

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj







1:1 拿步高在尼尼微大城为亚述王第十二年,那时阿法撒得也在厄克巴塔纳为玛待王。
1:2 阿法撒得在厄克巴塔纳周围,用凿成宽三肘,长六肘的石块,修建了一座高七十肘,宽五十肘的城垣。
1:3 在城门旁还建筑了一些碉楼,高一百肘,基广六十肘;
1:4 又修了城门,高达七十肘,宽四十肘,以便他的大军可以出发,步队可以列队而行。
1:5 那时,拿步高王在辣高境内一个大平原上,与阿法撒得王作战。
1:6 凡居住在山地、幼法拉的、底格里斯、依达斯贝以及厄蓝王阿黎约客的平原上的人民,都支持阿法撒得;因此有许多民族前来参加赫娄得人的战争。

1:7 亚述王拿步高遂向波斯所有居民,向西方所有居民:即住在基里基雅、大马士革、黎巴嫩、安提黎巴嫩,以及所有沿海一带的人,
1:8 向加尔默耳基肋阿得、上加里肋亚、厄斯得隆大平原的民族,
1:9 向撤玛黎雅及所属城镇,向约但河西岸直到耶路撒冷、巴塔乃、赫娄斯、卡德士的居民,向埃及河、塔弗乃、辣默色斯及哥笙全境,
1:10 直到塔尼斯上部与孟非斯的居民,向住在埃及至厄提约丕雅边疆上的居民,派遣使节;
1:11 但上述各地的居民,都轻视亚述王拿步高的号召,不肯与他联盟参战,也不怕他,看他不过如一常人,叫他的使者空手蒙羞而回。
1:12 拿步高对这些国家大怒,即指着自己的卸座和帝国发誓,必雪此恨,要用刀兵消灭基里基雅、大马士革和叙利亚全境,以及摩阿布境内一切居民,阿孟子民,犹太全国与埃及,直到两海边境间的一切居民。

1:13 第十七年,他果然率领大军,进攻阿法撒得王,一战告捷,使阿法撒得的全军,马队战车,全部溃败,
1:14 遂占领他的城池,来到厄克巴塔纳夺取城楼,沿街掠夺,使京华变为耻辱。
1:15 后又在辣高山上,擒获了阿法撒得,命自己的枪手当天刺杀了他。
1:16 然后率领大军,并所有庞大的混合军队回了国。在国内与自己的军队,庆祝宴乐,凡一百二十日。




2:2 君王召集了所有的臣仆和公卿,向他们说明自己暗怀的心愿,决意亲口下令灭绝那些国家;
2:3 大家一致表决,凡不听从君王号召的人,都应铲除。
2:4 开会议决后,亚述王拿步高就将他的总司令,兼居全国次位的敖罗斐乃召来,对他说:
2:5 「大王,全世界之主这样说:看,你应离我出征,率领骁勇善战的人,步兵十二万,一万二千战马及骑士,
2:6 去攻打西方各国,因为他们没有听从我的命令;
2:7 通知他们准备好山河,因为我要满怀盛怒来攻打他们,以我军的脚掌,遮遍他们的地面,使他们遭受浩劫,
2:8 使伤者填满沟壑,死者充塞江河,致使河水泛滥。
2:9 将他们的俘虏,放逐到大地四极。
2:10 今你出征,首先代我占据那一切的领土;如果人自愿向你请降,你就给我保留,等惩治他们的日子来到。
2:11 对不投降的,你的眼不用顾惜,在你占领区内,任人屠杀抢掠。
2:12 我既以我的性命作担保,以帝国的权威下令,也必亲手执行。
2:13 至于你,不可违犯你主上的任何命令,但应照我吩咐你的,尽心办理,切勿怠慢!」

2:15 依照主上的命令,数点了出征的精兵,约十二万人,骑兵射手一万二千,
2:16 将他们分编成为作战的部队。
2:17 后又牵来许多骆驼驴骡,载运辎重,赶来无数的绵羊、牛和山羊,充当军需;
2:18 又给众人分发了大批给养,再由王库,支取了大批的金银,
2:19 然后率领大军出发,作拿步高王的先锋,以战车马队和精兵,遮蔽西方的地面。
2:20 另有很多混合的军人,多得如蝗虫尘沙,也跟随出征,人数众多,无法统计。

2:22 敖罗斐乃后又率领大军:步兵、骑兵、战车,由那里往山地进发,
2:23 击败了普特和路得,掠夺了辣息斯的众子民,以及住在赫肋人以南的旷野对面的依市玛耳子民。
2:24 渡过幼发拉的河,穿过美索不达米亚,破坏了沿哈波尔河至海一带的坚城。
2:25 以后占领了基里基雅的地方,粉碎一切抵抗,来到位于阿刺伯对面南部的雅敖斐特边境,
2:26 围攻了米德杨的众子民,焚毁了他们的帐幕,劫夺了他们的羊圈。
2:27 到了收割麦子的时候,便下到大马士革平原,放火烧田,搜杀牛羊,劫掠城市,破坏庄田,斩杀青年。
2:28 因此凡住在海边、漆冬提洛、稣尔、敖基纳雅木尼雅的人都战兢害怕,阿左托及阿市刻隆各地的居民对他更是万分害怕恐惧。




3:2 「看,我们是拿步高大王的奴仆,俯伏在你面前,你看怎样好,就怎样处置我们罢!
3:3 看我们的住宅、所有的土地和麦田,以及羊群牛群,帐幕旁所有的羊圈,都摆在你面前,你可任意取用。
3:4 看,我们的城与城中的居民,都是你的奴仆,你来,看着怎样好,就怎样对待他们罢!」
3:5 使者来到敖罗斐乃前,就向他说了这些话。

3:7 城中的居民,及其附近境内的人民,都带着花冠,跳着舞,敲着鼓,出来迎接他。
3:8 但是,他还是要破坏他们的圣地,砍伐他们的神林,因为他曾受命,要铲除地上所有的神祗,使万国一致崇拜拿步高一人,万民异口同声称他为神。
3:9 随后来到厄斯得隆对面,即犹太平原前的多堂附近,
3:10 安营在革巴与史托颇里之间。在那里驻扎了一个月,为集合自己部队的辎重。




4:2 就万分害怕,为耶路撒冷与上主他们的天主的圣殿十分担心,
4:3 因为他们才从充军之地归来,全犹太人民重新聚合不久,刚把器皿、祭坛、圣殿在经过亵读之后,从新祝圣。
4:4 因此,他们便打发使者撒玛黎雅全境,到科纳贝特曷龙、贝耳玛因、耶里哥、苛巴、爱索辣与撒冷山谷一带,
4:5 嘱咐他们先要占据各高山的山顶,在山上的村庄修筑防御工事,储蓄粮食,准备应战,好在他们的田园才收获不久。
4:6 当时正在耶路撒冷当大司祭的约雅金,给在拜突里雅及位于厄斯得隆前,多堂附近平原对面的拜托默斯坦城的人民,
4:7 写了一封信,吩咐他们应把守上山进入犹太的道路,因为这道路狭隘,只能通过两人,很容易阻止敌人进攻。
4:8 以色列子民就遵照大司祭约雅金,以及位于耶路撒冷全以色列人民的长老院的吩咐办了。

4:10 他们和妻子儿女,牲畜旅客,佣工奴婢,都腰里束着苦衣。
4:11 凡住在以色在耶路撒冷的以色列男女及幼童,都俯伏在圣殿前,头上撒灰,在上主面前展开苦衣;
4:12 即是祭坛,也围上苦衣,诚心热切一同呼求以色列的天主,不让敌人来劫掠自己的幼童,掳掠自己的妇女,毁灭自己产业中的城邑,轻蔑污辱自己的圣所,而使异民得意欢腾。
4:13 上主俯听了他们的哀声,怜视了他们的苦难。全犹太和耶路撒冷境内的百姓,在全能上主的圣所前,禁食多日。
4:14 大司祭约雅金,以及一切侍立在上主面前的人,司祭与上主的仆役,都腰束苦衣,奉献恒常的全燔祭,奉献人民许愿和自愿献上的供物,
4:15 在头巾上撒灰,高声呼求上主,眷顾以色列全家。




5:2 他遂勃然大怒,召集所有摩阿布的公侯,阿孟的司令,及沿海一带的长官来,
5:3 对他们说:客纳罕的子民!请告诉我,这山地里住的是什么民族?他们住的是什么城池?部队的人数究有多少?他们的力量和勇气,究在什么事上?作他们的君王,率领他们军队的是谁?
5:4 为什么在西方诸民族中只有他们不屑于前来欢迎我?」

5:6 这民族原是加尔底亚人的后裔,
5:7 原先侨居在美索不达米亚,因为不愿随从自己祖先所居加尔底亚地的神祗,
5:8 就离弃了自己祖先的途径,而崇拜天上的大主,一位自己所承认的神。所以他们为那里的神祗所驱逐,逃到美索不达米亚,侨居在那里很久。
5:9 后来他们的天主吩咐他们离开侨居的地方,往客纳罕地方去,就住在那里积畜了大批金银和很多家畜。
5:10 后又因客纳罕地方连年饥荒,便下到埃及,居留在那里。直到他们能自养自足;在那里竟成了一个大族,子孙众多,不可胜数。
5:11 但埃及王却苛待他们,逼今他们作做砖的苦工,压迫他们,当作奴隶。
5:12 于是他们向自己的天主哀号。天主就以不治之症,打击了埃及全境;埃及人就将他们赶走。
5:13 天主使红海在他们面前干涸,
5:14 引他们沿着西乃和卡德士巴尔乃亚的路前进,他们将旷野中的居民完全驱逐,
5:15 住在阿摩黎人的境内,以武力消灭了一切赫市朋人,继而渡过约旦河,占领了整个山地,据为己有,
5:16 将客纳罕人、培黎齐人、耶步斯人、舍根人与一切基尔加史人,都由自己的面前赶走,住在那里很久。
5:17 当他们不犯罪得罪自己的天主时,便常享幸福,因为有一位嫉恶的天主,与他们同在。
5:18 但当他们离开天主给他们所指示的道路时,便在战争中受到歼灭,被掳到异乡,他们天主的殿宇也被毁为平地,城市都为敌人所占据。
5:19 可是现在,自从他们归向天主以来,就由散居的地方回来,收复了他们的圣殿的所在地耶路撒冷,住在已变为荒芜的山地。
5:20 主帅!假使这个民族作恶,得罪他们的天主,如果我们发觉他们有这「致命伤」就可上去进攻,必能战胜。
5:21 若是这民族没有什么不法的事,请我主放过他们,免得他们的上主天主庇护他们,使我们在全世界成为人的笑柄。」

5:23 「我们不应该怕以色列子民!这个民族决没有勇气和能力,与劲旅相对抗。
5:24 敖罗斐乃主帅!我们应上前进攻,他们必能为你的全军所扑灭。」




6:2 你这阿希约尔,你们这些厄弗辣因的佣兵,算得什么?今日竟对我们说预言,劝我们不要攻打以色列民族,说他们的天主会庇护他们!拿步高外,还有谁是天主?他打发他的兵力,要从地面上将他们消灭,这不是他们的天主所能施救的!
6:3 我们当他仆人的,攻打他们就象打一个人,他们决抵抗不住我们马队的威力。
6:4 我们的马队要将他们踏碎,使他们的山岭饮他们的血,他们的平原充满他们的尸首;他们在我们跟前决不能立足,必要完全灭亡:这是全世之主拿步高说的。他既如此说了,他的话决不会落空。
6:5 至于你,阿孟人的佣工阿希约尔!你说这样的话,是存心不良,从今天起直到我向这逃出埃及的民族复了仇,你再不要见我的面。
6:6 当我回来时,我军队的刀剑,我仆从的长枪,要刺穿你的肋膀,你要倒卧在伤亡者中。
6:7 我的仆人如今要送你到山地,将你弃置在一座位于隘道上的城中,
6:8 你暂不会死,直到你与他们同归于尽!
6:9 如果你心里真希望这些城池不陷落,那又何必垂头丧气!我已说了,我的话一句也不会落空!」

