

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj





卷一(1-41   卷二(42-72   卷三(73-89   卷四(90-106   卷五(107-150



42:2 天主,我的灵魂渴慕你,真好象牝鹿渴慕溪水。
42:3 我的灵魂渴念天主,生活的天主,我何时来,能把天主的仪容目睹?
42:4 有人终日向我说:「你的天主在那里?」我的眼泪竟变成了我昼夜的饮食。
42:5 我想起昔日周旋在欢乐的群众里,在群众欢呼赞颂的歌声里,领他们朝觐天主的圣殿时,我的心不免感到忧伤悲戚,
42:6 我的灵魂,你为何悲伤,为何忧苦?期望天主!因为我还要向他颂祝,因为他是我的救援,是我的天主。
42:7 我自约旦地,从赫尔孟山,由小丘陵,一想起你来,我的灵魂即惴惴不宁。
42:8 在你瀑布的巨声下,深渊与深渊和唱;你所有的洪涛巨浪,都冲击在我身上。
42:9 但愿上主在白昼颁赐他的恩爱慈惠,我夜间向赐我生命的天主歌颂赞美!
42:10 我对天主说:我的磐石,你为什么将我遗忘?为什么常在仇人的压迫下徘徊沮丧?
42:11 我仇敌欺凌我时,我觉得痛入骨髓,他们终日对我说:「你的天主在那里?」
42:12 我的灵魂,你为何悲伤,为何忧苦?期望天主!因为我还要向他颂祝,因为他是我的救援,是我的天主。



43:2 天主,你既是我的勇力,你为什么驱逐我?为什么让我在仇人的压迫下,忧伤走过?
43:3 求你发出你的光明和你的真理:引导我,带我到你的圣山和居所。
43:4 我就要走近天主的祭台前,走近我最喜悦的天主面前。天主,我主!我向你弹琴颂赞。
43:5 我的灵魂,你为何悲伤?为何忧苦?期望天主!因为我还要向他颂祝,因为他是我的救援,是我的天主。



44:2 天主,我们亲耳听见过,祖先也给我们述说过:昔日在他们那一时代,你手所行的伟业。
44:3 你为栽培他们,曾亲手驱散外人,你为发展他们,曾亲自磨难异民。
44:4 的确,他们占领了那地,并非靠着自己的刀剑,他们获得了胜利,并非靠着自己的臂腕;完全是赖着你的右手和你的腕能,并你仪容的光辉,因为你喜爱他们。
44:5 你是我的天主,我的君王,是你使雅各伯打了胜仗。
44:6 仰仗着你,我们克胜了我们的对头,因你的名,我们践踏了我们的仇敌。
44:7 因我从未依恃过我的弓箭,拯救我的,也不是我的刀剑,
44:8 而是你救我们脱离了我们的对头,是你使痛恨我们的人都蒙羞受辱。
44:9 我们时时以天主而自豪,永永远远歌颂你的名号。
44:10 然而现今你抛弃我们,使我们蒙羞受辱,你也不再与我们的军队,一同出征为伍;
44:11 反而使我们在敌人前,转身败走,让那些恨我们的人,劫夺俘虏。
44:12 你使我们有如待宰的羔羊,你使我们漂流而逃亡异邦;
44:13 你将你的子民贱价出售,你由售价并未多获财富。
44:14 你使我们遭受邻邦的侮辱,四周人民对我们讽刺咒诅;
44:15 你使我们成了异族的话柄,外邦人都向我们摇头热讽。
44:16 我的耻辱终日摆在我的眼前,羞愧也常笼罩着我的脸面:
44:17 因我听到侮慢与欺凌者的声音,又面临仇敌和寻隙报复的人民。
44:18 我们虽然从未把你忘记过,从来没有违背过你的盟约,但我们身受了这一切灾祸。
44:19 我们的心志从来没有萎靡退缩,我们的脚步也未偏离你的正道;
44:20 但你竟将我们抛弃在野犬的边界,以死亡的阴影把我们遮盖。
44:21 如果我们忘却了我们天主的圣名,并举起我们的手朝向外邦的神明:
44:22 难道天主究查不出这事?因为他洞悉人心的隐密。
44:23 我们却是为了你,时常受伤受戕,他们竟将我们视作待宰的群羊。
44:24 醒来!我主,你为什么依旧沉睡?起来!你不要永远把我们抛弃。
44:25 你为什么掩起你的慈颜,不顾我们的痛苦和辛酸?
44:26 请看,我们的灵魂已俯伏在灰间,我们的身体已紧贴于地面。
44:27 求你站起来,援助我们,因你的慈爱,拯救我们。



45:2 我的心灵涌溢优雅的言辞,向我君王倾吐我的赞美诗;我舌好象书写流利的妙笔。
45:3 你在世人中最为美丽,你口唇中流露着慈惠,因此天主永远降福你。
45:4 英雄!请在腰间佩带你的刀剑,就是佩带上你的荣耀和威严。
45:5 愿你为了信实和正义驱驾顺利,愿你的右手指导你惊人的奇事!
45:6 万民必因你的锐箭屈服于你,君王的众仇敌必要胆破心悸。
45:7 上主!你的御座永远常存,你治国的权杖无比公允。
45:8 你爱护正义,你又憎恨罪辜:为这个原故,天主,你的天主,以喜油傅你,胜过你的伴侣。
45:9 你的衣冠散布没药、沉香、与肉桂的芬芳。由象牙宫中奏出弦乐的声音,使你欢畅;
45:10 列王的公主都成群结队前来欢迎你,王後佩带敖非尔金饰,在你右边侍立。
45:11 女儿,请听,请看,也请侧耳细听:忘却你的民族、和你父的家庭,
45:12 因为君王恋慕你的美艳雅丽,他是你主,你应向他俯首至地!
45:13 提洛的女儿都前来奉献礼品,民间的显要都想得你的欢心。
45:14 公主穿戴齐备,姗姗来迎,她的衣服全是金丝绣成。
45:15 她身穿绣衣华服,被引到君王面前,成群的童女陪伴着她,也到你身边:
45:16 在欢乐歌舞声中,一齐进入了王宫。
45:17 你的子孙要承嗣你的先祖;立他们为王,统治普天率土。
45:18 我要使你的名永垂不朽;万民将歌颂你至于永久。



46:2 天主是我们的救助和力量,是患难中最易寻到的保障。
46:3 因此,纵使地动山崩,堕入海心,我们也决不会疑惧横生;
46:4 海涛尽管汹涌翻腾,山岳尽管因浪震动:与我们同在的是万军的天主,雅各伯的天主是我们的保护。
46:5 河流要使天主的城邑欢乐,即至高者所住的至圣居所,
46:6 天主定居其中,此城决不动摇;清晨曙光一现,天主即加扶牢。
46:7 异民尽管扰乱,万邦尽管骚动,天主一发喝声,大地即刻消溶。
46:8 与我们同在的是万军的上主,雅各伯的天主是我们的保护。
46:9 请你们前来观看上主的作为,看他在地上所行的惊人事迹:
46:10 他消灭战争直达地极,他断弓毁矛,烧甲焚盔。
46:11 「你们要停手!应承认我是天主,是万民的至尊,是大地的上主。」
46:12 与我们同在的,是万军的上主,雅各伯的天主是我们的保护。



47:2 万民,你们要鼓掌欢腾,也要向天主欢呼祝庆!
47:3 因上主至大至尊,可敬可畏,他是统治宇宙的伟大君主。
47:4 他镇压万民属我们管辖,他屈服列邦在我们脚下。
47:5 他为我们选定了我们的基业,即他所钟爱的雅各伯的光彩。
47:6 天主上升,有欢呼声护送,上主腾空,有号角声相从。
47:7 你们应歌颂,歌颂我们的天主,你们应歌颂,歌颂我们的君主。
47:8 因为天主是普世的君王,你们都应该以诗歌赞扬。
47:9 天主作王统治万国,天主登上圣座宝位。
47:10 万民的王侯聚起来,要作亚巴郎天主的子民;因为大地的权贵,尽属于天主,唯天主至高至尊。



48:2 在我们天主的城池中,上主至大,应受到赞颂。
48:3 他的圣山巍峨高耸,是普世的欢喜,北方中心熙雍圣山,是大王的城邑。
48:4 天主居于堡垒的中央,显自己为稳固的保障。
48:5 请看,众王纷纷相聚,他们蜂拥走向前去,
48:6 他们一见,惊魂丧胆,张惶失措,抱头鼠窜。
48:7 他们在那里惶惧恐怖,苦痛有如临盆的孕妇;
48:8 好象塔尔史士的船只,为强烈的东风所袭击。
48:9 在万军上主的城里,即我们天主的城堡,我们所见正如所闻:天主必使城堡永固。
48:10 天主,我们在你的殿里,沉思默念着你的仁慈。
48:11 天主,你的名号远达地极,你受的赞美亦应该如此。你的右手全充满了正义,
48:12 熙雍山因你的公正而喜乐;犹大女子要因此欢欣踊跃。
48:13 你们环绕熙雍巡游,你们数点她的城楼,
48:14 观察她的城廓,巡视她的碉堡,叫你们好能向后代子孙陈述:
48:15 他的确是伟大的天主,也永远是我们的天主,始终领导我们的天主。



49:2 关于这事,请万民都要静听,普世居民,请你们侧耳细听,
49:3 不论贫富无分缙绅百姓,请你们都一一侧耳聆听。
49:4 我的口要宣讲智慧,我的心要思念哲理。
49:5 我要侧耳恭听谚语,我要鼓琴解释谜语。
49:6 当陷害我者的毒谋围困我时,在我困厄的日期,我有何所惧?
49:7 因为他们只知依恃财产的富足,他们只会夸耀自己金钱的丰裕;
49:8 但是金钱不能使任何人得救,决不能把人的赎价还给天主,
49:9 因为人命的赎债非常昂贵,任何金钱也决不足以赎回,
49:10 不能使人生存久长,不能使人不见死亡。
49:11 你看,智者死去,愚昧者也同样沉沦,他们都将自己的财产遗留给别人。
49:12 他们虽然曾以自己的名号,给一些地方命名,但是他们永久的住宅,万代的居所却是坟茔。
49:13 人在富贵中绝不能久长,将与牲畜无异,同样死亡。
49:14 这就是自满昏愚者的终途,这就是自夸幸运者的末路。
49:15 他们就如羊群一般被人赶入深坑,死亡要牧放他们,义人要主宰他们。他们的容貌即刻色衰,阴间将是他们的住宅。
49:16 但是天主必救我灵脱离阴府,因为他要把我提走。
49:17 不要嫉妒他人变成富翁,不要忌恨他人家产倍增;
49:18 因为他死时什么也不能带走,他的财产也不能随着他同去。
49:19 他在生时虽自我陶醉说:「只要你幸福,人必夸赞你。」
49:20 他终要回去和他的祖先相逢,永永远远他再不能看到光明。
49:21 人在富贵中,不深思远虑,将与牲畜无异,都要死去。



