I shall give to the sword.


The example of Samaria

6:16 You keep the laws of Omri and follow all the practices of the House of Ahab;[*a] you are guided by their standards, and they force me to make a terrible example of you, and to turn your inhabitants into a laughing-stock, to suffer the scorn of the peoples.

JB MICAH Chapter 7


Universal injustice

7:1 I am in trouble! I have become like a harvester in summer time, like a gleaner at the vintage: not a single cluster to eat, not one of the early figs I so long for.

7:2 The devout have vanished from the land: there is not one honest man left. All are lurking for blood, every man hunting down his brother.

7:3 Their hands are skilled in evil: the official demands..., the judge gives judgement for a bribe, the man in power pronounces as he pleases.

7:5 Put no trust in a neighbour, have no confidence in a friend; to the woman who shares your bed do not open your mouth.

7:6 For son insults father, daughter defies mother, daughter-in-law defies mother-in-law; a man's enemies are those of his own household.

7:4 ... among them, the best is like a briar, the most honest a hedge of thorn. Today will come their ordeal from the North, now is the time for their confusion.

7:7 For my part, I look to Yahweh, my hope is in the God who will save me; my God will hear me.[*a]




Zion insulted by her enemy

7:8 Do not gloat over me, my enemy: though I have fallen, I shall rise; though I live in darkness, Yahweh is my light.

7:9 I must suffer the anger of Yahweh, for I have sinned against him, until he takes up my cause and rights my wrongs; he will bring me out into the light and I shall rejoice to see the rightness of his ways.

7:10 When my enemy sees it, she will be covered with shame, she who said to me, 'Where is Yahweh your God?' My eyes will gloat over her; she will be trampled underfoot like mud in the streets.


An oracle of restoration

7:11 The day is coming for rebuilding your walls. Your frontiers will be extended that day,

7:12 men will come to you that day from Assyria as far as to Egypt, from Tyre as far as to the river, from sea to sea, from mountain to mountain.

7:13 The earth will become a desert by reason of its inhabitants, in return for what they have done.


A prayer for the confusion of the pagans

7:14 With shepherd's crook lead your people to pasture, the flock that is your heritage, living confined in a forest with meadow land all around. Let them pasture in Bashan and Gilead as in the days of old.

7:15 As in the days when you came out of Egypt grant us to see wonders.

7:16 The pagans, seeing it, will be confounded for all their power; they will lay their hands to their mouths, their ears will be deafened by it.

7:17 They will lick the dust like serpents, like things that crawl on the earth. They will come trembling from their lairs, in terror and fear before you.


A plea for God's forgiveness

7:18 What god can compare with you: taking fault away, pardoning crime, not cherishing anger for ever but delighting in showing mercy?

7:19 Once more have pity on us, tread down our faults, to the bottom of the sea throw all our sins.

7:20 Grant Jacob your faithfulness, and Abraham your mercy, as you swore to our fathers from the days of long ago.


END OF JB MICAH [7 Chapters].