6:11 他的仆人就捉住他,领到营外平原,再由平原带到山上,直到拜突里雅城下的水泉旁。
6:12 那在山顶城中的人一见他们就拿起武器,由山顶的城出来,同时所有的弹石射手,向他们抛石,挡住他们上来的路。
6:13 那些人伏在山下,将阿希约尔捆了,抛弃在山麓,然后回到自己主帅那里。
6:14 以色列子民由城中下来,走到他跟前将他解开,带到拜突里雅,引他去见城中首长。

6:16 你们遂召集城里所有的长老;众青年和妇女也都赶来参加集会。阿希约尔站在民众中间,敖齐雅就问他发生了什么事。
6:17 他立即回答,将敖罗斐乃会议中的议案,将自己在亚述子民首领中所说的,以及敖罗斐乃对以色列家族所说的大话,都一一告诉了他们。
6:18 在场的人民于是俯伏在地朝拜天主,呼喊说:
6:19 「上主,天上的大主!你看看他们的骄傲,可怜我们民族所受的苦辱,请你今日眷顾那奉献于你的人民!」
6:20 他们遂安慰阿希约尔,对他大加称赞。
6:21 敖齐雅以后由会场中引他到自己家里,且设宴款待长老。那一夜,他们终夜呼求以色列的天主救助。




7:2 那天,军队全体出发;作战的队伍有步兵十七万,骑兵一万二千;此外还有辎重队,和随军步行的人,多得不可胜数;
7:3 在靠近拜突里雅的山谷中,在水泉旁安营。营幕绵延,长度由多堂到贝耳玛因,宽度由拜突里雅到厄斯得隆对面的夸孟。
7:4 以色列子民一见如此众多的军队,惊慌非常,都彼此说:「如今他们必将全地面一扫而光,连高山、幽谷、丘陵都担负不了他们的压力。」
7:5 但以色列人还是各自拿着武器,在碉楼上点起烽火,那一整夜留守戒备。
7:6 第二天,敖罗斐乃把全部马队,开到住在拜突里雅的以色列子民面前,
7:7 也探明了通往该城的山路,寻得了水泉,派兵占据把守,然后回到自己部队那里去了。

7:9 「愿我们的主帅听取一个建议,免得你的军队受害。
7:10 以色列这个民族,原不依仗枪矛,惟独依靠所住的高山,因为攀登他们的山顶,并不是一件易事。
7:11 主帅!如今不要同他们列阵交战,如此你的军人一个也不会伤亡。
7:12 你可留在营中,督守你军中所有的人马,只让你的仆役去占领山麓下涌出来的水泉,
7:13 因为凡住在拜突里雅的人,都从那里汲水。他们没有水喝,势必将城交出。同时我们率领我们的军人,上到附近的山顶上安营,监视他们不许一人走出城来。
7:14 他们和妻子儿女必饥渴得衰弱无力,刀剑还未临到身上,他们已躺卧在靠近家门的街道上了。
7:15 这样你可以恶毒地报复他们,因为他们顽抗,没有欢迎你。」
7:16 他们的建议,大得敖罗斐乃和他众官员的欢心。于是下令依照这建议办理。
7:17 摩阿布子民就移营出发,与他们同去的还有五千亚述人,驻扎在山谷中,占据了以色列子民的水渠和水泉。
7:18 厄撒乌的子孙及阿孟子民。也与一万二千亚述人上去,驻扎在多堂对面的山地。又从他们中派遣人,往厄格勒贝耳对面的东南方去,----厄格勒贝耳是在摩客慕尔河旁的雇士附近----其余的亚述军队,驻扎在平原上,遮遍了地面;帐幕和辎重,堆集如山,多得不可胜数。

7:20 这时,亚述大军,即所有步兵战车、马队、包围他们,已经三十四天了。拜突里雅居民所有的蓄水器都已空了,蓄水池都干了。
7:21 人没有一天可得畅饮,因为水是分配给人喝的。
7:22 他们的幼儿渴的没有气力,归女和青年渴得发晕倒在城内大街上和门口,再也没有一点力气。
7:23 于是全体民众、青年、妇女和幼童,都聚集在敖齐雅及城中首长那里,大声疾呼,当着众长老说:
7:24 「愿天主在你们与我们之间,施行审判!因为你们不同亚述人说和,使我们遭此大祸。
7:25 如今我们不但没有救援,连天主也将我们交在他们手中,叫我们饥渴而死,都倒毙在他们面前。
7:26 现今你们就叫他们进来把全城交给敖罗斐乃的人民和大军,任凭他们抢掠。
7:27 我们更好当他们的战利品,因为我们虽然身为奴隶,但可保全性命,不至于眼看着我们的幼童夭亡,我们的妻子儿女断送性命。
7:28 我们当着上天下地,因着我们的天主,即因惩罚我们的罪过,及我们祖先过犯的我们祖先的上主,恳求你们设法,别叫天主今日按照这些话来处置我们!」
7:29 集会的民众遂不约而同,都放声痛哭,向上主天主大声哀号。
7:30 敖齐雅遂对他们说:「弟兄们!振作精神,再忍耐五天,也许上主我们的天主,在这个时期内向我们再施行他的仁慈,因为他决不会永远抛弃我们!
7:31 如果过了这日期,仍得不到救援,我就依照你们的话办理。
7:32 遂遣散众人各归本营、城墙和城楼上;归女幼童一一遣送回家;当时全城陷于沮丧与绝望。




在那几天,默辣黎的女儿友弟德也听说了这些事。----默 辣黎是敖克斯的儿子,敖克斯是若瑟的儿子,若瑟是敖齐耳的儿子,敖齐耳是厄耳基雅的儿子,厄耳基雅是阿纳尼雅的儿子,阿纳尼雅是基德红的儿子,基德红是辣 法因的儿子,辣法因是阿希托布的儿子,阿希托布是厄里雅的儿子,厄里雅是希耳基雅的儿子,希耳基雅是厄里雅布的儿子,厄里雅布是纳塔纳耳的儿子,纳塔纳耳 是撒拉米耳的儿子,撒拉米耳是撒辣撒待的儿子,撒辣撒待是西默盎的儿子,西默盎是以色列德儿子。——
8:2 她的丈夫默纳舍与她同支派又同家族,是在收割大麦时死的;
8:3 他在田间监督工人捆麦穗时,不料头部中暑,一病不起,死在回拜突里雅本城;人将他葬在多堂及巴拉孟之间的祖茔里。
8:4 这时友弟德居家守寡,已有三年零四个月。
8:5 她在屋顶上搭了一个帐幕,腰束苦带,身穿寡归衣饰。
8:6 除了安息前日与安息日,月朔前日与月朔,以及以色列家的节期与庆典外,在她居寡期内,天天禁食。
8:7 她的容貌姣美,艳丽悦目。她的丈夫默纳舍留下来不少金银、奴婢、牲畜与田产,她坚守遗业,
8:8 很敬畏天主,所以说她一句坏话的人也没有。

8:10 她便打发自己管家的使女,去邀请城里的长老加布黎河加尔米来。
8:11 他们一来到。友弟德就对他们说:「拜突里雅居民的首长,请听我说!你们今天在百姓前说的话,实在不对;同时竟然对天主发誓,说五天以后,上主若不来援救,就将城池交给敌人。
8:12 你们是什么人,今日竟敢试探天主,在人类中竟居天主之上?
8:13 如今你们尽管试验全能的上主罢!可是你们始终一无所知!
8:14 你们既不能探究人的心曲,又不能明悉人明悟中的思念,如何能探究那创造万有的天主,知道他的心思,认清他的旨意?断乎不能!兄弟们,不可触怒上主我们的天主!
8:15 如果他在五天内,不肯前来施救,他仍有权力在他愿意的时日保护我们,或在我们仇敌前将我们消灭。
8:16 你们没有要求保证的权利,而强迫上主,我们的天主,改变旨意,因为天主不同人一样可以受威胁,或如人子一样可以受支配。
8:17 为此,我们只有等待他的救援,呼求他来援助;如果他愿意,必会俯听我们的呼声。
8:18 何况,我们这一代从来没有,且今日我们也没有一支派,一家族,一村庄,一城市,象昔日一样敬拜人造的神像。
8:19 昔日为了这事,我们的祖先曾被刀斩、劫掠,在敌人前,惨遭灭亡。
8:20 如今我们除了恭敬天主外,不认识别的神,所以也盼望他不会忽略我们,及我们同族的任何人。
8:21 如果我们投降,全犹太也必投降,我们的圣所必遭抢掠。对他们受的污辱,上主必向我们追讨血债;
8:22 同胞被屠杀,国土被掠夺,祖业遭废弃,都要归咎于将散居在异民中为奴的我们,我们就成为那主宰我们者的讥笑凌辱的对象了。
8:23 因为我们投降,并不会转祸为福,上主我们的天主,必因此使我们蒙羞受辱。
8:24 兄弟们!如今我们应为同胞做好榜样,因为他们的性命系于我们,圣所、圣殿和祭坛,也赖我们来维护;
8:25 为了这一切,我们要感谢上主,我们的天主,因为他考验我们象考验我们的祖先一样。
8:26 请你们回忆他对亚巴郎所作的,又怎样考验了依撒格;看看雅各伯在叙利亚的美索不达米亚替他舅父放羊时,有了什么遭遇。
8:27 原来他锻炼他们,乃是为考验他们的心;上主也这样鞭责我们,并不是为惩罚,乃是为警戒与他亲近的人。」

8:29 你的智慧,并不是今天初次才显露出来,而是自你幼年,众百姓就已赏识你的见解,知道你的心怎样良善。
8:30 无奈百姓渴得要命,逼迫我们,要按我们对他们所说的去行,而且还胁迫我们,发了我们不可违犯的誓。
8:31 如今请你为我们祈祷,因为你是虔诚的妇女,上主必降甘霖,注满我们的池沼,使我们不再渴得发晕。」
8:32 友弟德对他们说:「请听我说,我要作一件在我们民族的子孙中万世流芳的事。
8:33 今夜,你们应站在城门口,我要同我的使女出城,在你们所定要把城池交给敌人的日期内,上主会借着我的手,眷顾以色列。
8:34 你们不要侦查我的行动,因为在我要作的事情未完成以前,我不告诉你们。」
8:35 敖齐雅与首长对她说:「你平安去罢!愿上主天主引导你报复我们的敌人!」
8:36 然后他们离开帐幕,回到自己的地方去了。