50:2 天主由美丽绝伦的熙雍,发出光明,
50:3 我们的天主来临,绝不会默默无声;吞噬的烈火在他前面开道,旋转的风暴在他四周怒号。
50:4 他呼唤了上干下坤,要审判自己的人民:
50:5 「你们应当给我聚集虔敬我的人,那以牺牲与我订立盟约的人。」
50:6 诸天要宣示天主的公正,因为他要亲自审判世人。
50:7 「请听,我的子民,我要发出言语,以色列,我向你警戒申诉:我是天主,我是你的天主。
50:8 我并不因你的祭献而责备你,因为我面前常有你的全燔祭。
50:9 我无须从你的家里将牛犊获取,也无须由你的圈里把山羊捉捕;
50:10 因为,森林里的种种生物,全归于我,山陵上的千万走兽,都属于我;
50:11 天空中的一切飞鸟,我都认识,田野间的所有动物,我全知悉。
50:12 如果我饥饿,我不必向你告诉,因宇宙和其中一切尽属我有。
50:13 难道我吃牛犊的肉块,或者我喝山羊的鲜血?
50:14 为此你该向天主奉献感恩祭,又该向至高者还你的愿誓。
50:15 在困厄的时日,你呼号我,我必拯救你,你必光荣我。」
50:16 天主却对恶人说:你怎么胆敢传述我的诫命,你的口怎敢朗颂我的法令?
50:17 你岂不是恼恨规矩,将我的话置诸脑后?
50:18 你遇见了盗贼,便与他同僚,与犯奸淫的人,就同流合伙;
50:19 你的口出言不善,你的舌造谣欺骗;
50:20 不停地毁谤你的兄弟,常污辱你母亲的儿子。
50:21 你既作了这些,我岂能缄口不言?难道你竟以为我真能与你一般?我要责斥你,将一切放在你眼前。
50:22 忘记天主的人们!你们要彻底觉悟,免得我撕裂你们时,没有人来抢救。
50:23 奉献感恩祭的人,就是给我奉献光荣赞颂,行为正直的人,我要使他享见天主的救恩。



51:2 作于纳堂先知前来指责他与巴特舍巴犯奸之后。
51:3 天主,求你按照你的仁慈怜悯我,依你丰厚的慈爱,消灭我的罪恶。
51:4 求你把我的过犯洗尽,求你把我的罪恶除净,
51:5 因为我认清了我的过犯,我的罪恶常在我的眼前。
51:6 我得罪了你,惟独得罪了你,因为我作了你视为恶的事;因此,在你的判决上,显出你公义,在你的断案上,显出你的正直。
51:7 是的,我自出世便染上了罪恶,我的母亲在罪恶中怀孕了我。
51:8 你既然喜爱那出自内心的诚实,求在我心的深处教我认识智慧。
51:9 求你以牛膝草洒我,使我皎洁,求你洗涤我,使我比雪还要洁白。
51:10 求你赐我听见快慰和喜乐,使你粉碎的骨骸重新欢跃。
51:11 求你掩面别看我的罪过,求你除掉我的一切罪恶。
51:12 天主,求你给我再造一颗纯洁的心,求你使我心重获坚固的精神。
51:13 求你不要从你的面前把我抛弃,不要从我身上将你的圣神收回。
51:14 求你使我重获你救恩的喜乐,求你以慷慨的精神来扶持我。
51:15 我要给恶人教导你的道路,罪人们都要回头,向你奔赴。
51:16 天主,我的救主,求你免我血债,我的舌头必要歌颂你的慈爱。
51:17 我主,求你开启我的口唇,我要亲口宣扬你的光荣。
51:18 因为你既然不喜悦祭献,我献全燔祭,你也不喜欢。
51:19 天主,我的祭献就是这痛悔的精神,天主,你不轻看痛悔和谦卑的赤心。
51:20 上主,求你以慈爱恩待熙雍,求你重修耶路撒冷城。
51:21 那时,你必悦纳合法之祭,牺牲和全燔祭献;那时,人们也必要把牛犊奉献于你的祭坛。



52:2 作于厄东人多厄格前去报告撒乌耳,说达味到了阿希默肋客家后。
52:3 你这以作恶端为能事的人!你为什么竟以犯罪为荣为幸?
52:4 你这欺诈的人,你时时怀念邪恶,你的舌头正如一把锐利的剃刀。
52:5 你爱作恶超过行善,你爱说谎超过真言。
52:6 你这欺诈虚伪的舌头,凡伤人的话你都羡慕。
52:7 为此,天主必要消灭你,把你永远废去,要从帐幕中拔去你,由人间将你根除。
52:8 义人见了必然害怕,要对他冷嘲热笑说:
52:9 「请看,这便是那不以天主作自己保障的人,他只依恃自己的财富,以邪恶而夸胜。」
52:10 我却好象天主殿中的茂盛橄榄树,全心信赖天主的慈爱,一直到永久。
52:11 上主,因你行了此事,我要永远向你称颂,我要在你圣徒面前,赞扬你美善的圣名。



53:2 愚妄的人心中说:「没有天主,」他们都丧尽天良,恣意作恶。行善的人实在找不到一个。
53:3 天主由高天俯视世人的子孙,察看有无寻觅天主的明智人,
53:4 从都离弃了正道,趋向邪恶,没有一人行善,实在没有一个。
53:5 那些作奸犯科的人,吞我民如食馒头;总不呼号天主的人,岂不是愚蠢糊涂?
53:6 在不应惊慌之处,他们反倒惊惶发呆,因为天主分散了那围攻你者的骨骸,他们必将蒙羞,因天主已把他们弃舍。
53:7 唯愿以色列人的救援来自圣熙雍!一旦天主将自己民族的命运变更,雅各伯必将喜庆,以色列必将欢腾。



54:2 作于齐弗人来对撒乌耳说:「看,达味藏在我们这里」时。
54:3 天主,求你因你的名赐我救援,求你并以你的权能为我伸冤。
54:4 天主,求你俯听我的祈求,侧耳倾听我的投诉。
54:5 因为傲慢的人们起来向我进攻,蛮横的人想谋害我的生命,他们没有把天主放在眼中。
54:6 请看,天主必定给我助阵,上主必扶持我生命。
54:7 求你使灾祸报应在我的仇敌身上,求你凭你的忠诚将他们消除灭亡。
54:8 我要自愿地向你奉上祭献,上主,我要对你的美名称赞。
54:9 因为你救我脱离了一切灾难,使我亲眼看见我的仇敌溃散。



55:2 天主,求你侧耳倾听我的祈祷,求你不要回避我的哀告。
55:3 求你俯视我,并垂允我,我痛苦忧伤,叹息悲号:
55:4 由于仇敌的叫嚣,并因恶人的吵闹,因加于我的灾祸,怒中给我的骚扰,
55:5 我的心在我胸内焦灼,死亡的恐怖笼罩了我,
55:6 惊惧与战栗侵袭了我,恐怖与烦恼淹没了我。
55:7 我于是说:「但愿我有鸽子般的翅膀,为能飞翔而去,栖身安藏!」
55:8 看,我必要逃往远处,在荒凉的地方暂住;
55:9 从速寻找一个避难所,避过这一场风狂雨暴。
55:10 我主,求你分散扰乱他们的语言,因我在城中只见到斗争与纷乱:
55:11 他们日夜在城墙上巡行,邪恶与欺压在城中丛生。
55:12 城池中已满布诡计,霸道欺诈横行街市。
55:13 若是我的仇人辱骂我,我还可容忍;若是恼恨我者欺凌我,我尚可退隐;
55:14 可惜是你,我的同僚,我的伙伴,我的友好;
55:15 我们曾经推心置腹,无所讳言,在人群中走进了天主的圣殿。
55:16 愿死亡突袭他们,活活的坠入阴府!因为他们的居处和内心满是恶毒。
55:17 但我却要呼号天主,上主必定予我救助。
55:18 不论在黄昏在清晨或在中午,我哀声悲叹,他必听我的苦诉。
55:19 他必从迫害我的人中,救我安然脱险,因为那些反对我的人,实在众多难算。
55:20 永远为王的天主必要俯听我,而把他们赶走,因为他们不知回心转意,而又不知敬畏天主。
55:21 他们伸手攻击自己的友好,他们任意违背订立的盟约。
55:22 他们的容貌比奶油更光滑,心却是好战;他们的言语比脂粉还柔和,但口蜜腹剑。
55:23 将你的重担卸交上主,他必扶持你,他决对不会让义人永远动摇不止。
55:24 天主,求你使他们堕入灭亡的深穴!凶手和奸诈的歹徒必定中年夭折。上主,但我却要时常一心唯你是赖。



56:2 天主,求你怜悯我,因为人要谋害我,时时处处有人攻击我,有人欺压我。
56:3 我的仇敌终日谋害我,攻击我的人实在众多。
56:4 至高者!恐惶侵袭我的时日,我只有全心仰赖你。
56:5 我全心倚赖天主,并歌颂他的许诺;我决不怕血肉的人,对我要做什么。
56:6 他们终日破坏我的生活,千方百计地想加害于我;
56:7 他们群集埋伏,窥伺我的行径,他们等待时机,谋图我的性命。
56:8 天主,求你审判他们的罪行;求你在盛怒中将异民敉平。
56:9 我多次流离失所,你都知悉,我的眼泪,聚在你的皮囊里;岂不是也写在你的书卷内?
56:10 我几时呼号你,我的仇敌便退却,从此我也全知道,天主常扶助我。
56:11 我全心倚赖天主,歌颂他的许诺;
56:12 决不怕脆弱的人,对我要做什么。
56:13 天主,我必遵守向你所许的愿,我必要向你偿还感恩的祭献。
56:14 因为你救我脱离死亡,使我的脚免于跌仆,使我能在活人的光明中,在天主面前行走。



57:2 求你怜悯我,天主,求你怜悯我,因为我的灵魂,一心向你投靠,投靠到你翅翼的荫庇下,等待一切凶祸过去才罢。
57:3 我向至高者天主呼救,呼救施惠于我的天主;
57:4 愿天主自天赐下慈爱,并赐下忠实,拯救我,却对追赶我的人加以凌辱。
57:5 我躺卧在群狮的中间,个个都想把人子吞咽;他们的牙齿是长矛锐箭,他们的舌头是锋刀利剑。
57:6 天主,愿你的尊高,彰显于天,愿你的光荣,普临尘环!
57:7 他们为我的脚设下了罗网,要我的性命;在我前面挖掘了陷阱,自己反跌入其中。
57:8 天主,我的心已准备妥当,我的心已准备妥当,我愿意去歌弹咏唱。
57:9 我的灵魂,你要醒起来,七弦和竖琴,要奏起来,我还要把曙光唤起来。
57:10 上主,我要在万民中赞美你,上主我要在列邦中歌颂你。
57:11 因为你的大爱高越诸天,你的忠信直达宵汉。
57:12 天主,愿你在天上备受举扬,愿你在地上彰显荣光!