9:2 上主,我祖先西默盎的天主!你曾将刀交在他手里,去报复外方人,因为他们解开了一个处女的腰带,加以玷污;袒露了她的股部,加以羞辱;破坏了她的贞操,加以作贱;虽然你曾说:不要这样作,他们却作了。
9:3 因此,你让他们的首领遭受杀戳,使那因欺骗受染污的床榻,反而受骗,染满了血污;仆役与首领君主与王位,你一律加以打击。
9:4 你又使他们的妻室,遭人抢去,女儿被人俘虏,使你所爱的子民平分那些人的赃物;你的子民为了你的嫉愤而嫉愤,憎恨自己的血液所受的玷污,而哀求了你的援助。天主,我的天主!求你也俯听我这个寡妇!
9:5 是你作了这些过去、将来以及现在的事;是你计划了现在和将来的事;那现在发生的事,也正是你所计划的。
9:6 你所决定的事好象前来说:看,我们在这里。因为你的一切行径,早已准备;你的判决已预先知道。
9:7 亚述人拥有雄厚的军队,自负有骏马,有铁骑,矜夸步兵的武力,自恃坚甲利兵,凭着弓箭和投石器,却不知道你乃是消弭战争的上主。
9:8 上主乃是你的名号!愿你以你的德能击毁他们的势力,用震怒屈服他们的强权,因为他们已决意要亵读你的圣所,要污辱你尊名所居的帐幕,要用斧砍去你祭坛的四角。
9:9 你看他们的骄傲,愿你的震怒,降在他们的头上,赐我这寡妇的手有能力,去完成我所图谋的事!
9:10 愿你用我口舌的巧言花语,去打击他们的奴仆和主人,主帅与官员!愿你用一个女人的手,去减灭他们的威风!
9:11 你的力量,不在乎人多;你的威能,并不靠强力;但你却是谦卑者的天主,弱小者的扶助,无力者的保护,无靠者的依赖,失望者的救主。
9:12 你的确是我祖先的天主,以色列祖业的天主,天地的主宰,水的创造者万有的君王,你俯听我的祈求罢!
9:13 愿你使我巧妙的言辞,去伤害,去杀死那些想出阴谋,破坏你的圣约、圣殿、熙雍山和你子民所占居的家乡的人!
9:14 愿你使你的众民族众支派都知道:你是天主,万能全权的天主;除你以外以色列族没有别的保护者。」




10:2 就由地上起来,叫来自己的使女一同下到她安息日及庆节日所常住的屋里,
10:3 除去所穿的苦衣,脱下寡妇的衣服,洗了澡,涂上贵重的香水梳好头发,系上头巾,穿上丈夫默纳舍在世时自己喜爱穿的锦衣,
10:4 脚踏凉鞋,挂上项链、带上手镯、指环、耳环,以及各种装饰品;打扮得花枝招展,令男人见了,无不注目而视。
10:5 然后拿了一皮囊酒,一瓶油,交给自己的使女;又在一布袋内装满了烘焙的大麦,无花果糕,净面包;将一切物品包在一起,放在使女肩上背着。
10:6 于是二人出发走向拜突里雅城门,正遇见敖齐雅及城中长老加布黎和加尔米在那里等候。
10:7 他们见她容貌大变,服装特异,赞叹她的美丽,对他说:
10:8 「愿我们祖先的天主,使你蒙恩,使以色列子民欢乐,使耶路撒冷显扬!愿他完成你的计划!」
10:9 友弟德遂朝拜了天主,以后向他们说:「请你们下令给我开城门,我要出去,完成你们对我说的事。」长老遂吩咐少年人,照她说的为她开门。
10:10 他们开了城门,友弟德和她的婢女就出去了;城里的人目送她下山;等她转过了山谷,就看不见她了。

10:12 就捉住她盘问说:「你是那国人,从那里来,往那里去?」她答说:「我是希伯来人。我从他们那里偷跑出来,因为他们快要落在你们口里。
10:13 我来见你们军队的统帅敖罗斐乃,我带有真实情报,要指给他一条路,从这条路进攻,不损一兵一卒,就能占领这山地。」
10:14 那些人听她说话时,都目不转睛的看着她,见了这样美丽的女人都惊讶称奇,对她说:
10:15 「你救了命,因你迅速下来,投奔我们的主帅;如今你到他帐幕里去,我们必有人送你,将你交在他手里。
10:16 若你站在他面前时,你心里不要害怕,只要你按你的话报告,他必定会优待你。」
10:17 人就从队里挑选了一百人,护送她和她的使女到敖罗斐乃的帐幕前。

10:18 一时全营齐集,因为她前来的消息已传遍了各帐幕;人出来将她围住。那时她正站在敖罗斐乃的帐幕外,等着往上传禀她的事。
10:19 人对她的花容玉貌无不赞叹,也因她而赞叹以色列子民,彼此相告说:「这民族既有这样的美人,谁还能轻视?他们中即便只让一个男人生存,也不是好事;任他们自由,他们必能智取全世界。」
10:20 敖罗斐乃的护卫和众仆从出来,领她进入营幕。
10:21 那时敖罗斐乃,正在金玉珠宝装饰的紫帐内的床上休息。
10:22 人们将她的事向他禀告之后,他遂由银灯引导,来到帐幕门口。
10:23 友弟德一来到他和他的侍从面前,他们无不赞赏她的花容玉貌。友弟德遂俯伏在地,向他致敬,侍役们即将她扶起。




11:2 现在,你那住在山地的人民,若没有轻视我,我也不会举起我的戈矛攻击他们,这是他们自作自受。
11:3 现在,你告诉我,为什么你逃开他们来到这里?你来若是为救你自己,你可放心!今夜以及将来,你必获得生存!
11:4 因为没有人加害你,反而优待你,如同优待我主拿步高王的臣仆一样。
11:5 友弟德回答说:「愿你听取你奴婢的话,恩准你婢女在你面前说话。我今夜决不向我主说一句谎话。
11:6 你若顺从了你婢女的话,天主必借着你顺利完成你的事业;我主的计划,必不至于失败。
11:7 全世界之王拿步高万岁!他的德能万岁!他打发你来是为谋众生的福利,你不但叫人都服侍他,也叫野兽、家畜和空中的飞鸟,都借着你的威权,因服侍拿步高及他的全家而生存。
11:8 我们早听说你的智慧和雄才大略,全世界都知道你是举世无双,能干多谋,战略如神的人。
11:9 阿希约尔在你会议席上说的话,我们已听到了,因为拜突里雅人救了他,他就将自己在你面前说的话,都告诉了他们。
11:10 所以主帅,不要忽视他的话,反应把那些话记在心里,因为都是真情实话:除非我们的民族犯罪得罪了自己的天主,是不会受罚的,刀剑也无能为力。
11:11 但几时行了越轨的事,就激起自己的天主发怒;现在可巧,他们又犯了罪,丧亡必要临头,所以我主不致谋事不成,出师不利。
11:12 自从他们缺少食粮,饮水不敷以来,就决意要宰杀牲畜。凡天主用法律禁止吃的一切。他们也决定要吃,
11:13 连那些祝圣过的,为给在耶路撒冷于我们天主面前供职的司祭所保留下的初熟麦子,和十分之一的酒油,也决意要动用。这些东西,平民连手触摸,也是不许的。
11:14 他们已打发使者到耶路撒冷去----因为那里的居民也作了同样的事----要他们向长老院要求豁免。
11:15 他们一得到答复,就必实行:就在同一天内他们必落在你手里,而沦于灭亡。
11:16 因此,你的婢女,我一知道这一切,就暗暗离开了他们。天主打发我来,好与你完成这件全世界一听到,无不惊奇的事。
11:17 你的婢女原是敬畏天主的人,日夜都要服侍天上的大主。我主!如今我愿住在你这里,但是夜间你的婢女却要出去,到山谷中去祈求天主。几时他们做出了犯罪的事,他必会告诉我;
11:18 然后我来通知你,你便率领大军出发,他们没有一个敢抵抗你的。
11:19 那时我要领你取道犹太,直取耶路撒冷,在那里建立你的宝座;你率领他们如无牧之羊,连狗也不敢向你张口吠叫。这些事,我已先知,早已说给我,通知我了。故此受命前来,转告给你。」
11:20 她的话使敖罗斐乃和他的众仆从很是喜悦,都惊讶她的智慧说:
11:21 「大地两极间,再没有一个容貌如此美丽,出言如此明智的女人!
11:22 敖罗斐乃对她说:「天主在这个民族以先打发你来,使胜利属于我军,使灭亡归于轻视我主的人,实在做得好!
11:23 现在你的容貌既如此美丽,说话又如此中肯,如果你按照你所说的去行,那么你的天主将是我的天主,你将住在拿步高王的宫殿里,成为全世界上出名的人物。




12:2 但友弟德回答说:我不愿吃这些东西,怕有什么防碍;我带来的东西,已足够我吃用的了。
12:3 敖罗斐乃问她说:「假使你带来的东西用完了,从那里能拿同样的东西来给你呢?我们这里没有你同族的人。」
12:4 友弟德答应他说:「我主万岁!直到上主借着我的手,完成他所愿意的事以前,我带来的东西,你的婢女是不会用尽的。」
12:5 以后敖罗斐乃的仆从领她进入一座帐幕。她睡到半夜,晨更前便起来,
12:6 打发人到敖罗斐乃那里说:「请我主下令,准你的婢女出外祈祷。」
12:7 敖罗斐乃就吩咐侍卫,不要阻止她。她在营中住了三天,每夜都出去往拜突里雅山谷中,哨兵布防的水泉旁沐浴;
12:8 然后上来,哀求上主以色列的天主,指给她一条拯救自己同族子民的正路。
12:9 她取洁回去后,留在自己的帐幕里,直到晚上吃饭的时候。

12:11 他对自己的总管巴哥阿宦官说:「你去劝说住在你旁边的那个希伯来归女到我们这里来,同我们一起宴饮。
12:12 如果有这样一个美人在跟前,放过她而不与她交结,这真是扫兴的事!如果我们不引她来,人反会耻笑我们。」
12:13 巴哥阿离开敖罗斐乃去见他说:「你这美丽的女郎!不要踌躇到我主上那里去,当面受他的尊敬,与我们饮酒取乐。今日你要变作拿步高宫内亚述的公主。」
12:14 友弟德回答他说:「我是谁,胆敢违背我主上的意思?凡他喜欢的事,我必赶快去作。这是我一生至死最大的喜悦。」
12:15 遂立即前来,穿上锦衣,全佩带上归女所佩带的装饰品;叫她的婢女先去,把巴哥阿给她每日坐着吃饭的皮垫拿去,给友弟德铺在敖罗斐乃对面的地上。
12:16 友弟德进来,就了位,敖罗斐乃一看她,即心不守舍,神魂颠倒,贪其美色;原来自从见了她那一天起,就想乘机勾引她。
12:17 此时敖罗斐乃对她说:「喝罢,大家一同欢乐!」
12:18 友弟德说:「是,我主!我愿喝,因为我有生以来,我的生活没有象今天再有价值的了!
12:19 就在他面前,将自己婢女预备好的拿来吃喝。
12:20 敖罗斐乃见她如此,喜极狂欢,遂开怀畅饮;有生以来没有一天,喝过这么多的酒。




13:2 此时;在帐幕内只有友弟德,和泥醉横卧在床上的敖罗斐乃。
13:3 友弟德遂吩咐自己的婢女,要她象平日一样,在寝室外等候她出来,因为她说自己要出去祈祷;且也对巴哥阿这样说了。
13:4 此时,所有的人都走了,不论大小没有一个留在寝室内。友弟德就站在他的床边,心里说「上主,全能的天主!求你在此时,眷顾我手要行的工作,为显扬耶路撒冷!
13:5 因为如今正是救助你家业的时候,请玉成我的计划,消灭那起来攻击我们的敌人!
13:6 她走到靠敖罗斐乃头部的床柱前,由上面取下了他的关刀,
13:7 再走近床前,抓住他的头发说:「上主,以色列的天主求你今天赐我力量!」
13:8 遂用尽气力,在他颈上砍了两下,割下他的头颅,
13:9 把他的尸首从床上滚下,由柱上卸下帐幔,即刻走出,将敖罗斐乃的头,交给自己的使女;
13:10 使女把头放进食袋里然后二人一起照习惯出外祈祷去了。


13:12 城里的人,一听见她的声音,就赶快下来,到城门口,召集了城中的长老。
13:13 于是老幼大小一齐都跑来,由于她回来实在出乎他们意料之外。遂开门迎接她们,点起明亮的火把,将二人围起来。
13:14 友弟德大声对他们说:「赞美天主!赞美、赞美天主!他不但没有从以色列家收回他的仁慈,今夜反借着我的手粉碎了我们的敌人。」
13:15 遂由袋里取出一个人头来,指着对他们说:「看,这就是亚述军队的总司令敖罗斐乃的头。看!这就是他醉后睡的帐幔!上主借着一个妇人的手击杀了他。
13:16 上主永在!他在我行的路上保护了我,因为我的容貌迷惑了他,叫他趋于丧亡;他未曾与我犯罪,玷污羞辱我。」
13:17 民众听了,不胜惊奇,都俯伏在地,朝拜天主,同声说道:今日使你民族的敌人化为乌有的,我们的天主啊!你是应受赞美的!
13:18 敖齐雅对她说:「我女!全世界妇女中,你分外应受至高者天主的降福!创造天地的上主,领你割取我们的敌人统帅头颅的天主,应受赞美!
13:19 在永远记得天主能力的人心中,不会忘记你的信心。
13:20 你不忍见我们民族所受的屈辱,竞不顾惜你的性命,出去挽救我们的危亡,在我们的天主面前,履行正道;希望天主永远使你获得光荣,赐与你幸福!」民众答说:「但愿如此!但愿如此!」




14:1 友弟德对他们说:「兄弟们,请听我说:把这人头桂在城垛上。
14:2 天亮,太阳上升照耀大地时,你们各拿武器,所有的壮丁,都应出城;并且立一个首领率领他们,仿佛要下到平原,攻击亚述人的前哨,但是不必下去。
14:3 亚述人一见,必拿起武器,走到营里,叫醒亚述军队的宫长,官长必跑进敖罗斐乃帐幕;若找不着,他必惊慌失措,从你们面前逃走。
14:4 此时,你们以及住在以色列全境内的人民,应去追赶他们,在他们溃退的路上,沿途截击。
14:5 不过在作这事以前,请你们给我将阿孟人阿希约尔叫来,叫他看看并辨认那轻视以色列家,打发他到我们这里来等死的人!」

14:7 人将他扶起,他就跪在友弟德脚前叩拜她说:「在所有犹太帐幕里,在所有听到你名字而恐惧的万民中,你是应受赞美的!
14:8 如今请告诉我,你在这几天内所做的事!」友弟德就当着民众,把她从出城那天,直到现今与他们谈话时为止的所作所为,都一一告诉了他。
14:9 她一说完,民众就大声呼喊,全城欢声雷动。
14:10 阿希约尔看见以色列天主所作的这一切,就坚信了天主,受了割损,归依以色列家,直到今日。

14:12 亚述子民一看见,就打发人通知自己的头目;头目去见长官、千夫长和众将领。
14:13 他们来到敖罗斐乃帐幕前对总管说:「请叫醒我们的主上,因为那些奴才竟敢下来向我们挑战,他们要下来送死。」
14:14 巴哥阿就进去,敲了帐幕的门帘,以为他还与友弟德同睡未起。
14:15 但没有听到什么声音,就揭开门帘,走进寝室,发现敖罗斐乃横卧在脚凳上死了,头已被砍去,
14:16 便大声呼喊、哭泣呻吟、尖叫撕裂了衣服,
14:17 立即跑进友弟德住的帐幕里,也没有找着她,就跑到人们前喊说:
14:18 「这些奴才造反了!一个希伯来女人给拿步高王朝带来了耻辱。看敖罗斐乃死在地上头不见了!」
14:19 亚述军队的众官长一听这话都撕裂了衣服,心慌意乱;此时营中哭声喊声混成一片。




15:2 十分惊慌害怕,没有两人敢立在一起,一致蜂涌而出,沿平原和山路,四散奔逃。
15:3 驻扎在拜突里雅周围山地一带的,都转身逃走。那时以色列子民所有的壮丁,全蜂涌而出,追赶敌人。
15:4 敖齐雅也打发人到拜托默斯坦、贝拜、苛巴科拉,以及以色列各地,报告所发生的事,要大家都出来袭击敌军,加以歼灭。
15:5 以色列子民一听,万众一心,齐来追击敌军,一直杀到苛巴耶路撒冷和各山地一带的居民,一得知敌人营中发生的事,也出来追击;住在基肋阿得及加里肋亚的,恻面痛击,重创敌军,追杀他们且越过了大马士革及其属境。
15:6 在拜突里雅余下的居民,冲人亚述营盘,抢掠了大批物资。
15:7 以色列子民在追杀敌人回来,拾取了很多丢弃的物资;散处在山地及平原间的村落和庄卢,也夺获了大批的胜利品,因为敌营的物资很多。

15:9 众人一来到她那里,就一致称赞她说:「你是耶路撒冷的荣耀,你是以色列的大喜乐,你是我们民族的大光荣,
15:10 你亲手完成了这一切,你为以色列做了奇迹异事,天主也因你而喜悦。愿你永远为全能的上主所降福!」全体民众回答说:「但愿如此!」
15:11 众百姓三十天之久,抢掠敌营。他们把敖罗斐乃的帐幕,及他所有的银器、床榻、杯盘和一切家具都给了友弟德。她接受了,将这一切放在骤背上,又套了车,堆在车上。
15:12 以色列的妇女全跑来看她,结队歌舞,赞美她;友弟德自己手中拿着树枝,也分给与她在一起的妇女。
15:13 她与那些伴随她的妇女,用橄榄枝编成花圈,亲自走在仪仗前面,率领众妇女歌舞;以色列的男子,都武装起来,头戴花冠,尾随在后,引吭高歌。
15:14 友弟德在全以色列中领唱这谢恩歌,全体民众也高声和唱这赞美歌。




16:2 上主原是粉碎战争的天主,在民间支搭他的幕府,救我脱离仇人的毒手。
16:3 亚述由北岳出发,率领着干军万马;大军阻塞了溪流,铁骑掩蔽了山丘。
16:4 本想焚毁我村落,刀斩我青,摔死我乳儿,俘掳我幼童,掠夺我妇女;
16:5 但全能上主,只凭一弱妇之手,把他们消除!
16:6 亚述的名将,非壮丁所能击毙,非巨人之后所能击倒,非大力士所能征服,却为默辣黎之后友弟德,以她花容玉貌,使其心醉。
16:7 她脱去寡妇的衣服,去拯救受苦的以色列。香膏敷面,
16:8 带束云髻,身披锦衣,为将他勾引。
16:9 凉鞋夺目,玉容勾魂,弯刀断其颈。
16:10 她的胆量,波斯人见而战栗;她的奋勇,玛待人因而恐惧。
16:11 我卑微者一呼喊,他们便胆破;我弱小者一呐喊,他们便恐慌。高声一嚷,他们都逃亡!
16:12 少妇之子,将他们刺死,击杀他们象逃阵的小卒;我上主一布阵,他们即告灭亡。
16:13 我要向天主咏唱新歌:上主,你伟大而荣耀,德能神妙,战无不胜。
16:14 愿你所造万物,都服侍你,因你一名,万物造成,你一嘘气,化工成形;你一发命,无人敢违。
16:15 山岳振撼,山基随水而动,在你面前,盘石似蜡消溶;但敬畏你的,你必仁慈怜悯。
16:16 祭祀原属小道,不过香烟一缕;种种燔祭油脂,于你更微不足道;但敬畏上主的人,伟大永存。
16:17 祸哉,那攻击我族的异民!全能的上主在审判之日,必要报复,他们的肉体必受火烧虫蚀;哀痛哭泣永不止息!」

16:19 友弟德将人民送给她的敖罗斐乃的各种物品,和拿自他寝室内的帐幔,都献给了天主,作为还愿的献礼。
16:20 三月之久,民众于耶路撒冷,在圣所前举行庆祝;友弟德也与他们同乐。
16:21 过了这个日期,各回本家,友弟德也回了拜突里雅,住在家里,一生到处受尊荣。
16:22 想念她的人,虽然很多,但她自从丈失默纳舍去世,归于亲族之后,她一生岁月,再没有认识男人。
16:23 她活了很大的年纪,在他丈夫的家里活到一百零五岁,解放了自己的奴婢,然后死在拜突里雅,埋葬在丈夫默纳舍的坟墓里。
16:24 以色列家,举丧七天哀悼她。她去世以前把家产分给了自己丈夫默纳舍的至亲,和自己的至亲家人。
16:25 友弟德在世之时,以及在她去世之后,很长久的时期,没有人敢扰乱以色列子民。


BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB JUDITH Chapter 1




Nebuchadnezzar and Arphaxad[*a]

1:1 It was the twelfth year of Nebuchadnezzar[*b] who reigned over the Assyrians in the great city of Nineveh. Arphaxad was then reigning over the Medes at Ecbatana.

1:2 He surrounded this city with walls of dressed stones three cubits thick and six cubits long, making the rampart seventy cubits high and fifty cubits wide.

1:3 At the gates he placed towers one hundred cubits high and, at the foundations, sixty cubits wide,

1:4 the gates themselves being seventy cubits high and forty wide to allow his forces to march out in a body and his infantry to parade freely.

1:5 Now at this time King Nebuchadnezzar gave battle to King Arphaxad in the great plain lying in the territory of Ragae.

1:6 Supporting him were all the peoples from the highlands, all from the Euphrates and Tigris and Hydaspes, and those from the plains who were subject to Arioch, king of the Elymaeans. Thus many nations had mustered to take part in the battle of the sons of Cheleoud[*c].

1:7 Nebuchadnezzar king of the Assyrians sent a message to all the inhabitants of Persia, to all the inhabitants of the western countries, Cilicia, Damascus, Lebanon, Anti-Lebanon, to all those along the coast,

1:8 to the peoples of Carmel, Gilead, Upper Galilee, the great plain of Esdraelon,

1:9 to the men of Samaria and its outlying towns, to those beyond Jordan, as far away as Jerusalem, Bethany, Chelous, Kadesh, the river of Egypt, Tahpanhes, Rameses and the whole territory of Goshen,

1:10 beyond Tanis, too, and Memphis, and to all the inhabitants of Egypt as far as the frontiers of Ethiopia.

1:11 But the inhabitants of these countries ignored the summons of Nebuchadnezzar king of the Assyrians and did not rally to him to make war. They were not afraid of him, since in their view he appeared isolated. Hence they sent his ambassadors back with nothing achieved and in disgrace.

1:12 Nebuchadnezzar was furious with all these countries. He swore by his throne and kingdom to take revenge on all the territories of Cilicia, Damascene and Syria, of the Moabites and of the Ammonites, of Judaea and Egypt as far as the limits of the two seas, and to ravage them with the sword.


The campaign against Arphaxad

1:13 In the seventeenth year he and his forces gave battle to King Arphaxad and in this battle defeated him. He routed Arphaxad's entire army and all his cavalry and chariots;

1:14 he occupied his towns and advanced on Ecbatana; he seized its towers and plundered its market places, reducing its former magnificence to a mockery.