58:2 判官们!你们是否真正出言公平?世人们!你们是否照理审断案情?
58:3 可惜,你们一心只想为非作恶,在地上你们的双手只行宰割。
58:4 作恶者一离母胎,即背离正路;说谎者一出母腹,即走入歧途。
58:5 他们满怀的毒素有如蛇毒;他们又象塞住耳朵的聋蝮,
58:6 不听巫士的声音,不随灵妙的妖术。
58:7 天主,求你把他们口中的牙齿捣烂,上主,求你把少壮狮子的牙床打断。
58:8 愿他们有如奔湍的急水流去,愿他们有如被踏的青草枯萎;
58:9 愿他们有如蜗牛爬过溶化消失,又如流产的胎儿不得亲见天日!
58:10 他们的锅在未觉到荆火以前,愿狂怒的烈风将他们全吹散!
58:11 义人看见大仇己报时,必然喜乐,他要在恶人的血中洗自己的脚。
58:12 如此,众人都说:「义人果然获得了好的报酬,世上确有执行审判的天主!」



59:2 我主,求你由我的仇敌中,救我免难,求你从攻击我者中,使我脱险;
59:3 求你救我脱离为非作歹的人,求你救我远离好流人血的人。
59:4 上主,你看,我虽然没有作过恶,没有犯过罪,但强横人为害我的性命,却群起与我作对。
59:5 我虽然无辜,他们却跑来挑战,求你醒来扶助我,且予以察看。
59:6 因为你是上主,万军的天主,以色列的天主,醒来严罚这些群众,别恩待这些背信恶徒。
59:7 他们晚上归来,狂吠如犬,他们环绕城池,四周围转。
59:8 看,他们的唇舌宛如利剑,且满口傲慢说:「有谁听见?」
59:9 但是你,上主,你必嘲笑他们,你必讥讽这般异民。
59:10 我的力量,我只有仰望于你,因为你是天主,是我的堡垒。
59:11 愿那爱我的天主援助我,使我因仇敌失败而欢乐!
59:12 天主,求你击杀他们,免得侵犯我的人民;上主,我的护盾,你以强力扰乱制服他们。
59:13 他们口唇所说的话语,他们口舌所犯的罪过,愿他们因自己的骄傲咒骂与谎言,自陷网罗!
59:14 求你发怒灭绝他们,灭绝他们无一存立,使人知道:天主在雅各伯为王,直达地极。
59:15 他们晚上归来,狂吠如犬,他们环绕城池,四周围转。
59:16 他们到处游荡,觅食糊口。若不得饱食,便狂吠不休。
59:17 但是,我要称颂你的威能,每日清晨欢呼你的宽仁,因为只有你是我的碉堡,是我困厄时日的避难所。
59:18 我的力量,我只有向你歌唱,因为你是天主,是我的保障。你是我的天主,你对我慈祥。



60:2 作于他和两河间的阿兰及阿兰祚巴交战时。那时约阿布归来,在盐谷杀了一万二千人。
60:3 天主,你抛弃了我们,粉碎了我们!你曾发怒,今求你复兴我们。
60:4 你曾使大地震动,使地裂土崩,求你弥补裂缝,因它摇摇不定。
60:5 你使你的百姓遭受艰苦,使我们喝了麻醉的烈酒。
60:6 然后你为敬畏你的人,竖起旗帜,为使他们闪避仇敌的弓矢;
60:7 为叫你所爱的人,获得救恩;求你以右手协助,垂允我们。
60:8 天主在自己的圣所说:「我要凯旋,将舍根分疆,将稣苛特的平原测量。
60:9 基肋阿得地属于我,默纳协地也属于我;我的头盔就是厄弗辣因,犹大成为我手中的权棍;
60:10 摩阿布是我的沐浴池,我向厄东投我的鞋只,我还要战胜培肋舍特。」
60:11 谁引领我进入坚城,谁领导我走进厄东?
60:12 天主,莫非你已将我们抛弃,天主从今不再领我军出击?
60:13 求你援助我们抵抗仇敌,因为人的援助尽是虚无。
60:14 我们倚靠天主奋勇行事,他必要践踏我们的仇敌。



61:2 天主,求你俯听我的哀号,求你细听我的祈祷。
61:3 当我心灵忧戚时,我由地极呼号你,求你领我上那崇高磐石,使我安息。
61:4 因为你是我的避难所,是我抗敌的坚固碉堡。
61:5 愿我常在你的帐幕内寄住,在你的翼护下隐居!
61:6 天主,你果真满全了我的志愿,赐给了我敬畏你名者的财产。
61:7 愿你使君王的寿命日增,并使他的年岁世世无穷!
61:8 愿他在天主前为王,直至永远,求你广施慈爱忠诚,使他安全!
61:9 因此,我要常常歌赞你的名号,为能使我日日偿还我的誓约。



62:2 我的灵魂只安息在天主内,因为我的救援是由他而来。
62:3 只有他是我的磐石,我的救星;他是我的堡垒,我决不致摇倾。
62:4 你们不断侵犯一人,并向他一人冲击,如冲击将倒的墙,将坍的壁,要到几时?
62:5 实在,他们企图,要将我由我高位上推下;他们喜爱谎言,口虽祝福,心却辱骂。
62:6 我的灵魂,你只安息在天主内,因为我的期望全是由他而来。
62:7 只有他是我的磐石,我的救星;他是我的堡垒,我决不致摇倾。
62:8 我的救恩,我的光荣全在于天主,我的堡垒,我的护卫全基于天主。
62:9 百姓,你们该常向他表示依靠,该在他面前吐露你们的心窍:因为天主确是我们的避难所。
62:10 庶民不过是口气,显贵也无非是幻影;放在天秤上必然浮起,合计还比气轻。
62:11 莫依势凌人,不要以劫掠骄矜;如财宝日增,也不要挂念在心。
62:12 天主说过一次,我确实也听过两次:
62:13 「威能属于天主;我主,慈爱也非你莫属,因你按照各人的行为,予各人以报酬。」



63:2 天主,你是我的天主,我急切寻觅你;我的灵魂渴慕你,我的肉身切望你,恰有如一块干旱涸竭的无水田地。
63:3 昔日我曾在圣所里瞻仰过你,为看到你的威能,和你的光辉;
63:4 因你的慈爱比命更宝贵,我的唇舌要时常称颂你。
63:5 我要一生一世赞美你,我要因你名双手并举!
63:6 我的灵魂好似饱享了膏脂,我要以欢愉的口唇赞美你。
63:7 当我在我床上想起了你时,我便彻夜不寐地默想着你。
63:8 因为你曾作了我的助佑,我要在你的羽翼下欢舞。
63:9 我的灵魂紧紧追随你,你的右手常常扶持我。
63:10 那些谋图陷害我命的人,必将坠落在地下的深层;
63:11 他们必为刀剑所杀死,也必然为野犬所分食。
63:12 但是君王必要因天主而喜庆;凡以天主宣誓的人,必要自幸,因为说谎的口,必要黯哑失声。



64:2 天主,求你倾听我哀诉的声音,从仇敌的恐吓中保全我生命。
64:3 求你掩护我远离恶人的阴险,使我脱免作奸犯科者的暴乱;
64:4 他们磨砺自己的舌头有如刀剑,他们吐出有毒的语言有如弓箭:
64:5 暗地里向无辜的人击挝,肆无忌惮,突然将他刺杀。
64:6 他们彼此激励行恶,互相商议暗布罗网;说:「看见我们的究竟是谁?
64:7 谁能查出我们的邪思?我们已作成精密阴谋,走近的人必坠入深沟。」
64:8 但是,天主必要用箭射击他们,他们必要突然身受创痕。
64:9 他们的舌头必使自己跌仆,凡见到他们的人都必摇头。
64:10 众人要恐惧,要传述天主的作为,他们也都要细心默思他的事迹。
64:11 义人必要喜乐于上主,向他投靠,心地正直的人,必要因此而欢跃。



65:2 天主,人应在熙雍山上歌咏赞美你,同时也应向你还愿,因你允我所祈。
65:3 凡一切有血肉的人们,都因罪过,而向你投奔。
65:4 我们的罪重压着我们,但你都一一赦免不存。
65:5 你所选拔,而使他居留在你庭院的人,真是有福!愿我们得饱享你居所的福乐,你殿宇中的圣物!
65:6 天主我们的救主你常照公义以奇事来俯听我们,世人在天涯地角与海洋的远处都对你全心信任。
65:7 你以神威大能束腰,你以大力坚定山岳;
65:8 你曾平息了澎湃的汪洋,咆哮的巨浪,万民的喧嚷:
65:9 远居地角的人,因你的奇迹而恐慌;你使东西两极的人,都要喜气洋洋。
65:10 你眷顾大地,普降甘霖,使大地丰收;天主的河水洋溢,为他们准备五谷。原来这一切都是由于你安排就绪。
65:11 你灌溉了田畦,又犁平了土壤,使雨松软土壤,降福植物生长。
65:12 你的慈惠使年岁丰收,你的脚步常滴流脂油。
65:13 旷野的牧场丰满外溢,漫山遍陵充满了欢喜;
65:14 羊群遮蔽了牧场,山谷盖满了食粮:一切在欢呼歌唱。



66:2 请歌颂他圣名的光荣,请献给他辉煌的赞颂。
66:3 请你们向天主说:「你的作为是何等惊人!因着你威赫的大能,你的仇敌都向你奉承。」
66:4 普世都要朝拜你,向你歌颂,全球也都要歌颂你的圣名。
66:5 请你们前来观看天主的作为,他对世人所作的事实在可奇。
66:6 他曾经使海洋干涸,使人徒步走过江河,叫我们因他而喜乐。
66:7 他以自己的大能,永远统治着万邦,他的眼鉴察万民,不使叛逆者狂妄。
66:8 万民,请你们赞美我们的天主,一同传扬他应受到荣誉。
66:9 他曾使我们的性命存活,没有让我们的脚步滑倒。
66:10 天主,因为你曾考验了我们,象炼银子一般,也炼了我们;
66:11 你曾引领我们坠入了网罗,曾将铁索系在我们的身腰;
66:12 你曾使异民骑在我们的头上,使我们经过水深火热的中央,最后你仍然使我们获得交锱。
66:13 我带着全燔祭进入你的圣殿,我要向你偿还我的各种誓愿:
66:14 我从前生活在困厄中间,我口所许,我唇所发的愿。
66:15 我要以肥大牲畜作全燔祭,配以公羊当作馨香献与你,还要将牛犊和山羊祭奠你。
66:16 凡敬畏天主的人,请你们前来静听,我要叙述他为我灵魂的所作所行。
66:17 我曾亲口呼号过他,我的舌头称扬过他。
66:18 如果我真存心作恶,上主决不会俯听我;
66:19 然而天主终于俯听了我,也倾听了我哀号的祈祷。
66:20 天主应受赞美:因他从未拒绝我的哀恳,他也从来没有从我身上撤回他的慈悯。



67:2 愿天主怜悯我们,并降福我们;以自己的慈爱容光照耀我们!
67:3 为使世人认识他的道路,万民得知他的救赎。
67:4 天主,愿万民都称颂你,愿列邦都赞美你!
67:5 万民都要踊跃欢欣,你以正义统治世人,且在地上领导万民。
67:6 天主,愿万民都称颂你,愿列邦都赞美你!
67:7 大地已经为我们生产百果与五谷,天主,我们的天主给我们赐下天福。
67:8 愿天主给我们赐福,愿万民都敬畏天主!