1:15 He later captured Arphaxad in the mountains of Ragae and, thrusting him through with his spears, destroyed him once and for all.

1:16 He then retired with his troops and all who had joined forces with him: a vast horde of armed men. Then, carefree, he and his army gave themselves up to feasting for a hundred and twenty days.

JB JUDITH Chapter 2


The campaign in the west

2:1 In the eighteenth year[*a], on the twenty-second day of the first month, a rumour ran through the palace that Nebuchadnezzar king of the Assyrians was to have his revenge on the whole world, as he had threatened.

2:2 Summoning his general staff and senior officers he held a secret conference with them, and with his own lips pronounced utter destruction on all these countries.

2:3 It was then decreed that everyone should be put to death who had not answered the king's appeal.

2:4 When the council was over, Nebuchadnezzar king of the Assyrians sent for Holofernes[*b], general-in-chief of his armies and subordinate only to himself. He said to him,

2:5 'Thus speaks the Great King, lord of the whole world:[*c]  "Be on your way; take men of proved valour, about a hundred and twenty thousand foot soldiers and a strong contingent of horse with twelve thousand cavalrymen;

2:6 then advance against the western lands, since these people have disregarded my call.

2:7 Bid them have earth and water ready, because in my rage I am about to march on them, the feet of my soldiers will cover the whole face of the earth, and I will plunder it.

2:8 Their wounded will fill the valleys and the torrents and rivers,  blocked with their dead, will overflow

2:9 I will lead them captive to the ends of the earth.

2:10 Now go! Begin by conquering this whole region for me. If they surrender to you, hold them for me until the time comes to punish them.

2:11 But if they resist, look on no one with clemency. Hand them over to slaughter and plunder throughout the territory entrusted to you.

2:12 For by my life and by the living power of my kingdom, I have spoken. All this I will do indeed.

2:13 And you, neglect none of your master's commands, act strictly according to my orders without further delay."'

2:14 Leaving the presence of his sovereign, Holofernes immediately summoned all the marshals, generals and officers of the Assyrian army

2:15 and detailed the picked troops as his master had ordered, about a hundred and twenty thousand men and a further twelve thousand mounted bowmen.

2:16 He organised these in the normal battle formation.

2:17 He then secured vast numbers of camels, donkeys and mules to carry the baggage, and innumerable sheep, oxen and goats for food supplies.

2:18 Every man received full rations and a generous sum of gold and silver from the king's purse.

2:19 He then set out for the campaign with his whole army, in advance of King Nebuchadnezzar, to overwhelm the whole western region with his chariots, his horsemen and his picked body of foot.

2:20 A composite corps brought up the rear, as numerous as locusts or the grains of sand on the ground; there was no counting their multitude.


The stages of Holofenes' advance

2:21 Thus they set out from Nineveh and marched for three days towards the plain of Bectileth. From Bectileth they went on to pitch camp near the mountains that lie to the north of Upper Cilicia.

2:22 From there Holofernes advanced into the highlands with his whole army, infantry, horsemen, chariots.

2:23 He cut his way through Put and Lud, stripped all the sons of Rassis and sons of Ishmael living on the verge of the desert south of Cheleon,

2:24 marched along the Euphrates, crossed Mesopotamia, razed all the fortified towns controlling the wadi Abron and reached the sea.

2:25 Next he attacked the territories of Cilicia, butchering all who offered him resistance, advanced on the southern frontiers of Japheth, facing Arabia,

2:26 completely encircled the Midianites, burned their tents and plundered their sheep-runs,

2:27 made his way down to the Damascus plain in the time of the wheat harvest, set fire to the fields, destroyed the flocks and herds, sacked the towns, laid the countryside waste and put all the young men to the sword.

2:28 Fear and trembling seized all the coastal peoples. The populations of Sidon and Tyre, of Sur, Ocina, Jamnia, Azotus, Ascalon, were panic-stricken.

JB JUDITH Chapter 3


3:1 They therefore sent envoys to him to sue for peace and say,

3:2 'We are servants of the great King Nebuchadnezzar and we lie prone before you. Treat us as you think fit.

3:3 Our cattle farms, all our land, all our wheat fields, our flocks and herds, all the sheep-runs in our encampments are at your disposal. Do with them as you please.

3:4 'Our towns and their inhabitants, too, are at your service; go and advance against them if such is your good pleasure.'

3:5 These men came to Holofernes and delivered the message as above.

3:6 He then made his way down to the coast with his army and stationed garrisons in all the fortified towns, levying outstanding men there as auxiliaries.

3:7 The people of these cities and of all the other towns in the neighbourhood welcomed him, wearing garlands and dancing to the sound of tambourines.

3:8 Notwithstanding this, he demolished their shrines and cut down their sacred trees, carrying out his commission to destroy all local gods and to force the nations to worship Nebuchadnezzar alone and to compel men of every language and nationality to hail him as a god[*a].

3:9 Thus he reached the edge of Esdraelon, in the neighbourhood of Dothan, a village facing the great ridge of Judaea.

3:10 He pitched camp between Geba and Scythopolis and stayed there a full month to replenish his supplies.

JB JUDITH Chapter 4


Judaea on the alert

4:1 When the Israelites living in Judaea heard how Holofernes, general-in-chief of Nebuchadnezzar king of the Assyrians, had treated the various nations, first plundering their temples and then destroying them,

4:2 they were thoroughly alarmed at his approach and trembled for Jerusalem and the Temple of the Lord their God.

4:3 They had returned from captivity only a short time before, and the resettlement of the people in Judaea and the reconsecration of the sacred furnishings, of the altar, and of the Temple, which had been profaned, were of recent date[*a].

4:4 They therefore alerted the whole of Samaria, Kona, Beth-horon, Belmain, Jericho, Choba, Aesora and the Salem valley.

4:5 They occupied the summits of the highest mountains and fortified the villages on them; they laid in supplies for the coming war, as the fields had just been harvested.

4:6 Joakim the high priest, resident in Jerusalem at the time, wrote to the inhabitants of Bethulia and of Betomesthaim, two towns facing Esdraelon, towards the plain of Dothan.

4:7 He ordered them to occupy the mountain passes, the only means of access to Judaea, for there it would be easy for them to halt an attacking force, the narrowness of the approach not allowing men to advance more than two abreast.

4:8 The Israelites carried out the orders of Joakim the high priest and of the people's Council of Elders in session at Jerusalem.


A nation at prayer

4:9 All the men of Israel cried most fervently to God and humbled themselves before him.

4:10 They, their wives, their children, their cattle, all their resident aliens, hired or slave, wrapped in sackcloth round their loins.

4:11 All the Israelites in Jerusalem, including the women and children, lay prone in front of the Temple, and with ashes on their heads stretched out their hands before the Lord.

4:12 They draped the very altar in sackcloth and fervently joined together in begging the God of Israel not to let their little ones be massacred, their wives carried off the towns of their heritage destroyed, the Temple profaned and desecrated for the heathen to gloat over it.

4:13 The Lord heard them and looked kindly on their distress. The people fasted for many days throughout Judaea as well as in Jerusalem before the sanctuary of the Lord Almighty.

4:14 Joakim the high priest and all who stood before the Lord, the Lord's priests and ministers, wore sackcloth round their loins as they offered the perpetual holocaust and the votive and voluntary offerings of the people.

4:15 With ashes on their turbans they earnestly called on the Lord to look kindly on the House of Israel.

JB JUDITH Chapter 5


A council of war in Holofernes' camp

5:1 Holofernes, general-in-chief of the Assyrian army, received the intelligence that the sons of Israel were preparing for war; that they had closed the mountain passes, fortified the high peaks and laid obstructions in the plains. Holofernes was furious.

5:2 He summoned all the princes of Moab, all the generals of Ammon and all the satraps of the coastal regions.

5:3 'Men of Canaan,' he said 'tell me: what people is this that occupies the highlands? What towns does it inhabit? How large is its army? What are the sources of its power and strength? Who is the king who rules it and commands its army?

5:4 Why have these not condescended to wait on me, as all the western peoples have done?'

5:5 Achior[*a], leader of all the Ammonites, replied, 'May my lord please listen to what your servant is going to say. I will give you the facts about these mountain folk whose home lies close to you. You will hear no lie from the mouth of your servant.

5:6 These people are descended from the Chaldaeans.

5:7 They once came to live in Mesopotamia, because they did not want to follow the gods of their ancestor who lived in Chaldaea.

5:8 They abandoned the way of  their ancestors to worship the God of heaven, the God they had learnt to acknowledge. Banished from the presence of their own gods, they fled to Mesopotamia where they lived for a long time.

5:9 When God told them to leave their home and set out for Canaan, they settled there and accumulated gold and silver and great herds of cattle.

5:10 Next, famine having overwhelmed the land of Canaan, they went down to Egypt where they stayed as long as food could be found there. There they became a great multitude, a race beyond counting.

5:11 But the king of Egypt turned against them and exploited them by forcing them to make bricks; he degraded them, reducing them to slavery.

5:12 They cried to their God, who struck the entire land of Egypt with incurable plagues, and the Egyptians expelled them.

5:13 God dried up the Red Sea before them

5:14 and led them forward by way of Sinai and Kadesh-barnea. Having driven off all the inhabitants of the desert,

5:15 they settled in the land of the Amorites and, such is was their strength, exterminated the inhabitants of Heshbon. Then, having crossed the Jordan, they took possession of all the highlands,

5:16 driving out the Canaanites before them and the Perizzites, Jebusites, Shechemites and all the Girgashites, and lived there for many years.

5:17 All the while they did not sin before their God, prosperity was theirs, for they have a God who hates wickedness.

5:18 But when they turned from the path he had marked out for them, some were exterminated in a succession of battles, others taken captive to a foreign land. The Temple of their God was razed to the ground and their towns were seized by their enemies.

5:19 Then having turned once again to their God, they came back from the places to which they had been dispersed and scattered, regained possession of Jerusalem, where they have their Temple, and reoccupied the highlands which had been left deserted.

5:20 So now, master and lord, if this people has committed any fault, if they have sinned against their God, let us first make sure that they have offended in this way, and then let us advance and attack them.

5:21 But if their nation is guiltless, my lord would do better to abstain,  for fear that their Lord and God should protect them; we should then become the laughing-stock of the whole world.'

5:22 When Achior had ended this speech, all the people crowding round the tent began protesting. Holofernes' own senior officers, as well as all the coastal peoples and the Moabites, threatened to tear him limb from limb.

5:23 'Why should we be afraid of the Israelites? They are a weak and powerless people, quite unable to stand a stiff attack.

5:24 Forward! Advance! Your army, Holofernes our master, will swallow them in one mouthful!'

JB JUDITH Chapter 6


Achior handed over to the Israelites

6:1 When the uproar of those crowding round the council had subsided, Holofernes, general-in-chief of the Assyrian army, reprimanded Achior in front of the whole crowd of foreigners and Ammonites.

6:2 'Achior, who do you think you are, you and the Ammonite mercenaries, playing the prophet like this with us today, and trying to dissuade us from making war on the people of Israel? You claim their God will protect them. And who is their God if not Nebuchadnezzar? He himself will display his power and wipe them off the face of the earth, and their God will certainly not save them.

6:3 But we, his servants, shall destroy them as easily as a single individual. They can never resist the strength of our cavalry.

6:4 We shall burn them all. Their mountains will be drunk with their blood and their plains filled with their corpses. Far from being able to resist us, every one of them will die; thus says King Nebuchadnezzar, lord of the whole world. For he has spoken, and his words will not prove empty.