68:2 愿天主兴起,使他的仇敌四散,愿仇恨他的人,由他面前逃窜!
68:3 愿恶人在天主面前,灭亡消散,就象烟被风吹蜡被火化一般。
68:4 但义人要在天主面前踊跃欢乐,他们也必在愉快之中加倍喜悦。
68:5 请你们向天主歌唱,咏赞他的圣名;为那乘车经过旷野者,把道路修平;他名叫雅威,应在他面前喜气盈盈。
68:6 天主常在自己的圣所内居住,是孤儿的慈父,是寡妇的保护,
68:7 天主给无靠的人备妥房屋,引被掳的人重获自由;叛逆者仍在干旱居留。
68:8 天主,当你领导你的百姓出走,就在你踏入旷野的时候:
68:9 大地在天主面前震动,高天也滴下细雨,西乃在天主,以色列天主前,也颤栗不休。
68:10 天主,你给你的产业降下甘霖,因而复苏了疲倦的人民。
68:11 于是,你的羊群便在那里安住,天主,以你的慈爱照顾了贫苦。
68:12 当上主一发出了断语,妇女便结队前来报喜:
68:13 「领兵的君王已经逃走远遁,家中的闺秀分得了战利品。
68:14 正当你们在羊栈中寻梦,鸽子的翅翼涂上了白银,翎毛闪烁着火红的黄金,
68:15 当全能者驱逐列王的时间,飘飘的雪花落向匝耳孟山。」
68:16 巴商山是巍峨的高山,巴商山是多峰的青山。
68:17 多峰的青山,你为何嫉视天主爱住的圣山?嫉视上主要永久居住的圣山?
68:18 天主的车辇盈千累万,我主由西乃驾临圣殿。
68:19 你带领俘虏,升上高天,接受众人作为贡品,连不愿住在上主天主前的人,也当了贡品。
68:20 唯愿上主天天受赞美!他承担了我们的重负,因他是救我们的天主。
68:21 我们的天主实在是拯救人的天主,上主天主使我们摆脱死亡的关口。
68:22 天主必要把他敌人的头颅击穿,必要把固执于恶者的脑袋打烂。
68:23 我主说:「纵使他们逃至巴商,我也要把他们捉回来,纵使他们躲在海底,我也要把他们逮回来,
68:24 为使你在鲜血中洗涤你的脚,你的狗以舌头舔食敌人的血。
68:25 天主,人都看见你的御辇,看见我主我王,光临圣殿:
68:26 歌咏的人在前,奏乐的人在后,在中间还有一队鸣鼓的少女。
68:27 「你们应在盛会中赞美天主,以色列的子孙应赞美上主。」
68:28 最幼小的本雅明领导在前,随后有犹大的首领和随员,则步隆和纳斐塔里的长官。
68:29 天主,求你显示出你的威能,天主,显出为我们行的大能。
68:30 为了你在耶路撒冷的圣殿,众君王必要向你奉上祭献。
68:31 恳求你怒叱芦苇中的野兽,成群的公牛和列国的牛犊;愿他们带着银块前来降服,愿你驱散喜爱战争的民族!
68:32 愿有使臣由埃及来就,雇士向天主高举双手!
68:33 普世万邦,请歌颂天主,也请赞扬上主。
68:34 他自永远就是驾御高天穹苍的大主。听!他的声音发出,巨大的声音已发出:
68:35 「你们应承认天主的大能!」他的荣耀光照以色列人,他的神威已发现在天云。
68:36 天主,以色列的天主,在圣所中显得可敬可畏,他曾将力量和权能赐于百姓。愿天主受赞美!



69:2 天主,求你从速拯救我;因大水已到我的颈脖。
69:3 我陷于泥泞中,没有立足的处所;我沉入深水中,波涛已掩盖了我。
69:4 我呼号得筋疲力竭,我已咽喉焦干;我常期望我的天主,我已望眼欲穿。
69:5 无故憎恨我的人,比我的头发更繁,无理敌对我的人,比我的骨头更坚;我没有抢夺过的,我反而应该偿还。
69:6 天主,我的愚昧,你知道得更为周详。我的过犯,不能向你掩盖隐藏。
69:7 上主,万军的上主,愿那仰望你的人,不要因我而蒙羞,以色列人的天主,愿那寻觅你的人,不要因我而受辱。
69:8 因为,我为了你已饱受欺凌,羞愧已经笼罩了我的面容。
69:9 连我的兄弟们都以我为外宾,我母亲的儿子都拿我当客人。
69:10 我对你殿宇所怀的热忱把我耗尽,并且那侮辱你者的辱骂落于我身。
69:11 我含泪斋戒克己苦身,竟成了我受辱的原因;
69:12 我身上穿着麻布当作衣裳,也竟成了他们取笑的对象。
69:13 闲坐门口的人,对我议论纷纷,喝醉烈酒的人,对我歌唱戏弄。
69:14 上主,在这困厄的时日,我只有求救于你;天主,求你按你丰厚的慈爱应允我,求你以你救援的忠诚俯听我。
69:15 求你救我于污泥中,不要让我沉没。救我脱离恨我的人,走出大水旋涡;
69:16 求你不要让波浪淹没我,深渊吞灭我,也不要让地窖合上自己的口埋葬我。
69:17 上主,求你照你和蔼的慈爱俯允我,求你按你深厚的仁慈眷顾我;
69:18 求你不要向你的仆人隐藏你的慈颜,因为我正处在困厄中,求你从速垂怜;
69:19 求你来亲近我的灵魂,施予救赎,为了我的诸般仇敌,求你救护。
69:20 我受的侮辱、欺凌和耻笑,你都识穿;欺凌迫害我的众人,都在你的眼前。
69:21 侮辱破碎了我心,使我忧伤难过;我期望有人同情,却未寻到一个,我渴盼有人安慰,也未找到一个。
69:22 他们在我的食物中,搀上了苦胆,我口渴时,竟递来酸醋要我下咽,
69:23 愿他们的筵席变成网罗,为同席的友人变为圈套!
69:24 愿他们的眼睛昏迷失明,使他们的双腰颤抖不停!
69:25 求你向他们倾泄你的盛怒,让你的怒火把他们罩住。
69:26 愿他们的居所变成荒土,愿他们的帐幕永无人住!
69:27 因为他们继续打击你所打击的人,他们另加苦害你所伤害的人。
69:28 愿你在他们的罪罚上加上罪罚,不要使他们在你面前称义自夸;
69:29 愿他们从生命册上全被涂去,不要让他们与义人同被录取。
69:30 天主,我既贫乏而又忧苦,愿你的救助赐给我卫护。
69:31 我要用诗歌赞美天主的名号,还要用感恩的心给天主增耀:
69:32 这将使上主满心欢愉,胜于蹄角具全的牛犊。
69:33 卑微的人们,你们要观看,并要喜庆,寻求天主的人,你们的心必要兴奋,
69:34 因为对贫苦的人,上主常予俯听;对他的俘虏,他决不会看轻。
69:35 愿上天下地都歌颂赞美他,海洋和一切水族都称扬他!
69:36 因为天主要拯救熙雍,建造犹大的城池:使他的仆人住在那里,常占有作为基地。
69:37 他仆人的后裔将要承继此邑,爱慕他名的人也要住在这里。



70:2 天主,求你快来救我,上主,求你速来助我。
70:3 愿那些图谋杀害我的人,受辱退去,愿那些喜欢我遭难的人,含羞出走!
70:4 愿那些向我哈哈戏笑的人,个个满面羞惭而退去无影?
70:5 愿那些寻求你的人,都因你欢欣鼓舞,愿恋慕你救恩的人,都常说:大哉天主!
70:6 天主,我实在卑微而又贫苦,求你速来救我;上主,你是我的助佑和救援,求你不要延搁。



71:2 求你照你的正义解救我,求你侧耳听我,并拯救我。
71:3 求你作我避难的石壁,获救的堡垒;因为你是我的磐石,我的堡垒,
71:4 我的天主,求你由邪恶人的手中将我救出,由凶蛮横暴者的掌中将我获释。
71:5 因为,我主上主,你是我的期望,你是我自幼唯一的仰仗。
71:6 我自从在母胎中,就仰赖了你,尚在母怀中,你就是我的托庇;我全心的希望,时时寄托于你。
71:7 许多人都把我视作妖怪,你却作了我有力的仰赖。
71:8 我要满口赞颂你,我要终日称扬你。
71:9 在我年老时,求你不要抛弃我,在我气力衰弱时,不要远离我。
71:10 不然,我的仇敌必要对我说,窥伺我命的人,互相私议说:
71:11 「天主已经舍弃了他,你们追击他,捕捉他,因为无人再来救他。」
71:12 天主,求你不要远离我,我的天主,请快来救我。
71:13 愿那些谋杀我命的人,走头无路,愿那些设法害我的人,蒙受耻辱!
71:14 我仍不断地期望你,每日加倍地赞美你。
71:15 我的口要传述你的宽仁,终日不断宣扬你的救恩,因为我不知它们的数额。
71:16 我要称扬我天主的伟大奇能,上主,我要传述你独有的宽仁。
71:17 天主,远自我幼年时,你已教导了我。直至今日,我仍宣示你的微妙。
71:18 天主,即我发白年老,求你也不要离弃我,直至我将你的威力宣示给这一代,将你的奇能传述给下一代。
71:19 天主,你的仁慈直达天际,天主,你行大事谁可比你?
71:20 你曾使我经历许多困苦艰难,现今仍然是你使我生活安全,并提拔我脱离了地下的深渊。
71:21 求你增加我的尊位,求你再来给我安慰。
71:22 我的天主,我要弹琴,歌颂你的忠诚,以色列的圣者,我要鼓瑟,向你歌颂。
71:23 当我歌颂你时,我的双唇要欢腾,我那为你所救的灵魂,也要欢腾。
71:24 我的舌头也要终日伸述你的仁慈,因为谋图伤害我的人蒙受了羞耻。



72:2 使他照正义统治你的百姓,使他按公道管理你的平民。
72:3 愿高山给人民带来和平;愿丘岭为百姓送来公正!
72:4 他必卫护百姓中的穷人,救助穷苦人的子孙,蹂躏欺压人的暴民。
72:5 他将与日月共存,世世代代无穷尽。
72:6 他降临如落在草原上的喜雨,又如润泽田地的甘露。
72:7 在他的岁月中,正义必要兴盛,到处国泰民安,直至月亮失明。
72:8 他将统治大地,从这海到那海,由大河的流域,至地极的边界。
72:9 他的仇敌将向他屈膝跪拜,和他作对的人要舌舔尘埃。
72:10 塔尔史士和群岛的众王将献上礼品,舍巴和色巴的君王,也都要前来进贡。
72:11 众王都要崇拜他,万民都要事奉他。
72:12 他必拯救哀号的贫民,他必扶持无援的穷人。
72:13 他将怜恤不幸和贫乏的群众,并要救护穷苦贫病者的生命。
72:14 他要救他们脱离残暴与压迫,他们的血在他眼中珍贵无比。
72:15 愿他常存!愿人们向他奉献舍巴黄金,愿人们时常为他祈祷,不断为他求恩!
72:16 田地里所出产的五谷百果必将丰盈,山岭上的收成也要富饶有如黎巴嫩,城市的人必要昌盛有如地上的草蔓。
72:17 他的名号常存,永受赞扬,他的名号永留,与日争光。万邦要因他而得福,万民要称他为有福。
72:18 愿上主天主,以色列的天主享受赞颂,因为只有他独自作出了奇妙的化工。
72:19 愿他光荣的名号永受赞美,愿他的荣耀充满整个大地!阿们!阿们!
72:20 叶瑟之子达味的祈祷终。


Psalms Volume 2 (Ps.42-72) ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.


JB PSALMS Volume 2 (42 - 72)


JB PSALMS Chapter 42


PSALM 42-43  (v41-42)


Lament of a Levite in exile


For the choirmaster




Of the sons of Korah

42:1 As a doe longs for running streams, so longs my soul for you, my God.

42:2 My soul thirsts for God, the God of life; when shall I go to see the face of God?[*a]

42:3 I have no food but tears, day and night; and all day long men say to me, 'Where is your God?'

42:4 I remember, and my soul melts within me: I am on my way to the wonderful Tent, to the house of God, among cries of joy and praise and an exultant throng.

42:5 Why so downcast, my soul, why do you sigh within me? Put your hope in God: I shall praise him yet, my saviour,

42:6 my God. When my soul is downcast within me, I think of you; from the land of Jordan and of Hermon, of you, humble mountain![*b]

42:7 Deep is calling to deep as your cataracts roar; all your waves, your breakers, have rolled over me.

42:8 In the daytime may Yahweh command his love to come, and by night may his song be on my lips, a prayer to the God of my life!

42:9 Let me say to God my Rock, 'Why do you forget me? Why must I walk so mournfully, oppressed by the enemy?'

42:10 Nearly breaking my bones my oppressors insult me, as all day long they ask me, 'Where is your God?'

42:11 Why so downcast, my soul, why do you sigh within me? Put your hope in God: I shall praise him yet, my saviour, my God.

JB PSALMS Chapter 43



43:1 Defend me, take up my cause against people who have no pity; from the treacherous and cunning man rescue me, God.

43:2 It is you, God, who are my shelter: why do you abandon me? Why must I walk so mournfully, oppressed by the enemy?

43:3 Send out your light and your truth, let these be my guide, to lead me to your holy mountain and to the place where you live.

43:4 Then I shall go to the altar of God, to the God of my joy, I shall rejoice, I shall praise you on the harp, Yahweh, my God.

43:5 Why so downcast, my soul, why do you sigh within me? Put your hope in God: I shall praise him yet, my saviour, my God.

JB PSALMS Chapter 44


PSALM 44  (v43)


National lament


For the choirmaster


Of the sons of Korah



44:1 God, we have heard with our own ears, our ancestors have told us of the deeds you performed in their days, in days long ago,

44:2 by your hand. To put them in the land you dispossessed the nations, you harried the peoples to make room for them;

44:3 it was not by their swords they won the land, it was not by their arms they gained the victory: it was your right hand, your arm and the light of your face - because you loved them.

44:4 You it was, my King, my God, who won those victories for Jacob;

44:5 through you we trampled down our enemies, through your name we subdued our aggressors.

44:6 My trust was not in my bow, my sword did not gain me victory:

44:7 we conquered our enemies through you, you, who defeated all who hated us -

44:8 our boast was always of God, we praised your name without ceasing.   (Pause)

44:9 Yet now you abandon and scorn us, you no longer march with our armies,

44:10 you allow the enemy to push us back, and let those who hate us raid us when it suits them.

44:11 You let us go to the slaughterhouse like sheep, you scatter us among the nations;

44:12 you sell your people for next to nothing, and make no profit from the bargain.

44:13 Thanks to you, our neighbours insult us, all those around us make us their butt and laughing-stock;

44:14 you make us a byword to pagans, a thing to make them toss their heathen heads.

44:15 All day long I brood on this disgrace, my face covered in shame,

44:16 under a shower of insult and blasphemy, a display of hatred and revenge.

44:17 All this happened to us though we had not forgotten you, though we had not been disloyal to your covenant;

44:18 though our hearts had not turned away, though our steps had not left your path:

44:19 yet you crushed us in the place where the jackals live, and threw the shadow of death over us.

44:20 Had we forgotten the name of our own God and stretched out our hands to a foreign one,

44:21 would not God have found this out, he who knows the secrets of the heart?

44:22 No, it is for your sake we are being massacred daily, and counted as sheep for the slaughter.

44:23 Wake up, Lord! Why are you asleep? Awake! Do not abandon us for good.

44:24 Why do you hide your face, and forget we are wretched and exploited?

44:25 For we are bowed in the dust, our bodies crushed to the ground.

44:26 Rise! Come to our help! Redeem us for the sake of your love.

JB PSALMS Chapter 45


PSALM 45  (v44)


Royal wedding song


For the choirmaster


Tune: 'Lilies...'


Of the sons of Korah




Love song

45:1 My heart is stirred by a noble theme: I address my poem to the king; my tongue as ready as the pen of a busy scribe.

45:2 Of all men you are the most handsome, your lips are moist with grace, for God has blessed you for ever.

45:3 Hero, strap your sword at your side, in majesty and splendour;

45:4 on, ride on, in the cause of truth, religion and virtue! Stretch the bowstring tight, lending terror to your right hand.

45:5 Your arrows are sharp; nations lie at your mercy, the king's enemies are losing heart.

45:6 Your throne, God, shall last for ever and ever, your royal sceptre is a sceptre of integrity:

45:7 virtue you love as much as you hate wickedness. This is why God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness, above all your rivals;

45:8 myrrh and aloes waft from your robes. From palaces of ivory harps entertain you;

45:9 daughters of kings are among your maids of honour; on your right stands the queen, in gold from Ophir.

45:10 Listen, daughter, pay careful attention: forget your nation and your ancestral home,

45:11 then the king will fall in love with your beauty. He is your master now, bow down to him.

45:12 The daughter of Tyre will solicit your favour with gifts, the wealthiest nations,

45:13 with jewels set in gold. Dressed

45:14 in brocades, the king's daughter is led in to the king, with bridesmaids in her train. Her ladies-in-waiting follow

45:15 and enter the king's palace to general rejoicing.

45:16 Your ancestors will be replaced by sons whom you will make lords of the whole world.

45:17 I shall immortalise your name, nations will sing your praises for ever and ever.

JB PSALMS Chapter 46


PSALM 46  (v45)


God is on our side


For the choirmaster


Of the sons of Korah


For oboe



46:1 God is our shelter, our strength, ever ready to help in time of trouble,

46:2 so we shall not be afraid when the earth gives way, when mountains tumble into the depths of the sea,

46:3 and its waters roar and seethe, the mountains tottering as it heaves. (Yahweh Sabaoth is on our side, our citadel, the God of Jacob!)   (Pause)

46:4 There is a river whose streams refresh the city of God, and it sanctifies the dwelling of the Most High.

46:5 God is inside the city, she can never fall, at crack of dawn God helps her;

46:6 to the roaring of nations and tottering of kingdoms, when he shouts, the world disintegrates.

46:7 Yahweh Sabaoth is on our side, our citadel, the God of Jacob! (Pause)

46:8 Come, think of Yahweh's marvels, the astounding things he has done in the world;

46:9 all over the world he puts an end to wars, he breaks the bow, he snaps the spear, he gives shields to the flames.

46:10 'Pause a while and know that I am God, exalted among the nations', exalted over the earth!'

46:11 Yahweh Sabaoth is on our side, our citadel, the God of Jacob!   (Pause)

JB PSALMS Chapter 47


PSALM 47  (v46)


Yahweh, king of Israel, lord of the world


For the choirmaster


Of the sons of Korah



47:1 Clap your hands, all you peoples, acclaim God with shouts of joy;

47:2 for Yahweh, the Most High, is to be dreaded, the Great King of the whole world.

47:3 He brings the peoples under our dominion, he puts the nations under our feet;

47:4 for us he chooses our heritage - the pride of Jacob, whom he loved.

47:5 God rises to shouts of acclamation, Yahweh rises to a blast of trumpets,

47:6 let the music sound for our God, let it sound, let the music sound for our King, let it sound!

47:7 God is king of the whole world: play your best in his honour!

47:8 God is king of the nations, he reigns on his holy throne.

47:9 The leaders of the nations rally to the people of the God of Abraham. Every shield in the world belongs to God. He reigns supreme.

JB PSALMS Chapter 48


PSALM 48  (v47)


Zion, the mountain of God






Of the sons of Korah

48:1 Yahweh is great and supremely to be praised in the city of our God, the holy mountain,

48:2 beautiful where it rises, joy of the whole world; Mount of Zion, deep heart of the North, city of the Great King;

48:3 here among her palaces, God proved to be her fortress.

48:4 There was a rallying, once, of kings, advancing together along a common front;

48:5 they looked, they were amazed, they panicked, they ran!

48:6 There they shuddered and writhed like women in labour,

48:7 it was the east wind, that wrecker of ships of Tarshish![*a]

48:8 What we had heard we saw for ourselves in the city of our God, the city of Yahweh Sabaoth, God-protected for ever.   (Pause)

48:9 God, in your Temple we reflect on your love:

48:10 God, your praise, like your name, reaches to the ends of the world. Your right hand holds the victory;

48:11 Mount Zion rejoices, the daughters of Judah exult to have your rulings.

48:12 Go through Zion, walk round her, counting her towers,

48:13 admiring her walls, reviewing her palaces; then tell the next generation

48:14 that God is here, our God and leader, for ever and ever.

JB PSALMS Chapter 49


PSALM 49  (v48)


The futility of riches


For the choirmaster


Of the sons of Korah



49:1 Hear this, all nations, pay attention all who live on earth,

49:2 important people, ordinary people, rich and poor alike!

49:3 My lips have wisdom to utter, my heart whispers sound sense;

49:4 I turn my attention to a proverb, and set my solution to the harp.

49:5 Why should I be afraid in evil times, when malice dogs my steps and hems me in,

49:6 of men who trust in their wealth and boast of the profusion of their riches?

49:7 But man could never redeem himself or pay his ransom to God:

49:8 it costs so much to redeem his life, it is beyond him;

49:9 how then could he live on for ever and never see the Pit -

49:10 when all the time he sees that wise men die, that foolish and stupid perish both alike, and leave their fortunes to others.

49:11 Their tombs are their eternal home, their lasting residence, though they owned estates that bore their names.

49:12 Man when he prospers forfeits intelligence: he is one with the cattle doomed to slaughter.

49:13 So on they go with their self-assurance, with men to run after them when they raise their voice.   (Pause)

49:14 Like sheep to be penned in Sheol, Death will herd them to pasture and the upright will have the better of them. Dawn will come and then the show they made will disappear, Sheol the home for them!

49:15 But God will redeem my life from the grasp of Sheol, and will receive me. (Pause)

49:16 Do not be afraid when a man grows rich, when the glory of his House increases;

49:17 when he dies he can take nothing with him, his glory cannot follow him down.

49:18 The soul he made so happy while he lived - 'look after yourself and men will praise you' -

49:19 will join the company of his ancestors who will never see the light of day again.

49:20 Man in his prosperity forfeits intelligence: he is one with the cattle doomed to slaughter.

JB PSALMS Chapter 50


PSALM 50  (v49)


Worship in spirit and truth




Of Asaph

50:1 Yahweh, God of gods, speaks, he summons the earth. From east to west,

50:2 from Zion, perfection of beauty, he shines.

50:3 Let our God come, and be silent no more! Preceding him, a devouring fire, round him, a raging storm;

50:4 he summons the heavens above and the earth, to his people's trial:

50:5 'Assemble my faithful before me who sealed my covenant by sacrifice!'

50:6 Let the heavens proclaim his righteousness when God himself is judge!   (Pause)

50:7a 'Listen, my people, I am speaking;

50:7b Israel, I am giving evidence against you!

50:21c I charge, I indict you to your face,

50:7c I, God, your God.