6:5 As for you, Achior, you Ammonite mercenary, who in a rash moment said these words, you shall not see my face again until the day when I have taken my revenge on this brood of fugitives from Egypt.

6:6 And then the swords of my soldiers and the spears of my officers will pierce your sides. You will fall among the wounded, the moment I turn on Israel.

6:7 My servants will now take you into the highlands and leave you near one of the towns in the passes;

6:8 you will not die, until you share their ruin.

6:9 No need to look so sad if you cherish the secret hope that they will not be captured! I have spoken; none of my words will prove idle.'

6:10 Holofernes having commanded his tent-orderlies to seize Achior, to take him to Bethulia and to hand him over to the Israelites,

6:11 the orderlies took him, escorted him out of the camp and across the plain, and then, making for the highlands, reached the springs below Bethulia.

6:12 As soon as the men of the town sighted them, they snatched up their weapons, left the town and made for the mountain, tops, while all the slingers pelted them with stones to prevent them from coming up.

6:13 However, they managed to take cover at the foot of the slope, where they bound Achior and left him lying at the bottom of the mountain and returned to their master.

6:14 The Israelites then came down from their town, stopped by him, unbound him and took him to Bethulia, where they brought him before the chief men of the town,

6:15 who at that time were Uzziah son of Micah of the tribe of Simeon, Chabris son of Gothoniel and Charmis son of Melchiel.

6:16 These summoned all the elders of the town. The young men and the women, also hurried to the assembly. Achior was made to stand with all the people surrounding him and Uzziah questioned him about what had happened.

6:17 He answered by telling them what had been said at Holofernes' council, and what he himself had said in the presence of the Assyrian leaders, and how Holofernes had bragged of what he would do to the House of Israel.

6:18 At this the people fell to the ground and worshipped God.

6:19 'Lord God of heaven,' they cried 'take notice of their arrogance and have pity on the humiliation of our race. Look kindly today on those who are consecrated to you.'

6:20 They then spoke reassuringly to Achior and praised him warmly.

6:21 After the assembly Uzziah took him home and gave a banquet for the elders; all that night they called on the God of Israel for help.

JB JUDITH Chapter 7




The campaign against Israel

7:1 The following day Holofernes issued orders to his whole army and to the whole host of auxiliaries who had joined him to break camp and march on Bethulia, to occupy the mountain passes and so open the campaign against the Israelites.

7:2 The troops broke camp that same day. The actual fighting force numbered one hundred and twenty thousand infantry and twelve thousand cavalry, not to mention the baggage train with the vast number of men on foot concerned with that.

7:3 They penetrated the valley in the neighbourhood of Bethulia, near the spring, and deployed on a wide front from Dothan to Balbaim and, in depth, from Bethulia to Cyamon, which faces on Esdraelon.

7:4 When the Israelites saw this horde, they were all appalled and said to each other, 'Now they will lick the whole country clean. Not even the loftiest peaks, the gorges or the hills will be able to stand the weight of them.'

7:5 Each man snatched up his arms; they lit beacons on their towers and spent the whole night on watch.

7:6 On the second day Holofernes deployed his entire cavalry in sight of the Israelites in Bethulia.

7:7 He reconnoitred the slopes leading up to the town, located the water-points, seized them and posted pickets over them and returned to the main body.

7:8 The chiefs of the sons of Esau, the leaders of the Moabites[*a] and the generals of the coastal 'district then came to him and said,

7:9 'If our master will please listen to us, his forces will not sustain a single wound.

7:10 The Israelites do not rely so much on their spears as on the height of the mountains where they live.

7:11 And admittedly it is not at all easy to scale these heights of theirs.

7:12 This being the case, master, do not engage them in a pitched battle, and then you will not lose a single man.

7:13 Stay in camp, keep all your troops there too, while your servants seize the spring which rises at the foot of the mountain, since that is what provides the population of Bethulia with their water supply. Thirst will then force them to surrender their town. Meanwhile, we and our men will climb the nearest mountain tops and form advance posts there to prevent anyone from leaving the town.

7:14 Hunger will waste them with their wives and children, and before the sword can reach them they will already be lying in the streets outside their houses;

7:15 And you will make them pay dearly for their defiance and their refusal to meet you peaceably.'

7:16 Their words pleased Holofernes as well as all his officers and he decided to do as they suggested.

7:17 Accordingly a troop of Moabites moved forward with a further five thousand Assyrians. They penetrated the valley and seized the Israelites' waterpoints and springs.

7:18 Meanwhile the Edomites and Ammonites went and took up positions in the highlands opposite Dothan, sending some of their men to the south-east opposite Egrebel, near Chous on the wadi Mochmur. The rest of the Assyrian army took up positions in the plain, covering every inch of the earth; their tents and equipment made an immense encampment, so vast were their numbers.

7:19 The Israelites called on the Lord their God, dispirited because the enemy had surrounded them and cut all line of retreat.

7:20 For thirty-four days the Assyrian army, infantry, chariots, cavalrymen, had them surrounded. Every water jar the inhabitants of Bethulia had was empty,

7:21 their wells were drying up; on no day could a man quench his thirst, since their water was rationed.

7:22 Their little children pined away, the women and young men grew weak with thirst; they collapsed in the streets and gateways of the town; they had no strength left.

7:23 Young men, women, children, the whole people thronged clamouring round Uzziah and the chief men of the town, shouting in the presence of the assembled elders,

7:24 'May God be judge between you and us! For you have done us great harm, by not suing for peace with the Assyrians.

7:25 And now there is no one to help us. God has delivered us into their hands to be prostrated before them in  thirst and utter helplessness.

7:26 Call them in at once; hand the whole town over to be sacked by Holofernes' men and all his army.

7:27 After all, we should be much better off as their booty than we are now; no doubt we shall be enslaved, but at least we shall be alive and not see our little ones dying before our eyes or our wives and children perishing.

7:28 By heaven and earth and by our God, the Lord of our fathers who is punishing us for our sins and the sins of our ancestors, we implore you to take this course now, today.'

7:29 Bitter lamentations rose from the whole assembly, and they all cried loudly to the Lord God.

7:30 Then Uzziah spoke to them, 'Take heart, brothers! Let us hold out five days more. By then the Lord our God will take pity on us, for he will not desert us altogether.

7:31 At the end of this time, if there is no help forthcoming, I will do as you have said.'

7:32 With that he dismissed the people to their various quarters. The men went to man the walls and towers of the town, sending the women and children home. The town was full of despondency.

JB JUDITH Chapter 8




A portrait of Judith

8:1 Judith[*a] was informed at the time of what had happened. She was the daughter of Merari son of Ox, son of Joseph, son of Oziel, son of Elkiah, son of Ananias, son of Gideon, son of Raphaim, son of Ahitub, son of Elijah, son of Hilkiah, son of Eliab, son of Nathanael, son of Salamiel, son of Sarasadai, son of Israel.

8:2 Her husband Manasseh, of her own tribe and family, had died at the time of barley harvest.

8:3 He was supervising the men as they bound up the sheaves in the field when he caught sunstroke and had to take to his bed. He died in Bethulia, his home town, and was buried with his ancestors in the field that lies between Dothan and Balamon.

8:4 As a widow, Judith stayed inside her home for three years and four months.

8:5 She had had an upper room built for herself on the roof. She wore sackcloth round her waist and dressed in widow's weeds.

8:6 She fasted every day of her widowhood except for the sabbath eve, the sabbath itself, the eve of New Moon, the feast of New Moon and the festival days of the House of Israel.

8:7 Now, she was very beautiful, charming to see. Her husband Manasseh had left her gold and silver, menservants and maidservants, cattle and lands; and she lived among all her possessions

8:8 without anyone finding a word to say against her, so devoutly did she fear God.


Judith and the elders

8:9 Hearing how the water shortage had demoralised the people and how they had complained bitterly to the headman of the town, and being also told what Uzziah had said to them and how he had given them his oath to surrender the town to the Assyrians in five days' time,

8:10 Judith immediately sent her woman of affairs who managed her property to summon Chabris and Charmis, two elders of the town.

8:11 When these came in she said: 'Listen to me, leaders of the people of Bethulia. You were wrong to speak to the people as you did today and to bind yourself by oath, in defiance of God, to surrender the town to our enemies if the Lord did not come to your help within a set number of days.

8:12 Who are you, to put God to the test today, you, out of all mankind, to set yourselves above him?

8:13 You of all people to put the Lord Almighty to the test! You do not understand anything, and never will.

8:14 If you cannot sound the depths of the heart of man or unravel the arguments of his mind, how can you fathom the God who made all things, or sound his mind or unravel his purposes? No, brothers, do not provoke the anger of the Lord our God.

8:15 Although it may not be his will to help us within the next five days, he has the power to protect us for as many days as he pleases, just as he has the power to destroy us before our enemies.

8:16 But you have no right to demand guarantees where the designs of the Lord our God are concerned. For God is not to be coerced as man is, nor is he, like mere man, to be cajoled.

8:17 Rather, as we wait patiently for him to save, let us plead with him to help us. He will hear our voice if such is his good pleasure.

8:18 'And indeed of recent times and still today there never has been one tribe of ours, or family, or village, or town that has worshipped gods made with human hands, as once was done,

8:19 and that was the reason why our ancestors were delivered over to sword and sack, and perished in misery at the hands of our enemies.

8:20 We for our part acknowledge no other God than him; and so we may hope he will not look on us disdainfully or desert our nation.

8:21 'If indeed they capture us, as you expect, then all Judaea will be captured too, and our holy places plundered, and we shall answer with our blood for their profanation.

8:22 The slaughter of our brothers, the exile of our country, the unpeopling of our heritage, will recoil on our own heads among the nations whose slaves we will become, and our new masters will look down on us as an outrage and a disgrace;

8:23 for our surrender will not reinstate us in their favour; no, the Lord our God will make it a thing to be ashamed of.

8:24 So now, brothers, let us set an example to our brothers, since their lives depend on us and our most sacred possessions-Temple and altar-rest on us.

8:25 'All this being so, let us rather give thanks to the Lord our God who, as he tested our ancestors, is now testing us.

8:26 Remember how he treated Abraham, all the ordeals of Isaac, all that happened to Jacob in Syrian Mesopotamia while he kept the sheep of Laban, his mother's brother.

8:27 For as these ordeals were intended by him to search their hearts, so now this is not vengeance God exacts against us, but a warning inflicted by the Lord on those who are near his heart.'

8:28 Uzziah replied, 'Everything you have said has been spoken from sincerity of heart and no one will contradict a word of it.

8:29 Not that today is the first time your wisdom has been displayed; from your earliest years all the people have known how shrewd you are and of how sound a heart.

8:30 But, parched with thirst, the people forced us to act as we had promised them and to bind ourselves by an inviolable oath.

8:31 You are a devout woman; pray to the Lord, then, to send us a downpour to fill our cisterns, so that our faintness may pass.'

8:32 Judith replied, 'Listen to me. I intend to do something, the memory of which will be handed down to the children of our race from age to age.

8:33 Tonight you must be at the gate of the town. I shall make my way out with my attendant. Before the time fixed by you for surrendering the town to our enemies, the Lord will make use of me to rescue Israel.

8:34 You must not ask what I intend to do; I will not tell you until I have done it.'

8:35 Uzziah and the chief man said, 'Go in peace. May the Lord show you a way to take revenge on our enemies.'

8:36 And leaving the upper room they went back to their posts.