50:8 'I am not finding fault with your sacrifices, those holocausts constantly before me;

50:9 I do not claim one extra bull from your homes, nor one extra goat from your pens,

50:10 'since all the forest animals are already mine, and the cattle on my mountains in their thousands;

50:11 I know all the birds of the air, nothing moves in the field that does not belong to me.

50:12 'If I were hungry, I should not tell you, since the world and all it holds is mine.

50:13 Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink goats' blood?

50:14 'No, let thanksgiving be your sacrifice to God, fulfil the vows you make to the Most High;

50:15 then you can invoke me in your troubles and I will rescue you, and you shall honour me.'

50:16 But to the wicked man God says: 'What business have you reciting my statutes, standing there mouthing my covenant,

50:17 since you detest my discipline and thrust my words behind you?

50:18 'You make friends with a thief as soon as you see one, you feel at home with adulterers,

50:19 your mouth is given freely to evil and your tongue to inventing lies.

50:20 'You sit there, slandering your own brother, you malign your own mother's son.

50:21 You do this, and expect me to say nothing?

50:21b Do you really think I am like you?

50:22 'You are leaving God out of account; take care! Or I will tear you to pieces where no one can rescue you!

50:23 Whoever makes thanksgiving his sacrifice honours me; to the upright man I will show how God can save.'

JB PSALMS Chapter 51


PSALM 51  (v50)




For the choirmaster




Of David


When the prophet Nathan came to him because he had been with Bathsheba

51:1 Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness, in your great tenderness wipe away my faults;

51:2 wash me clean of my guilt, purify me from my sin.

51:3 For I am well aware of my faults, I have my sin constantly in mind,

51:4 having sinned against none other than you, having done what you regard as wrong. You are just when you pass sentence on me, blameless when you give judgement.

51:5 You know I was born guilty, a sinner from the moment of conception.

51:6 Yet, since you love sincerity of heart, teach me the secrets of wisdom.

51:7 Purify me with hyssop[*a] until I am clean; wash me until I am whiter than snow.

51:8 Instil some joy and gladness into me, let the bones you have crushed rejoice again.

51:9 Hide your face from my sins, wipe out all my guilt.

51:10 God, create a clean heart in me, put into me a new and constant spirit,

51:11 do not banish me from your presence, do not deprive me of your holy spirit.

51:12 Be my saviour again, renew my joy, keep my spirit steady and willing;

51:13 and I shall teach transgressors the way to you, and to you the sinners will return.

51:14 Save me from death, God my saviour, and my tongue will acclaim your righteousness;

51:15 Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will speak out your praise.

51:16 Sacrifice gives you no pleasure, were I to offer holocaust, you would not have it.

51:17 My sacrifice is this broken spirit, you will not scorn this crushed and broken heart.

51:18 Show your favour graciously to Zion, rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.[*b]

51:19 Then there will be proper sacrifice to please you - holocaust and whole oblation - and young bulls to be offered on your altar.

JB PSALMS Chapter 52


PSALM 52  (v51)


The fate of cynics


For the choirmaster




Of David


When Doeg the Edomite went and warned Saul, 'David has gone to Ahimelech's house'

52:1 Why make a boast of your wickedness, you champion in villainy, all day

52:2 plotting destruction? Your tongue is razor-sharp, you artist in perfidy!

52:3 You prefer evil to good, lying to honest speech;   (Pause)

52:4 you love the destructive word, perfidious tongue!

52:5 That is why God will crush you, snatch you away for good, tear you out of your tent, uproot you from the land of the living.

52:6 Dread will seize the virtuous at the sight, they will laugh at his fate:

52:7 'So much for the man who refused to make God his fortress, but relied on his own great wealth and drew his strength from crime!'

52:8 I, for my part, like an olive tree growing in the house of God, put my trust in God's love for ever and ever.

52:9 I mean to thank you constantly for doing what you did, and put my hope in your name, that is so full of kindness; in the presence of those who love you.

JB PSALMS Chapter 53


PSALM 53  (v52)


The godless man[*a]


For the choirmaster


In sickness




Of David

53:1 The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God!' They are false, corrupt, vile, there is not one good man left.

53:2 God is looking down from heaven at the sons of men, to see if a single one is wise, if a single one is seeking God.

53:3 All have turned aside, all alike are tainted. There is not one good man left, not a single one.

53:4 Are they so ignorant, these evil men who swallow my people as though they were eating bread, and never invoke God?

53:5 They will be struck with fear, fear without reason, since God scatters the bones of the apostate, they are disgraced, for God rejects them.

53:6 Who will bring Israel salvation from Zion? When God brings his people home, what joy for Jacob, what happiness for Israel!

JB PSALMS Chapter 54


PSALM 54  (v53)


An appeal to the God of justice


For the choirmaster


On stringed instruments




Of David


When the Ziphites went to Saul and said, 'Is not David hiding with us?'

54:1 God, save me by your name, by your power see justice done to me;

54:2 God, hear my prayer, listen to what I am saying!

54:3 Arrogant men are attacking me, brutes who are hounding me to death, people to whom God means nothing.   (pause)

54:4 But now God himself comes to help me, the Lord, supporter of my life.

54:5 May their wickedness recoil on themselves, Yahweh, ever faithful, destroy my enemies!

54:6 How gladly will I offer sacrifice to you and praise your name, that is so full of kindness.

54:7 He has rescued me from all my troubles, and let me see my enemies defeated.

JB PSALMS Chapter 55


PSALM 55  (v54)


Prayer in persecution


For the choirmaster


For strings




Of David

55:1 God, hear my prayer, do not hide from my petition,

55:2 give me a hearing, answer me, I cannot rest for complaining. I shudder

55:3 at the enemy's shouts, at the howling of the wicked; they bring misery crashing down on me, and vent their fury on me.

55:4 My heart aches in my breast, Death's terrors assail me,

55:5 fear and trembling descend on me, horror overwhelms me.

55:6 And I say, 'Oh for the wings of a dove to fly away and find rest'.

55:7 How far I would take my flight, and make a new home in the desert!   (pause)

55:8 There I should soon find shelter from the raging wind, and from the tempest,

55:9 Lord, that destroys, and from their malicious tongues. I can see how Violence and Discord fill the city

55:10 day and night they stalk together along the city walls. Sorrow and Misery live inside,

55:11 Ruin is an inmate; Tyranny and Treachery are never absent from its central square.

55:12 Were it an enemy who insulted me, I could put up with that; had a rival got the better of me, I could hide from him.

55:13 But you, a man of my own rank, a colleague and a friend,

55:14 to whom sweet conversation bound me in the house of God! May they recoil in disorder,

55:15 may Death descend on them, may they go down, still living, to Sheol - since Evil shares their homes.

55:16 I, for myself, appeal to God and Yahweh saves me;

55:17 evening, morning, noon, I complain, I groan; he will hear me calling.

55:18 His peace can ransom me from the war being waged on me. How many are ranged against me!

55:19 But God will hear me. Sovereign from the first, he will humble them;   (Pause) no change of heart for them, since they do not fear God.

55:20 He[*a] has attacked his friends, he has gone back on his word;

55:21 though his mouth is smoother than butter, he has war in his heart; his words may soothe more than oil, but they are naked swords.

55:22 Unload your burden on to Yahweh, and he will support you; he will never permit the virtuous to falter.

55:23 As for these murderous, these treacherous men, you, God, will push them down to the deepest Pit before half their days are out. For my part, I put my trust in you.

JB PSALMS Chapter 56


PSALM 56  (v55)


Reliance on God


For the choirmaster


Tune: 'Dove of the distant gods'


When the Philistines held him in Gath

56:1 Take pity on me, God, as they harry me, pressing their attacks home all day.

56:2 All day my opponents harry me, hordes coming in to the attack. Raise me up

56:3 when I am most afraid, I put my trust in you;

56:4 in God, whose word[*a] I praise, in God I put my trust, fearing nothing; what can men do to me?

56:5 All day long they twist what I say, all they think of is how to harm me,

56:6 they conspire, lurk, spy on my movements, determined to take my life.

56:7 Are they to go unpunished for such a crime? God, in fury bring the nations down!

56:8 You have noted my agitation, now collect my tears in your wineskin!

56:9 Then my enemies will have to fall back as soon as I call for help. This I know: that God is on my side.

56:10 In God whose word I praise, in Yahweh, whose word I praise,

56:11 in God I put my trust, fearing nothing; what can man do to me?

56:12 I must fulfil the vows I made you, God; I shall pay you my thank-offerings,

56:13 for you have rescued me from Death to walk in the presence of God in the light of the living.

JB PSALMS Chapter 57


PSALM 57  (v56)


Among ferocious enemies


For the choirmaster


Tune: 'Do not destroy'


Of David




When he escaped from Saul, in the cave

57:1 Take pity on me, God, take pity on me, in you my soul takes shelter; I take shelter in the shadow of your wings until the destroying storm is over.

57:2 I call on God the Most High, on God who has done everything for me:

57:3 to send from heaven and save me, to check the people harrying me,   (pause) may God send his faithfulness and love.

57:4 I lie surrounded by lions greedy for human prey, their teeth are spears and arrows, their tongue a sharp sword.

57:5 Rise high above the heavens, God, let your glory be over the earth!

57:6 They laid a net where I was walking when I was bowed with care; they dug a pitfall for me but fell into it themselves!   (Pause)

57:7 My heart is ready, God, my heart is ready; I mean to sing and play for you,

57:8 awake, my muse, awake, lyre and harp, I mean to wake the Dawn!

57:9 Lord, I mean to thank you among the peoples; to play music to you among the nations;

57:10 your love is high as heaven, your faithfulness as the clouds.

57:11 Rise high above the heavens, God, let your glory be over the earth!

JB PSALMS Chapter 58


PSALM 58  (v57)


The Judge of earthly judges


For the choirmaster


Tune: 'Do not destroy'


Of David



58:1 Gods[*a] you may be, but do you give the sentences you should, and dispense impartial justice to mankind?

58:2 On the contrary, in your hearts you meditate oppression, with your hands you dole out tyranny on earth.

58:3 Right from the womb these wicked men have gone astray, these double talkers have been in error since their birth;

58:4 their poison is the poison of the snake, they are deaf as the adder that blocks its ears

58:5 so as not to hear the magician's music and the clever snakecharmer's spells.

58:6 God, break their teeth in their mouths, Yahweh, wrench out the fangs of these savage lions!

58:7 May they drain away like water running to waste, may they wither like trodden grass,

58:8 like a slug that melts as it moves, like an abortion, denied the light of day!

58:9 Before they sprout thorns like the bramble, green or scorched, may the wrath whirl them away!

58:10 What joy for the virtuous, seeing this vengeance, bathing their feet in the blood of the wicked!

58:11 'So' people will say 'the virtuous do have their harvest; so there is a God who dispenses justice on earth!'

JB PSALMS Chapter 59


PSALM 59  (v58)


Against the wicked


For the choirmaster


Tune: 'Do not destroy'


Of David




Saul sent spies to his house to have him killed

59:1 Rescue me from my enemies, my God, protect me from those attacking me,

59:2 rescue me from these evil men, save me from these murderers!

59:3 Look at them lurking to ambush they are strong and united against me; for no fault, no sin,

59:4 no offence of mine, Yahweh, how they hurry into position! Wake up, stand by me and look,

59:5 Yahweh, God of Sabaoth, God of Israel, up, now, and punish these pagans, show no mercy to these villains and traitors!   (pause)

59:6 Back they come at nightfall, snarling like curs, prowling through the town.