JB JUDITH Chapter 9


Judith's prayer

9:1 Judith threw herself face to the ground, scattered ashes on her head, uncovered the sackcloth she was wearing and cried loudly to the Lord. At the same time in Jerusalem the evening incense was being offered in the Temple of God. Judith said:

9:2 'Lord, God of my father Simeon, you armed him with a sword to take vengeance on the foreigners who had undone a virgin's girdle to her shame, laid bare her thigh to her confusion, violated her womb to her dishonour, since though you said, "This must not be", they did it.

9:3 For this you handed their leaders over to slaughter, their bed, defiled by their deceit, to blood. You struck the slaves down with the chiefs and the chiefs with their servants.

9:4 You left their wives to be carried off, their daughters to be taken captive, and their spoils to be shared out among the sons you loved, who had been so zealous for you, had loathed the stain put on their blood and called on you for help.God, my God, now hear this widow too;

9:5 for you have made the past, and what is happening now, and what will follow. What is, what will be, you have planned; what has been, you designed.

9:6 Your purposes stood forward; "See, we are here!" they said. For all of your ways are prepared and your judgements delivered with foreknowledge.

9:7 See the Assyrians, boasting in their army, glorying in their horses and their riders, exulting in the strength of their infantry. Trust as they may in shield and spear,in bow and sling, in you they have not recognised the Lord, the shatterer of war;

9:8 yours alone the title of Lord. Break their violence with your might, in your anger bring down their strength. For they plan to profane your holy places, to defile the tabernacle, the resting place of your glorious name, and to throw down with iron the horn of your altar.

9:9 Observe their arrogance, send your fury on their heads, give the needful courage to this widow's hand.

9:10 By guile of my lips strike slave down with master, and master with his servant. Break their pride by a woman's hand.

9:11 'Your strength does not lie in numbers, nor your might in violent men since you are the God of the humble, the help of the oppressed, the support of the weak, the refuge of the forsaken, the saviour of the despairing.

9:12 Please, please, God of my father, God of the heritage of Israel, Master of heaven and earth, Creator of the waters, King of your whole creation, hear my prayer.

9:13 Give me a beguiling tongue to wound and kill those who have formed such cruel designs against your covenant, against your holy dwelling place, against Mount Zion, against the house belonging to your sons.

9:14 And demonstrate to every nation, every tribe, that you are Yahweh, God almighty, all-powerful, and that the race of Israel has you for sole protector.'

JB JUDITH Chapter 10




Judith goes to the camp of Holofernes

10:1 Thus Judith called on the God of Israel. When she had finished praying,

10:2 she rose from where she lay, summoned her attendant and went down into the rooms which she used on sabbath days and feasts.

10:3 There she removed the sackcloth she was wearing and, taking off her widow's dress, she washed all over, anointed herself with costly perfumes, dressed her hair, wrapped a turban round it and put on the dress she used to wear on joyful occasions when her husband Manasseh was alive.

10:4 She put sandals on her feet, put on her necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings and all her jewellery, and made herself beautiful enough to catch the eye of every man who saw her.

10:5 Then she handed her attendant a skin of wine and a flask of oil, filed a bag with barley girdle cakes, cakes of dried fruit and pure loaves, and wrapping all these provisions up gave them to her as well.

10:6 They then went out, making for the town gate of Bethulia. There they found Uzziah waiting with the two elders of the town, Chabris and Charmis.

10:7 When they saw Judith, her face so changed and her clothes so different, they were lost in admiration of her beauty. They said to her:

10:8 'May the God of our ancestors keep you in his favour! May he grant your purposes fulfilment to the glory of the sons of Israel, to the greater glory of Jerusalem!'

10:9 Judith worshipped God, and then she said, 'Have the town gate opened for me so that I can go out and make all your wishes come true'. They did as she asked and gave orders to the young men to open the gate for her.

10:10 This done, Judith went out accompanied by her maid, while the men of the town watched her all the way down the mountain and across the valley, until they lost sight of her.

10:11 As the women were making straight through the valley, an advance unit of Assyrians intercepted them,

10:12 and seizing Judith began questioning her. 'Which side are you on? Where do you come from? Where are you going?' 'I am a daughter of the Hebrews,' she replied 'and I am fleeing from them since they will soon be your prey.

10:13 I am on my way to see Holofernes, the general of your army, to give him trustworthy information. I will show him the road to take if he wants to capture all the highlands without losing one man or one life.'

10:14 As the men listened to what she was saying, they stared in astonishment at the sight of such a beautiful woman.

10:15 'It will prove the saving of you,' they said to her 'coming down to see our master of your own accord. You had better go to his tent; some of our men will escort you and hand you over to him.

10:16 Once you are in his presence do not be afraid. Tell him what you have just told us and you will be well treated.'

10:17 They then detailed a hundred of their men as escort for herself and her attendant, and these led them to the tent of Holofernes.

10:18 News of her coming had already spread through the tents, and there was a general stir in the camp. She was still outside the tent of Holofernes waiting to be announced, when a crowd began forming round her.

10:19 They were immensely impressed by her beauty and impressed with the Israelites because of her. 'Who could despise a people having women like this?' they kept saying. 'Better not leave one man of them alive; let any go and they would twist the whole world round their fingers!'

10:20 Then the bodyguard and adjutants of Holofernes came out and led Judith into the tent.

10:21 Holofernes was resting on his bed under a canopy of purple and gold studied with emeralds and precious stones.

10:22 The men announced her and he came out to the open part of the tent, with silver torches carried before him.

10:23 When Judith confronted the general and his adjutant, the beauty of her face astonished them all. She fell on her face and did homage to him, but his servants raised her from the ground.

JB JUDITH Chapter 11


The first meeting of Judith with Holofernes

11:1 'Courage, woman,' Holofernes said  'do not be afraid. I have never hurt anyone who chose to serve Nebuchadnezzar, king of the whole world.

11:2 Even now, if your nation of mountain dwellers had not insulted me, I would not have raised a spear against them. This was their fault, not mine.

11:3 But tell me, why have you fled from them and come to us?... Anyhow, this will prove the saving of you. Courage! You will live through this night, and many after.

11:4 No one shall hurt you. No, you shall be treated as well as all those are who serve my lord King Nebuchadnezzar.'

11:5 Judith said, 'Please listen favourably to what your slave has to say. Permit your servant to speak in your presence. I will speak no word of a lie in my lord's presence tonight.

11:6 You have only to follow your servant's advice and God will bring your work to a successful conclusion; in what my lord undertakes he shall not fail.

11:7 Long life to Nebuchadnezzar, king of the whole world, who has sent you to set every living soul to rights; may his power endure! Since, thanks to you, he is served not only by men, but through your compulsion the wild animals themselves, the cattle, and the birds of the air are to live in the service of Nebuchadnezzar and his whole House.

11:8 'We have indeed heard of your genius and adroitness of mind. It is known everywhere in the world that throughout the empire you have no rival for ability, wealth of experience and brilliance in waging war.

11:9 We have also heard what Achior said in his speech to your council. The men of Bethulia having spared him, he has told them everything that he said to you.

11:10 Now, master and lord, do not disregard what he said; keep it in your mind, since it is true; our nation will not be punished, the sword will indeed have no power over them, unless they sin against their God.

11:11 But as it is, my lord need expect no repulse or setback, since death is about to fall on their heads, for sin has gained a hold over them, provoking the anger of their God each time that they commit it.

11:12 As they are short of food and their water is giving out, they have resolved to fall back on their cattle and decided to make use of all the things that God has, by his laws, forbidden them to eat.

11:13 Not only have they made up their minds to eat the first-fruits of corn and the tithes of wine and oil, though these have been consecrated by them and set apart for the priests who serve in Jerusalem in the presence of our God and may not, lawfully, even be touched by the people,

11:14 but they have even sent men to Jerusalem - where the inhabitants are doing much the same - to bring them back authorisation from the Council of Elders.

11:15 Now this will be the outcome: when the permission arrives and they act on it, that very day they shall be delivered over to you for destruction.

11:16 'When I, your servant, came to know all this, I fled from them. God has sent me to do things with you at which the world will be astonished when it hears.

11:17 Your servant is a devout woman; she honours the God of heaven day and night. I therefore propose, my lord, to stay with you. I, your servant, will go out every night into the valley and pray to God to let me know when they have committed their sin.

11:18 I will then come and tell you, so that you can march out with your whole army; and none of them will be able to resist you.

11:19 I will be your guide right across Judaea until you reach Jerusalem; there I will enthrone you in the very middle of the city. Then you shall lead them like sheep and never a dog dare open its mouth to bark at you. Foreknowledge tells me this; this has been foretold to me and I have been sent to reveal it to you.'

11:20 Her words pleased Holofernes and all his adjutants. Full of admiration at her wisdom they exclaimed,

11:21 'There is no woman like her from one end of the earth to the other, so lovely of face and so wise of speech!'

11:22 Holofernes said, 'God has done well to send you ahead of your people. Strength will be ours, and ruin theirs who have insulted my lord.

11:23 As for you, you are as beautiful as you are eloquent; if you do as you have promised, your god shall be my god, and you yourself shall make your home in the palace of King Nebuchadnezzar and be famous throughout the world.'

JB JUDITH Chapter 12


12:1 With that he had her brought in to where his silver dinner service was already laid and had his own food served to her and his own wine poured out for her.

12:2 But Judith said, 'I would rather not eat this, in case I incur some fault. What I have brought will be enough for me.'

12:3 'Suppose your provisions run out,' Holofernes asked 'how could we get more of the same sort? We have no one belonging to your race here.'

12:4 'Never fear, my lord,' Judith answered  'the Lord will have used me to accomplish his plan, before your servant has finished these provisions'.

12:5 Then the adjutants of Holofernes took her to a tent where she slept till midnight. A little before the morning watch she rose.

12:6 She had already sent this request to Holofernes, 'Let my lord kindly give orders for your servant to be allowed to go out and pray',

12:7 and Holofernes had ordered his guards not to prevent her. She stayed in the camp for three days; she went out each night to the valley of Bethulia and washed at the spring where the picket had been posted.

12:8 As she came up again she prayed to the Lord God of Israel to guide her in her plan to relieve the children of her people.

12:9 Having purified herself, she would return and stay in her tent until her meal was brought her in the evening.


Judith at the banquet of Holofernes

12:10 On the fourth day Holofernes gave a banquet, inviting only his own staff and none of the other officers.

12:11 He said to Bagoas, the eunuch in charge of his personal affairs, 'Go and persuade that Hebrew woman you are looking after to come and join us and eat and drink in our company.

12:12 We shall be disgraced if we let a woman like this go without knowing her better. If we do not seduce her, everyone will laugh at us!'

12:13 Bagoas then left Holofernes and went to see Judith. 'Would this young and lovely woman condescend to come to my lord?' he asked. 'She shall occupy the seat of honour opposite him, drink the joyful wine with us and be treated today like one of the Assyrian ladies-in-waiting in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar.'

12:14 'Who am I' Judith replied, 'to resist my lord? I will not hesitate to do whatever he wishes, and doing this will be my joy to my dying day.'

12:15 At this she rose and put on her dress and all her feminine adornments. Her maid preceded her, and on the floor in front of Holofernes spread the fleece which Bagoas had given Judith for her daily use to lie on as she ate.

12:16 Judith entered and took her place. The heart of Holofernes was ravished at the sight; his very soul was stirred. He was seized with a violent desire to sleep with her; and indeed since the first day he saw her, he had been waiting for an opportunity to seduce her.

12:17 'Drink, drink!' Holofernes said 'Enjoy yourself with us!'

12:18 'I am delighted to do so, Lord, for since my birth I have never felt my life more worthwhile than today.'

12:19 She took what her maid had prepared, and ate and drank facing him.

12:20 Holofernes was so enchanted with her that he drank far more wine than he had drunk on any other day in his life.

JB JUDITH Chapter 13


13:1 It grew late and his staff hurried away. Bagoas closed the tent from the outside, having shown out those who still lingered in his lord's presence. They went to their beds wearied with all their drinking,

13:2 and Judith was left alone in the tent with Holofernes who had collapsed wine-sodden on his bed.

13:3 Judith then told her maid to stay just outside the bedroom and wait for her to come out, as she did every morning. She had let it be understood she would be going out to her prayers and had also spoken of her intention to Bagoas.

13:4 By now everyone had left Holofernes and no one, either important or unimportant, was left in the bedroom. Standing beside the bed, Judith murmured to herself: 'Lord God, to whom all strength belongs, prosper what my hands are now to do for the greater glory of Jerusalem,

13:5 now is the time to recover your heritage and further my designs to crush the enemies arrayed against us'.

13:6 With that she went up to the bedpost by Holofernes' head and took down his scimitar;

13:7 coming closer to the bed she caught him by the hair and said, 'Make me strong today, Lord God of Israel!'

13:8 Twice she struck at the nape of his neck with all her strength and cut off his head.

13:9 She then rolled his body off the bed and tore the canopy down from the bedposts. Soon after, she went out and gave the head of Holofernes to her attendant

13:10 who put it in her food bag. The two then left the camp together, as they always did when they went to pray. Once they were out of the camp, they skirted the ravine, climbed the slope to Bethulia and made for the gates.


Judith brings the head of Holofernes to Bethulia

13:11 From a distance, Judith shouted to the guards on the gates, 'Open the gate! Open! For the Lord our God is with us still, displaying his strength in Israel and his might against our enemies, as he has today!'

13:12 Hearing her voice, the townsmen hurried down to the town gate and summoned the elders.

13:13 Everyone, great and small, came running down, since her arrival was unexpected. They threw the gate open, welcomed the women, lit a fire to see by and crowded round them.

13:14 Then Judith raised her voice and said, 'Praise God! Praise him! Praise the God who has not withdrawn his mercy from the House of Israel, but has shattered our enemies by my hand tonight!'

13:15 She pulled the head out of the bag and held it for them to see. 'This is the head of Holofernes, general-in-chief of the Assyrian army; here is the canopy under which he lay drunk! The Lord has struck him down by the hand of a woman!

13:16 'Glory to the Lord who has protected me in the course I took! My face seduced him, only to his own undoing; he committed no sin with me to shame me or disgrace me.'

13:17 Overcome with emotion, the people all fell on their knees and worshipped God, exclaiming as one man, 'Blessings on you, O our God, for confounding your people's enemies today!'

13:18 Uzziah then said to Judith: 'May you be blessed, my daughter, by God Most High, beyond all women on earth; and may the Lord God be blessed, the Creator of heaven and earth, by whose guidance you cut off the head of the leader of our enemies.

13:19 The trust you have shown shall not pass from the memories of men, but shall ever remind them of the power of God.

13:20 God grant you to be always held in honour, and rewarded with blessings, since you did not consider your own life when our nation was brought to its knees, but warded off our ruin, walking undeterred before our God.' All the people answered, 'Amen!, Amen!'

JB JUDITH Chapter 14




The Jews attack the Assyrian camp

14:1 Judith said, 'Listen to me, brothers. Take this head and hang it on your battlements.

14:2 'When morning comes and the sun is up, let every man take his arms and every able-bodied man leave the town. Appoint a leader for these, as if you meant to march down to the plain against the Assyrian advance post. But you must not do this.

14:3 The Assyrians will gather up their equipment, make for their camp and wake up their commanders; they in turn will rush to the tent of Holofernes and not be able to find him. They will then be seized with panic and flee at your advance.

14:4 All you and the others who live in the territory of Israel will have to do is to give chase and slaughter them as they retreat.

14:5 'But before you do this, call me Achior the Ammonite for him to see the man who thought so meanly of the House of Israel and recognise this as the man who sent him to us as a man already doomed to die.' (13)[*a]

14:6 So they had Achior brought from the house of Uzziah. No sooner had he arrived and seen the head of Holofernes held by a member of the people's assembly than he fell down on his face in a faint.

14:7 They lifted him up. He then threw himself at the feet of Judith, and prostrate before her exclaimed: 'May you be blessed in all the tents of Judah and in every nation; at the sound of your name men will be seized with dread.

14:8 'Now tell me exactly what you have been doing in these past few days.' And surrounded by all the people Judith told him everything she had done from the day she left Bethulia to the moment when she was speaking.

14:9 When she came to the end, the people cheered at the tops of their voices until the town echoed. (14)

14:10 Achior, recognising the mighty works of the God of Israel, believed ardently in him and, accepting circumcision, was incorporated in the House of Israel forever.

14:11 At daybreak they hung the head of Holofernes on the ramparts. Every man took his arms and they all went out in groups to the slopes of the mountain.

14:12 Seeing this, the Assyrians sent word to their leaders, who in turn reported to the generals, the captains of thousands and all the other officers;

14:13 and these in their turn reported to the tent of Holofernes. 'Rouse our master,' they said to his major-domo 'these slaves have dared to march down on us to attack and to be wiped out to a man!'

14:14 Bagoas went inside and clapped his hands in front of the curtain dividing the tent, thinking that Holofernes was sleeping with Judith.

14:15 But as no one seemed to hear, he drew the curtain and went into the bedroom, to find him thrown down dead on the threshold and the head gone from his body.

14:16 He gave a great shout, wept, sobbed, shrieked and rent his clothes.

14:17 He then went into the tent which Judith had occupied and could not find her either. Then, rushing out to the men, he shouted,

14:18 'Those slaves have duped us! One Hebrew woman has brought shame on the House of Nebuchadnezzar. Holofernes is lying dead on the ground, with his head cut off!'

14:19 When they heard this, the leaders of the Assyrian army tore their tunics in consternation, and the camp rang with their wild cries and their shouting.

JB JUDITH Chapter 15


15:1 When the men who were still in their tents heard the news they were appalled.

15:2 They were so gripped with panic and dread that no two men could keep together: the rout was complete. They fled along every track across the plain or through the mountains.

15:3 The men who had been bivouacking in the mountains round Bethulia were fleeing too. Then all the Israelite warriors charged down on them.

15:4 Uzziah sent messengers to Betomasthaim, Bebai, Choba, Kola and through all the highlands of Israel, to inform them of what had happened and to urge them all to hurl themselves on the enemy and annihilate them.

15:5 As soon as the Israelites heard the news, they fell on them as one man and massacred them all the way to Choba. The men of Jerusalem and the entire mountain country also rallied to them, once they had been informed of the events in the enemy camp. Then the men of Gilead and Galilee attacked them on the flank and struck at them fiercely till they neared Damascus and its territory.

15:6 The rest, who had stayed in Bethulia, fell upon the Assyrian camp and looted it to their great profit.

15:7 The Israelites returning from the slaughter seized what was left. The hamlets and villages of the mountain country and the plain also captured a great deal of booty, since there were vast stores of it.


Israel gives thanks

15:8 Joakim the high priest and the Council of Elders of Israel, who were in Jerusalem, came to gaze on the benefits that the Lord had lavished on Israel and to see Judith and congratulate her.

15:9 On coming to her house they blessed her with one accord, saying: 'You are the glory of Jerusalem! You are the great pride of Israel! You are the highest honour of our race!

15:10 'By doing all this with your own hand you have deserved well of Israel, and God has approved what you have done.May you be blessed by the Lord Almighty in all the days to come!' All the people answered, 'Amen!'

15:11 The people looted the camp for thirty days. They gave Judith the tent of Holofernes, all his silver plate, his divans, his drinking bowls and all his furniture. She took this, loaded her mule, harnessed her carts and heaped the things into them.

15:12 All the women of Israel, hurrying to see her, formed choirs of dancers in her honour. Judith distributed branches to the women who accompanied her; she and her companions put on wreaths of olive.

15:13 Then she took her place at the head of the procession and led the women as they danced. All the men of Israel, armed and garlanded, followed them, singing hymns.

15:14 With all Israel round her, Judith broke into this song of thanksgiving and the whole people sang this hymn aloud:

JB JUDITH Chapter 16


16:1 'Praise my God with the tambourine, sing to the Lord with the cymbal, let psalm and canticle mingle for him, extol his name, invoke it!

16:2 For the Lord is a God who shatters war; he has pitched his camp in the middle of his people to deliver me from the hands of my enemies.

16:3 'Assyria came down from the mountains of the north, came with tens of thousands of his army. Their multitude blocked the wadis, their horses covered the hills.

16:4 He promised to burn up my country, destroy my young men with the sword, dash my sucklings to the ground, make prey of my little ones, carry off my maidens;

16:5 but the Lord Almighty has thwarted them by a woman's hand.

16:6 For their hero did not fall at the young men's hands, it was not sons of Titans who struck him down, no proud giants made that attack, but Judith, the daughter of Merari, who disarmed him with the beauty of her face.

16:7 She laid aside her widow's dress to rally those who were oppressed in Israel; she anointed her face with perfume,

16:8 bound her hair under a turban, put on a linen gown to seduce him.

16:9 Her sandal ravished his eye, her beauty took his soul prisoner...and the scimitar cut through his neck!

16:10 'The Persians trembled at her boldness, the Medes were daunted by her daring.

16:11 These were struck with fear when my lowly ones shouted, these were seized with terror when my weak ones shouted louder, and when they shouted loudest, these gave ground.

16:12 The children of mere girls ran them through, pierced them like the offspring of deserters. They perished in the battle of my Lord!

16:13 'I will sing a new song to my God. Lord, you are great, you are glorious, wonderfully strong, unconquerable.

16:14 May your whole creation serve you! For you spoke and things came into being, you sent your breath and they were put together, and no one can resist your voice.

16:15 'Should mountains topple to mingle with the waves, should rocks melt like wax before your face, to those who fear you,

16:16 'A little thing indeed is a sweetly smelling sacrifice, still less the fat burned for you in holocaust; but whoever fears the Lord is great for ever.

16:17 'Woe to the nations who rise against my race! The Lord Almighty will punish them on judgement day. He will send fire and worms in their flesh and they shall weep with pain for evermore.'

16:18 When they reached Jerusalem they fell on their faces before God and, once the people were purified, they offered their holocausts and voluntary offerings and gifts.

16:19 All Holofernes' property given her by the people and the canopy she herself had stripped from his bed, Judith vowed to God as a dedicated offering.

16:20 For three months the people gave themselves up to rejoicings in Jerusalem before the Temple, where Judith stayed with them.


Judith lives to old age. Her death

16:21 When this was over, everyone returned home. Judith went back to Bethulia and lived on her estate; as long as she lived, she enjoyed a great reputation throughout the country.

16:22 She had many suitors, but all her days, from the time her husband Manasseh died and was gathered to his people, she never gave herself to another man.

16:23 Her fame spread more and more the older she grew in her husband's house;  she lived to the age of a hundred and five years[*a]. She emancipated her maid, then died in Bethulia and was buried in the cave where Manasseh her husband lay.

16:24 The House of Israel mourned her for seven days. Before her death she had distributed her property among her own relations and those of her husband Manasseh.

16:25 Never again during the lifetime of Judith, nor indeed for long after her death, did anyone trouble the sons of Israel.


END OF JB JUDITH [16 Chapters].