59:7 See how they slaver at the mouth, with swords between their teeth, 'There is no one listening'.

59:8 Yahweh, you laugh at them, you make fun of these pagans.

59:9 My Strength, I look to you. My citadel is God himself,

59:10 the God who loves me is coming, God will show me my enemies defeated.

59:11 Slaughter them, God, before my people forget! Harry them with your power and strike them down, Lord, our shield!

59:12 Sin is in their mouths, sin on their lips, so let them be caught in their pride! For the curses and lies they utter,

59:13 destroy them in anger, destroy, until they are finished, until God is acknowledged as ruler in Jacob to the remotest parts of the earth!   (pause)

59:14 Back they come at nightfall, snarling like curs, prowling through the town;

59:15 scavenging for food, growling till they are full.

59:16 I, for my part, celebrate your strength, I sing of your love morning by morning; you have always been my citadel, a shelter when I am in trouble.

59:17 My Strength, I play for you, my citadel is God himself, the God who loves me.

JB PSALMS Chapter 60


PSALM 60  (v59)


National prayer after defeat


For the choirmaster


Tune: 'The decree is a lily'




Of David


For instruction


When he was at war with Aram-naharaim and Aram-zobah, and Joab marched back to destroy twelve thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt

60:1 God, you have rejected us, broken us; you have been angry, come back to us!

60:2 You have made the earth tremble, torn it apart; now mend the rifts, it is tottering still!

60:3 You have allowed your people to suffer, to drink a wine that makes us reel.

60:4 Hoist the standard to rally those who fear you, to put them out of range of bow and arrow.   (Pause)

60:5 To bring rescue to those you love, save with your right hand and answer us!

60:6 God promised us once from his sanctuary, 'I the Victor will parcel out Shechem, and share out the Valley of Succoth.

60:7 'Gilead is mine, Manasseh mine, Ephraim is my helmet, Judah, my marshal's baton.

60:8 Moab a bowl for me to wash in! I throw my sandal[*a] over Edom. Now shout "Victory", Philistia!'[*b]

60:9 Who is there now to take me into the fortified city, to lead me into Edom?

60:10 God, can you really have rejected us? You no longer march with our armies.

60:11 Help us in this hour of crisis, the help that man can give is worthless.

60:12 With God among us we shall fight like heroes, he will trample on our enemies.

JB PSALMS Chapter 61


PSALM 61  (v60)


Prayer of an exile


For the choirmaster


For strings


Of David

61:1 God, hear my cry for help, listen to my prayer!

61:2 From the end of the earth I call to you, with sinking heart. To the rock too high for me, lead me!

61:3 For you are my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy.

61:4 Let me stay in your tent for ever, taking refuge in the shelter of your wings.

61:5 You, God, accept my vows, you grant me the heritage of those who fear your name.   (pause)

61:6 Let the king live on and on, prolong his years, generation on generation.

61:7 May he sit enthroned in God's presence for ever! Assign your Love and Faithfulness to guard him!

61:8 So I shall always sing of your name, fulfilling the vows I have taken, day after day.

JB PSALMS Chapter 62


PSALM 62  (v61)


Hope in God alone


For the choirmaster...






Of David

62:1 In God alone there is rest for my soul, from him comes my safety;

62:2 with him alone for my rock, my safety, my fortress, I can never fall.

62:3 How many times will you come rushing at a man, all of you, to bring him down like a wall already leaning over, like a rampart undermined?

62:4 Deceit their sole intention, their delight is to mislead; with lies on their lips they bless aloud, while cursing inwardly.   (pause)

62:5 Rest in God alone, my soul! He is the source of my hope;

62:6 with him alone for my rock, my safety, my fortress, I can never fall;

62:7 rest in God, my safety, my glory, the rock of my strength. In God, I find shelter;

62:8 rely on him people, at all times; unburden your hearts to him, God is a shelter for us   (pause)

62:9 Ordinary men are only a puff of wind, important men[*a] delusion; put both in the scales and up they go, lighter than a puff of wind.

62:10 Put no reliance on extortion, no empty hopes in robbery; though riches may increase, keep your heart detached.

62:11 God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: it is for God to be strong, for you,

62:12 Lord, to be loving; and you yourself repay man as his works deserve.

JB PSALMS Chapter 63


PSALM 63  (v62)


Desire for God




Of David


When he was in the wilderness of Judah

63:1 God, you are my God, I am seeking you, my soul is thirsting for you, my flesh is longing for you, a land parched, weary and waterless;

63:2 I long to gaze on you in the Sanctuary, and to see your power and glory.

63:3 Your love is better than life itself, my lips will recite your praise;

63:4 all my life I will bless you, in your name lift up my hands;

63:5 my soul will feast most richly, on my lips a song of joy and, in my mouth, praise.

63:6 On my bed I think of you, I meditate on you all night long,

63:7 for you have always helped me. I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings;

63:8 my soul clings close to you, your right hand supports me.

63:9 But may those now hounding me to death go down to the earth below,

63:10 consigned to the edge of the sword, and left as food for jackals.

63:11 Then will the king rejoice in God, and all who swear by him be able to boast once these lying mouths are silenced.

JB PSALMS Chapter 64


PSALM 64  (v63)


The punishment for slanderers


For the choirmaster




Of David

64:1 God, hear me as I make my plea, protect me from this frightening enemy,

64:2 hide me from the wicked and their schemes, from this mob of evil men,

64:3 sharpening their tongues like swords, shooting bitter words like arrows,

64:4 shooting them at the innocent from cover, shooting suddenly, without warning.

64:5 Urging each other on to their wicked purpose, they discuss where to hide their snares. 'Who is going to see us?' they say

64:6 'Who can probe our secrets?' Who? He who probes the inmost mind and the depths of the heart.

64:7 God will shoot them with his own arrow, wound them without warning.

64:8 He will destroy them for that tongue of theirs, and all who see them fall will shake their heads.

64:9 Then all will feel afraid, will tell others what God has done; they will understand why he has done it.

64:10 The virtuous will rejoice in Yahweh, will make him their refuge; and upright hearts will be able to boast.

JB PSALMS Chapter 65


PSALM 65  (v64)


Thanksgiving hymn


For the choirmaster


Of David



65:1 Praise is rightfully yours, God, in Zion. Vows to you must be fulfilled,

65:2 for you answer prayer. All flesh must come to you

65:3 with all its sins; though our faults overpower us, you blot them out.

65:4 Happy the man you choose, whom you invite to live in your courts. Fill us with the good things of your house, of your holy Temple.

65:5 Your righteousness repays us with marvels, God our saviour, hope of all the ends of the earth and the distant islands.

65:6 Your strength holds the mountains up, such is the power that wraps you;

65:7 you calm the clamour of the ocean, the clamour of its waves. The nations are in uproar,

65:8 in panic those who live at the ends of the world, as your miracles bring shouts of joy to the portals of morning and evening.

65:9 You visit the earth and water it, you load it with riches; God's rivers brim with water to provide their grain.

65:10 This is how you provide it: by drenching its furrows, by levelling its ridges, by softening it with showers, by blessing the first-fruits.

65:11 You crown the year with your bounty, abundance flows wherever you pass;

65:12 the desert pastures overflow, the hillsides are wrapped in joy,

65:13 the meadows are dressed in flocks, the valleys are clothed in wheat, what shouts of joy, what singing!

JB PSALMS Chapter 66


PSALM 66  (v65)


Corporate act of thanksgiving


For the choirmaster





66:1 Acclaim God, all the earth,

66:2 play music to the glory of his name, glorify him with your praises,

66:3 say to God, 'What dread you inspire!' Your achievements are the measure of your power. Your enemies cringe in your presence;

66:4 all the earth bows down to you, playing music for you, playing in honour of your name.   (pause)

66:5 Come and see what marvels God has done, so much to be feared for his deeds among mankind:

66:6 he turned the sea into dry land, they crossed the river on foot! So let us rejoice in him,

66:7 who rules for ever by his power: his eyes keep watch on the nations, let no rebel raise his head!   (pause)

66:8 You nations, bless our God and make his praise resound,

66:9 who brings our soul to life and keeps our feet from faltering.

66:10 You tested us, God, you refined us like silver,

66:11 you let us fall into the net, you laid heavy burdens on our backs,

66:12 you let people drive over our heads; but now the ordeal by fire and water is over, and you allow us once more to draw breath.

66:13 I bring holocausts to your house, I bring them to fulfil those vows

66:14 that rose to my lips, those vows I spoke when in trouble.

66:15 I offer you fat holocausts and the smoke of burning rams, I offer you bullocks and he-goats.

66:16 Come and listen, all you who fear God, while I tell you what he has done for me:

66:17 when I uttered my cry to him and high praise was on my tongue,

66:18 had I been guilty in my heart, the Lord would never have heard me.

66:19 But God not only heard me, he listened to my prayer.

66:20 Blessed be God, who neither ignored my prayer nor deprived me of his love.

JB PSALMS Chapter 67


PSALM 67  (v66)


Harvest song


For the choirmaster


For strings





67:1 May God show kindness and bless us, and make his face smile on us!   (pause)

67:2 For then the earth will acknowledge your ways and all the nations will know of your power to save.   (pause)

67:3 Let the nations praise you, O God, let all the nations praise you!

67:4 Let the nations shout and sing for joy, since you dispense true justice to the world; you dispense strict justice to the peoples, on earth you rule the nations.   (pause)

67:5 Let the nations praise you, God, let all the nations praise you!

67:6 The soil has given its harvest, God, our God, has blessed us.

67:7 May God bless us, and let him be feared to the very ends of the earth.

JB PSALMS Chapter 68


PSALM 68  (v67)


National song of triumph


For the choirmaster


Of David





68:1 Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered, let those who hate him flee before him!

68:2 As smoke disperses, they disperse; as wax melts when near the fire, so the wicked perish when God approaches.

68:3 But at God's approach, the virtuous rejoice, exulting and singing for joy.

68:4 Sing to Yahweh, play music to his name, build a road for the Rider of the Clouds, rejoice in Yahweh, exult at his coming!

68:5 Father of orphans, defender of widows, such is God in his holy dwelling;

68:6 God gives the lonely a permanent home, makes prisoners happy by setting them free, but rebels must live in an arid land.

68:7 God, when you set out at the head of your people, and marched across the desert,

68:8 the earth rocked,   (pause) the heavens deluged at God's coming, at the coming of God, the God of Israel.

68:9 God, you rained a downpour of blessings, when your heritage was faint you gave it strength;

68:10 your family found a home, where you in your goodness, God, provided for the needy.

68:11a The Lord gives his couriers the news,

68:14a 'Shaddai has scattered

68:11b a huge army'.

68:12 Kings are in flight, armies in flight, the women at home take their pick of the loot.

68:13 Meanwhile you others were lolling in the sheepfolds. There were dove-wings covered with silver, on their pinions the sheen of green gold;

68:14b jewels were there like snow on Dark Mountain.

68:15 That peak of Bashan, a mountain of God? Rather, a mountain of pride, that peak of Bashan!

68:16 Peaks of pride, have you the right to look down on a mountain where God has chosen to live, where Yahweh is going to live for ever?

68:17 With thousands of myriads of divine chariots the Lord has left Sinai for his sanctuary.

68:18 God, you have ascended to the height, and captured prisoners, you have taken men as tribute, yes, taken rebels to your dwelling, Yahweh!

68:19 Blessed be the Lord day after day, the God who saves us and bears our burdens!

68:20 This God of ours is a God who saves, to the Lord Yahweh belong the ways of escape from death;

68:21 but God will smash the heads of his enemies, the hairy skull of the man who parades his guilt.

68:22 The Lord has promised, 'I will bring them back from Bashan, I will bring them back from the bottom of the sea,

68:23 for your feet to wade in blood, for the tongues of your dogs to lap their share of the enemy'.

68:24 God, your procession can be seen, my God's, my king's procession to the sanctuary,

68:25 with cantors marching in front, musicians behind, and between them maidens playing tambourines.

68:26 Bless God in your choirs, bless the Lord, you who spring from Israel!

68:27 Benjamin, the youngest, is there in the lead, the princes of Judah in brocaded robes, the princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali.

68:28 Take command, God, as befits your power, that power, God, you have wielded on our behalf

68:29 from your Temple high above Jerusalem! Kings will come to you, bringing presents.

68:30 Rebuke the Beast of the Reeds,[*a] that herd of bulls, those calves, that people, until, humbled, they bring gold and silver. Scatter those warmongering pagans!

68:31 Ambassadors will come from Egypt, Ethiopia will stretch out her hands to God.

68:32 Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth, play for

68:33 the Rider of the Heavens, the ancient heavens!   (pause) Listen to him shouting, to his thundering,

68:34 and acknowledge the power of God! Over Israel his splendour, in the clouds his power,

68:35 God in his sanctuary is greatly to be feared. He, the God of Israel, gives power and strength to his people. Blessed be God.

JB PSALMS Chapter 69


PSALM 69  (v68)




For the choirmaster


Tune: 'Lilies...'


Of David

69:1 Save me, God! The water is already up to my neck!

69:2 I am sinking in the deepest swamp, there is no foothold; I have stepped into deep water and the waves are washing over me.

69:3 Worn out with calling, my throat is hoarse, my eyes are strained, looking for my God.

69:4 More people hate me for no reason than I have hairs on my head, more are groundlessly hostile than I have hair to show. (They ask me to give back what I never took.)

69:5 God, you know how foolish I have been, my offences are not hidden from you;

69:6 but let those who hope in you not blush for me, Yahweh Sabaoth[*a] Let those who seek you not be ashamed of me, God of Israel!

69:7 It is for you I am putting up with insults that cover me with shame,

69:8 that make me a stranger to my brothers, an alien to my mother's other sons;

69:9 zeal for your house devours me, and the insults of those who insult you fall on me.

69:10 If I mortify myself with fasting, they make this a pretext for insulting me;

69:11 if I dress myself in sackcloth, I become their laughing-stock,

69:12 the gossip of people sitting at the city gate, and the theme of drunken songs.

69:13 For my part, I pray to you, Yahweh, at the time you wish; in your great love, answer me, God, faithful in saving power.

69:14 Pull me out of this swamp; let me sink no further, let me escape those who hate me, save me from deep water!

69:15 Do not let the waves wash over me, do not let the deep swallow me or the Pit close its mouth on me.

69:16 In your loving kindness, answer me, Yahweh, in your great tenderness turn to me;

69:17 do not hide your face from your servant, quick, I am in trouble, answer me;

69:18 come to my side, redeem me, from so many enemies ransom me.

69:19a You know all the insults I endure,

69:19c every one of my oppressors is known to you;

69:20a the insults have broken my heart,

69:19b my shame and disgrace

69:20b are past cure; I had hoped for sympathy, but in vain,

69:20c I found no one to console me.

69:21 They gave me poison to eat instead, when I was thirsty they gave me vinegar to drink.

69:22 May their own table prove a trap for them, and their plentiful supplies, a snare!

69:23 may their eyes grow dim, go blind, strike their loins with chronic palsy!

69:24 Vent your fury on them, let your burning anger overtake them;

69:25 may their camp be reduced to ruin, and their tents left unoccupied:

69:26 for hounding a man after you had struck him, for adding more wounds to those which you inflicted.

69:27 Charge them with crime after crime, deny them further access to your righteousness,

69:28 blot them out of the book of life, strike them off the roll of the virtuous!

69:29 For myself, wounded wretch that I am, by your saving power, God, lift me up!

69:30 I will praise the name of God with a song, I will extol him with my thanksgiving,

69:31 more pleasing to Yahweh than any ox or bull with horn and hoof.

69:32 Then, seeing this, the humble can rejoice: long life to your hearts, all you who seek for God!

69:33 Yahweh will always hear those who are in need, will never scorn his captive people.

69:34 Let heaven and earth acclaim him, the oceans and all that moves in them!

69:35 For God will save Zion, and rebuild the towns of Judah: they will be lived in, owned,

69:36 handed down to his servants' descendants, and lived in by those who love his name.

JB PSALMS Chapter 70


PSALM 70  (v69)


A cry of distress[*a]


For the choirmaster


Of David


For commemoration

70:1 Oh come and rescue me, God, Yahweh come quickly and help me!

70:2 Shame and dishonour on those who are out to kill me! Down with them! Disgrace on those who enjoy my misfortune!

70:3 May they be aghast with shame, those who say to me, 'Aha! Aha!'

70:4 But joy and gladness for all who seek you! To all who love your saving power give constant cause to say, 'God is great!'

70:5 To me, poor wretch, come quickly, God! My helper, my saviour, Yahweh, come without delay.!

JB PSALMS Chapter 71


PSALM 71  (v70)


An old man's prayer

71:1 In you, Yahweh, I take shelter; never let me be disgraced.

71:2 In your righteousness rescue me, deliver me, turn your ear to me and save me!

71:3 Be a sheltering rock for me, a walled fortress to save me! For you are my rock, my fortress.

71:4 My God, rescue me from the hands of the wicked, from the clutches of rogue and tyrant!

71:5 For you alone are my hope, Lord, Yahweh, I have trusted you since my youth,

71:6 I have relied on you since I was born, you have been my portion from my mother's womb, and the constant theme of my praise.

71:7 To many I have seemed an enigma, but you are my firm refuge.

71:8 My mouth is full of your praises, filled with your splendour all day long.

71:9 Do not reject me now I am old, nor desert me now my strength is failing,

71:10 for my enemies are uttering threats, spies hatching their conspiracy:

71:11 'Hound him down now that God has deserted him, seize him, there is no one to rescue him!'

71:12 God, do not stand aside, my God, come quickly and help me!

71:13 Shame and ruin on those who attack me; may insult and disgrace cover those whose aim is to hurt me!

71:14 I promise that, ever hopeful, I will praise you more and more,

71:15 my lips shall proclaim your righteousness and power to save, all day long.

71:16 I will come in the power of Yahweh to commemorate your righteousness, yours alone.

71:17 God, you taught me when I was young, and I am still proclaiming your marvels.

71:18 Now that I am old and grey, God, do not desert me; let me live to tell the rising generation about your strength and power,

71:19 about your heavenly righteousness, God. You have done great things; who, God, is comparable to you?

71:20 You have sent me misery and hardship, but you will give me life again, you will pull me up again from the depths of the earth,

71:21 prolong my old age, and once more comfort me.

71:22 I promise I will thank you on the lyre, my ever-faithful God, I will play the harp in your honour, Holy One of Israel.

71:23 My lips shall sing for joy as I play to you, and this soul of mine which you have redeemed.

71:24 And all day long, my tongue shall be talking of your righteousness. Shame and disgrace on those whose aim is to hurt me!

JB PSALMS Chapter 72


PSALM 72  (v71)


The promised king


Of Solomon

72:1 God, give your own justice to the king, your own righteousness to the royal son,

72:2 so that he may rule your people rightly and your poor with justice.

72:3 Let the mountains and hills bring a message of peace for the people. Uprightly

72:4 he will defend the poorest, he will save the children of those in need, and crush their oppressors.

72:5 Like sun and moon he will endure, age after age,

72:6 welcome as rain that falls on the pasture, and showers to thirsty soil.

72:7 In his days virtue will flourish, a universal peace till the moon is no more;

72:8 his empire shall stretch from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth.

72:9 The Beast[*a] will cower before him and his enemies grovel in the dust;

72:10 the kings of Tarshish and of the islands will pay him tribute. The kings of Sheba and Seba will offer gifts;

72:11 all kings will do him homage, all nations become his servants.

72:12 He will free the poor man who calls to him, and those who need help,

72:13 he will have pity on the poor and feeble, and save the lives of those in need;

72:14 he will redeem their lives from exploitation and outrage, their lives will be precious in his sight.

72:15 (Long may he live, may gold from Sheba be given him!) Prayer will be offered for him constantly, blessings invoked on him all day long.

72:16 Grain everywhere in the country, even on the mountain tops, abundant as Lebanon its harvest, luxuriant as common grass!

72:17 Blessed be his name for ever, enduring as long as the sun! May every race in the world be blessed in him, and all the nations call him blessed!

72:18 Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel, who alone performs these marvels!

72:19 Blessed for ever be his glorious name, may the whole world be filled with his glory! Amen. Amen!

72:20 End of the prayers of David, son of Jesse.[*b]

JB PSALMS Chapter 73


PSALM 73  (v72)


The triumph of justice




Of Asaph

73:1 God is indeed good to Israel, the Lord is good to pure hearts.

73:2 My feet were on the point of stumbling, a little further and I should have slipped,

73:3 envying the arrogant as I did, and watching the wicked get rich.

73:4 For them, no such thing as pain, their bodies are healthy and strong,

73:5 they do not suffer as other men do, no human afflictions for them!

73:6 So pride is their chain of honour, violence the garment that covers them;

73:7 their spite oozes like fat, their hearts drip with slyness

73:8 Cynical advocates of evil, lofty advocates of force,

73:9 they think their mouth is heaven and their tongue can dictate on earth.

73:10 This is why my people turn to them and lap up all they say, asking,

73:11 'How will God find out? Does the Most High know everything?

73:12 Look at them: these are the wicked, well-off and still getting richer!'

73:13 After all, why should I keep my own heart pure, and wash my hands in innocence,

73:14 if you plague me all day long and discipline me every morning?

73:15 Had I said, 'That talk appeals to me', I should have betrayed your children's race.

73:16 Instead, I tried to analyse the problem, hard though I found it -

73:17 until the day I pierced the mystery and saw the end in store for them:

73:18 they are on a slippery slope, you put them there, you urge them on to ruin,

73:19 until suddenly they fall, done for, terrified to death.

73:20 When you wake up, Lord, you shrug them off like the phantoms of a morning dream.

73:21 When my heart had been growing sourer with pains shooting through my loins,

73:22 I had simply failed to understand, my stupid attitude to you was brutish.

73:23 Even so, I stayed in your presence, you held my right hand;

73:24 now guide me with advice and in the end receive me into glory.

73:25 I look to no one else in heaven, I delight in nothing else on earth.

73:26 My flesh and my heart are pining with love, my heart's Rock, my own, God for ever!

73:27 So then: those who abandon you are doomed, you destroy the adulterous deserter;[*a]

73:28 whereas my joy lies in being close to God. I have taken shelter in the Lord, continually to proclaim what you have done.

END OF JB PSALMS Volume 2 (42 - 72) [Total 150 Chapters].